
Magdalene, The Sinner.

Does the sins in the past will continue to hunt no matter how you do good in the future? They said, I was a product of a sin so no wonder why I commit sins. I'm Magdalene and Am I sinner? Behind every sins indicate wrong doings but I know that I did right, Will they believe me? I never felt love ever since I was child so when someone was ready to give his heart for me, I runaway. Now, that I'm ready to love him back, will he choose me? Or it's my turn to be left alone without explanation? When my sins come out and known by others, will they still accept me Or they feel disgust and fear? Does the emptiness I feel will remain that way because I don't deserve to love and be love? I just want simple life but why chaos become my fate?

YourWriterWannaBe · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

I'm Back!

Magdalene's POV

(Present Time)

Anger completely eat me, I immediately get my gun to the drawer below my table.

I follow him until the parking lot.

He's about to open his door and I'm few miles away, behind many cars but I clearly see him.

I pointed my gun to his direction.

*Bang Bang Bang*

Three shoots of gun. I panicked when I saw him covered by his blood.

Did I do it?

Did I commit sin again?

I run towards him, another shoot happen, it's mean that it doesn't came from me.

His body guard are surrounded by now so I immediately help him to go on his car.

"I'm sorry." His last words before he lost his consciousness.

When he's already stable I decided to leave him. Am I ready to let Sunset meet him? Well clearly I don't have a choice for now, but later on I'll make sure that he will be the one who'll stop seeing us.

My plan is about to begin. It will start by Blemsh, Janice, Dad, and Mom. I will make your life miserable like what you did to mine.

"Give me time m and I will let you meet my child." I leave a note for him.

Out of the hospital, Janice came a cross.

"Hello dear, it's so nice to meet you again." I mimic what she said before, shocked is evident to her face.

"What are you doing here? What did you do to Blemsh?" Just like before she's accusing me.

"I saved Blemsh, thanks to me. Oh by the way you're holding a dried flower, do you like it?" I said.

"Are you the one who's sending this to me ah!? You think I'll be scared by this dried flower?" She angrily said.

"Why would I send you a flower, it will be such waste. Wait, why are you so bothered with that flower, are you hiding something?" I tease her and she tried to slap me but I did it first.

I slap her before she can do it to me. I pinched her to the wall and whisper,

"Make sure that you're always prepared who knows where and when the disaster will come."

I left her there, hanging and shocked, that's how you did it Janice.

It's payback time.


"Sunset this is your Dad," I'm introducing Blemsh to Sunset.

Sunset's eyes got bigger and he run to hide on my back. While Blemsh is just looking seriously at his child face.

"Hi, I'm Blemsh, you are?" He tried to reach him but Sunset hides more.

"Sunset. I'm Sunset Victor," he answer with small voice.

"Sunset can you give me a hug? I brought you toys there, in return can I get hug?" Blemsh sweetly said.

Sunset walks slowly to Blemsh and he immediately hug him when he's closer. I've read that he mouthed Thank you to me.

Feel it now Blemsh because even you, I will make pay.

"You can enjoy your moment, excuse me for while." I said and go to my room.

I need to play my cards well and make sure that I do not commit any mistakes.

I got my phone and surf on social media, I stopped in the article posted by Business Page. It has headline, 'Navarette Shipping line is in huge debts because of the incident happened months ago— Can they still manage to survive?'

Look how fate turns it favor for me. I immediately call my secretary.

"I want you to buy all the shares in Navarette Shipping line. Buy as much as you can," I commanded.

I'm sure he's so f*cked up now because his beloved business is sinking.

I call my investigator to ask an update about Janice's life.

"How was it? Have you find the family of she hit and run?" Yes, Janice hit a person before then she run away from it.

"Yes I will send you their information," He said.

"Alright, now I want you to dig more about smuggling in Aurora." I have a huge feel that Janice is also involve in bad activities.

I laid in my bed and feel asleep. When I woke up, I panicked because it's so quiet so I immediately go on the living room to check if my son is still there.

I should 24/7 guard my son, who knows Blemsh might take him away from me.

Sunset is asleep while Blemsh is watching him. When he see me, he stood.

"Thank you for allowing to be with Sunset," he said I nod.

" You may go," I said and open the door.

"Wait, can I see the baby pictures of Sunset?" I get one of his picture when he was 3 months old and give it to Blemsh.

"Don't you have a picture of him when he was born?" I shook my head.

"Why?" he ask, I raise my brow as signal that he talks to much. I pointed the door so he can leave immediately.

"Wait, Can I visit again tomorrow and Can I bring mom and Dad?" Am I ready to meet again his parents?

"You will only visit on Weekends or Holiday but you can't bring your parents here, in time maybe. Take it slowly so now leave," I said.

I'm disturbed by a knock, maybe Blemsh go back because he think he left something. When I open the door it's not Blemsh but Mom,

"What do you need?" I ask. The last time I heard she survive from the cancer. Good to her because she'll be able to see how I become stronger.

"Hi, are you busy? Can we talk? I brought a food." She said, it's her first time visiting me. I don't know where she get my address.

"I don't want to talk to you, so leave. I have more important things to do," I said and close the door.

You're too late mom, it's too late.

In the next morning, I saw Janice waiting on me at my office.

"Oh hi dear, what makes you come here, early in the morning? Did you miss me?" I teased. She immediately walk towards me and grab my shoulders.

"What did you do huh? Why are you taking away my Blemsh again?" She irritatedly said.

"I'm who from you? Wait, is he really yours or you're just claiming things aren't even you in the first place?" I said and smirked at her.

"Stay away from Blemsh or else I will tell to anyone that you killed someone. Someone who took care of you," I laugh really hard so she looks confused then I grab her closer.

"Are you sure that it's just me who killed someone Ms. Hit and Run!?" I whisper and her eyes get big.

"What are you talking about? Don't compare me to you because we're not on the same level!" She said hardly.

"Yes, we are far different, Ms. Smuggling Queen. Excuse me I'm busy so please never come here because you're not welcome. Guards, please drag this crazy woman here," I commanded then walk away, I heard how she resist.

"Good morning Ma'am, you're just in time. The Navarette wants to meet the new board so you may come to their office based now," Marie said.

"Alright, We acquired 50% of shares right?" She nod as respond.

Before going to their Office, I fix myself. I tied my hair in high bun and wear my sun glasses. Then I go to their office based here in Cagayan.

I don't remember anything that I came here when I was a child. Well it's because dad never invited me then.

The office is not big as it is in Manila, it's too old. While examining the place, one of the employee go to me.

"Excuse me ma'am, do you have an appointment?" She ask so I politely answer.

"Yes, I'm the new board here. May I know where is your meeting area?" And she pointed the room across to the Lobby.

When I entered the room, some boards member are already there. When they see, we shook are hands.

"I didn't know that you're the one who brought the shares. How lucky your Dad is, you're helping him," Mrs. Gonzaga said, she owns oil and mining company. Instead of answering I smiled and excuse myself then go to my seat.

When the door open, everyone stood except on me. I slowly turn my head so he can see.

His eyes get bigger and slowly turn into angry then I smiled sweetly to him.

"What are you doing here!?" His voice is too loud so some members are shocked.

"Dad!" I excitedly said and hugged him.

"Shss maintain your imagine, they're watching you." I whisper between our hugs.

"Excuse us everyone for while, we'll just talk," and he grab to out of the room then he drag me into corner where there's no people watching.

"What are you doing here at my office!?" He repeated his question.

"Can't your daughter visit his Dad?" I said then I pouted.

"You're not my daughter and you will never be. So you may leave, you're not welcome here." He pointed the entrance door.

"Ouch, too bad I can't leave yet. We have our board meeting right? I owned 50% share of this company," I said sweetly.

"You what!?" He angrily said.

"I'm back, did you miss me?" I responded excitedly.

This is the come back I'm planning for.

To seen them shook and shaken.

This is an only beginning.