
Mafioso In Darkness

The infamous Aleksander Konstantinov is an important executive with an impeccable name, a perfect image and a life that every mortal would like to have. Although pragmatic, by day he is a correct being, apparently the prince charming that women look for in a fairy tale, being in reality insidious, because when the moon rises he is a crooked, frivolous man, he is dangerous, at night his dark side and The most evil desires take over his dark and implacable soul, unleashing all the demons in him.

Romance_Romance · สมัยใหม่
37 Chs


Chapter: "Fierce Scarlet"

Verónika has brought me the biographer and the sheet of paper that I asked for. I use the bedside table for support. And here I am going to express myself, to put everything in writing. I will seal even my innermost thoughts in him. I'll do it in the hope that he can get to dad.

Tears escape without stopping, as I leave even the soul in each word.

Dad, it's been a long, long time without being able to hug you, kiss you and tell you how proud I am of you or how much I love you. Overnight everything changed, what I never imagined living, I am living now.

If you get to read this letter, I want you to know that today, December 2, I am still alive, I still resist even in hell.

I am in Russia, in a room, I have spent the last months locked up, with no way of finding a way out because these guys are not just anyone. It's the mafia, the Russian mafia, father. Perhaps his last name will sound familiar to you, Aleksander Konstantinov has kidnapped me, the son of Dimitri Konstantinov.

At first I was confused, I didn't understand why I was there, I died of nerves, of fear. They hurt me a lot, I have been raped, tortured and I swear I wanted to die, but I have not given up. Here I keep fighting.

I thought it was all a misunderstanding, a mistake, however I already know what happened to Elena, and what is happening to me is revenge for her having abandoned her husband and her son, regardless of anything. The truth is that the target was Grace, but they thought they would suffer in the same way if they hurt me.

Please take care of my sister, do not leave her alone, they are evil and have not ruled out going after her. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, they will catch it.

I have no idea where I am, but yesterday Aleksander took me to St. Petersburg, not far from the property I'm on.

Whatever happens, do not forget that I love you, that I always carry you in my heart.

With love, Luna.

Swallow thick, glancing over the paragraphs, is it too forceful and sentimental? I will surely worry my father, but I have not given him the address, I do not know, so he will not be able to help me. You should leave a reminder on the back. Yes, I will do that.

Aleksander is also a top executive, he does business in New York City. He usually travels to the United States, it is likely that Elena has always known, but he silenced him as well as the rest of the truth.

Heavy sigh.

When I hear that they put the key in the lock, I fold the paper and next to the pen I hide everything under the pillow. The only thing I can't bury is my heavy breathing. It's already night, so I settle into bed and pretend to sleep.

I open my eyes a little, discovering the wolf. He catches me, I have ruined my performance, he approaches, his shirt is torn and full of blood. His hair tousled and sweat on his face.

"We're going, we have to get out of here." Get up! —Demand altered.

-Why? I sit up in bed, scared. My desperate heartbeat emphasizes the word danger.

"Don't even ask, obey the hell out of it."

Alena comes in suddenly, she hands me some worn jeans and a shirt. The shock is drawn on her face, but nobody tells me what the hell is going on. She leaves again just as quickly. As Aleksander takes off his shirt, I dress at the speed of light.

I'm done, I see him, he's hurt in the right arm. He worries me that he will lose so much blood.

-You are well? —I dare to ask prepared to be attacked by his aggressiveness.

"It's not serious." His eyes pierce me.

"Let me help you, please." I move quickly to him. He hasn't said yes, but he hasn't declined either.

We are so close to him, his muscular arm has been pierced by a bullet. I will need a piece of cloth if I want to stop the bleeding. So I go for my nightgown and rip it off, then go back to it. He places the cloth as a bandage over the wound. I press down firmly on the bandage with the palm of my hand to control the bleeding. I apply constant pressure until the bleeding stops. And I maintain the pressure by holding the wound well with the bandage. I adjust it and then tie a knot with another piece of fabric.

At all times he looks at me, each glance is a dart, one that pierces my heart that beats in delirium. Is it possible that I like someone like Aleksander?

Can not be.

I won't like him in a million years, even if he was the kindest being on this planet!

And he's just a monster, malevolent and pernicious.

"A doctor should see you, it's not something to be taken lightly," I comment, turning away.

Yes, the distance will prevent you from losing your mind.

-Do not tell me what to do. Let's go.

I roll my eyes, he's an ungrateful and jerk. Definitely not even his attitude is nice, I don't like it.

He left the room next to him. Downstairs are a bunch of gunmen, meeting Aleksander's glances. I would like to know what is happening, is it that they are going to attack us? I have a feeling that in any uier instant a shooting is going to break out, then she could be hit by a bullet and die. Everything is possible in an environment as random as this.

-You! He points to a stocky dark-haired man. Take care of bringing Alena, Verónika and Gregor to safety. Viktor while he's gone, watch over Dominic, I'll be in Italy for a long time, until things settle down.

Italy?! He takes me by surprise, my nerve endings kicking up in a colossal commotion. The anxiety devours me negatively, it is exorbitant.

-Yes sir.

"Got it, let's go," says the other, retiring with several men.

I don't want to go to Italy, I don't want to run away as if I had to do with whatever it was that caused this commotion. Aleksander, seeing that I am still static, pushes me from behind, ordering me to walk quickly to the outside where we will board the car.

I have no choice, I keep walking.

An adrenaline overdose rushes through my bloodstream. I feel in a chase, but there is no good, they are all bad that go against each other. I wonder if we are safe, that Aleksander sees so much in the rearview mirror alerts me, he makes my hair stand on end. For sure nothing is safe, drive so fast that I fear an accident will happen.

I close my eyes, I ask heaven that the fateful does not happen.

"Why are we going to Italy ?! I exclaim, sobbing.

It doesn't even slow down when cornering. My heart is going to jump out of my chest. I'm about to have a heart attack. Don't you know how unstable a road can be this season?

"Mariola got in the way when I tried to kill her father, he died in her place." Now Elmo won't rest until he avenges his death, "she explains.

God! The deaths don't stop.

We arrive at a hangar, the plane waiting for us reminds me again that I will leave Russia, but I am still tied to Konstantinov. I'm not getting rid of anything, things have gotten worse.

"From now on you are Tessa Smith, is that clear to you?" "Inform her before we get off."

"Yes, Tessa Smith," I repeat, I know my false identity is important so I can travel to Italy.

"Here, your documents." He hands me a yellow envelope, reaches for a backpack from the back. Keep it all there, she comes downstairs and acts calm.

"Got it," I caress, my legs shaking, I don't know how I could act like nothing.

And what about his wound? He also has his entire torso naked. I open the door, the wind is cold, I freeze, this winter night is terrifying, it aggravates the season that has been stained with a fierce scarlet: death.

I put my hands in the shape of jugs, I turn to the brand new car. Still not coming out, why delay? I look back again, at that moment he comes out, he's already wearing a shirt. That is why it has been delayed. A woman, I guess from her inscription on her uniform that she is the stewardess, greets me at the foot of the stairs that will take me inside the plane.

"Private, dévushka Tessa, please come up."


I go up in a hurry, the cold begins to calm me stronger and stronger. Once inside, another woman greets me and kindly gives me a coat, I put it on immediately to warm up.

"Come with me," she asks.

I follow her, the stewardess tells me to settle into the comfortable seat near the window, and she asks me to fasten my seatbelt because in minutes we are going to take off. In everything I obey him. Finally, before leaving, she informs that she will be available for whatever you need.

"Okay, thank you," she whispered.

She leaves, Aleksander arrives with the other female who received me. He speaks to her in his language, asking for the same thing the other one has told me. As if there is no other seat, he stands next to me. The tremors in my body subside as I fully warm up.

"Have you ever been to Italy?" "Find out for her."

I can't understand how the hell he talks so calmly, as if he hasn't left complete chaos behind and he has killed no one. That shouldn't surprise me, in the end he's a serial killer and guys like that don't feel the suffering of others, they enjoy it, killing is pleasure, shooting is a game they like to repeat. That's Aleksander's vicious cycle. That he is so calm is nothing more than the behavior of a psychopath with a heart of ice and a soul impregnated with darkness with which he seeks to take the lives of others.

"Never," I say without emotion in my voice.

-You will like.

"I think so," she said sarcastically.

"What's wrong with the country?" If you had asked me to let you drift, I would have done it, and you would already be dead. Why don't you thank me? Now that you're going to be safe, "she growls, it's a claim.

"With you I will never be safe; I want to go back to my country, Aleksander, "I remember keeping my tone low, a lump catches in my throat, I die of rage and I just want to cry alone. But he is close to me, I hate him, I do hate this man -. Tell me the truth, is it in your plans to kill me or have I become your absurd whim?

-What do you want me to say? She questions with a smile.

I take a deep breath. I just want the truth.