
Mafia: Rise to Power

The story of Frank Viktorovich, an Italian's entry and rise to power within the mafia, beginning in 1920, New York.

PhilVictorovich · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs


By the time Frank Victorovich turned 16, he knew what he wanted in life.

This in itself would prove to be a big help to him in life, as most people didn't know what they wanted in life even by the time they entered their twenties.

Having a 4 year start to most of your peers would be massively beneficial to you regardless of your age, however the earlier in life you got that start, the better it would be.

In Frank's case, he got it while his peers were still stressing over grades, crushing on underage girls and partying as hard as teenagers could.

In fact, Frank was pretty sure he knew what he wanted the day he turned 12.

On that day, as his friends were singing happy birthday to him, it sort of set in, that he didn't enjoy the attention like all his other friends.

To him, the best birthday gift would be to just treat the day as any other and play football, as most of the group was competitive it usually made for a good, competitive and fun day.

Later that day, as he was going to bed, he was still thinking about it and as he was pulling the sheets to cover himself, it clicked.

It wasn't that he was just more of the loner type, it was that he had ambitions none of his friends had.

Hell, they even made fun of grownups and how miserable their lives looked, and how better they would have it once they finished college and started working the same 9 to 5 jobs their parents work.

Frank also looked down on the grownups, however for different reasons.

He did think he was better than them, but not because he would continue his studies and listen to other people spout bullshit for 3 more years just to get a degree.

It was because he was not a weak minded hypocrite, who complained about how difficult life was and how they deserve more despite in reality deserving exactly what they had gotten, a difficult job with mediocre pay that lets you just coast by in life.

He knew that he could never accept being someone's subordinate his whole life, actually, not even 10 years was acceptable to him.

He didn't have a problem with authority, but when someone else had authority over him, now that was a problem.

However what sort of career would fulfill the conditions of not having to deal with authority, high enough pay to live life however he wished, utilizing his personality traits instead of having to suppress them and something to live, breathe and sleep on?

Frank couldn't think of any career that fit the mold, especially because he had no regard for human life.

This wasn't exactly the norm in most jobs and would have to be suppressed, further cutting down on the number of jobs he could even fathom having.

Now while he couldn't think of a legal career that satisfied him, he definitely could a criminal one.

It had all the pros that he was looking for in a career and cons he had no problems with accepting.

Potentially losing your life or going to jail, in his eyes, these were 2 cons he could live with.

Having a mafia boss over your head was a much better alternative in Frank's eyes than having a normal boss.

After all, if you had any problems with your boss, you could always plot an uprising or in major cases, kill him and flee.

There was no career ceiling as a criminal, as the best ones have control over entire countries.

Now, while he was almost completely sure of what he wanted to do in life, he was a 12 year old boy that had just decided to become a criminal because his friends sang happy birthday to him and he was just okay about it.

While he found biology to be boring and not for him, he knew that as boys entered their teens they would have thoughts so stupid that after looking back, people would question just how dumb they really were in their youth.

He didn't think this was one of those, however there was no harm in waiting a couple of years and seeing if he still had the same thoughts.

Besides, he couldn't exactly do much anyway as a 12 year old.

Sure enough, 4 years had gone by and he still had the same thoughts, especially now that he had at least some insight into his parents' lives. Now, he was completely sure that he wanted to become a criminal.

The year was 1920, he was an Italian kid that grew up in New York, so it was a good time to start.

At 16 years of age, Frank Victorovich was 6'1, athletic and with a decent enough face to go around.

He knew his way around a fight, as he had brawls quite often and had the chance to practice his jab, straight and hook combination for the last 4 years.

He wasn't a boxer, however most of his friends thought of him as one because he always led with a right-handed jab when they were fighting, immediately followed up by a left straight and if the other guy was still on his feet, a finishing hook from his right hand.

A couple of bruises was the worst he got hurt, but the same couldn't be said about the poor sods who gave them to him.

The fights always started because of his friends, which didn't exactly make him happy, but he always stuck around and joined in.

After all, he was looking to make a name for himself, and breaking a couple of bones of a couple of fellow teenagers was a good way to start shaping his image.

His friends thought he was too harsh, but he didn't mind because they were temporary friends.

They might have grown up together, however it was clear that they would be taking different paths in life. Frank was ambitious whereas they were satisfied with the way things were.

Ambition and Pride are key traits that are the base of Frank Viktoroviches character.

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