

A girl born in one of the top military families is betrayed and killed by her own sister. she gets reincarnated she has a chance to get back at all those backstabbers in her life and she even had a system however she noticed the catch 'I want to go to and manage the Mafia' 'pass your audition first '. it seemed the heavens had made a mistake and given her an actress system when she thought her luck couldn't get worse when she does go to run the mafia some petty big shot leader keeps ruining her plans, she successfully manages to kidnap him and she found out his identity he was the leader of the world's second biggest mafia, now she changes her plan she starts trying to seduce him so she could have an instant boost but the man already loved someone and was investigating her and she finds out he loved her in her previous body.

L4zySenpai · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs


It was a sunny day in the desert just like every other day the road was dusty and deserted apart from a desperate disheveled woman with dirty clothes that resembled rags running across the street .

Out of anger or enragement due to her weakness to do anything, she had gone close to insane.

"I WANT TO LEAVE HERE, I WANT TO KILL THAT B***** " she pounded repeatedly on the road with her fists, the concrete actually managed to crack, or maybe it was her imagination.

but her fists were a bloody mess parts of flesh fell on the road her bones could be seen cracked from inside her hand the blood kept dropping as like a running tap, Lana picked herself up as she left the road and ran up deep into the desert

'I must live, I must live' she kept muttering as she kept running.

In the sky vultures had started circling round her, her blood had started attracting uninvited guests,

Lana oblivious to uninvited guests kept running deeper and deeper into the forest, the pain had started to catch to her no matter how much she didn't want to feel the pain she was still human a fact that couldn't be denied. she ignored it though with all the adrenaline pumped in her veins, as she kept running with breakneck speed, a speed that was so fast it had broken through her human spirits.

she kept avoiding the obstacles, as she started to feel her human limits catching up to her, she fell over a stone, tumbled over skied over for another one meter and lay there sideways her head bent over at a weird angle.


A dozen or so minutes had passed her relentless pursuers of wild birds had caught up with her the glided down the vulture and started eating her alive other vultures also joined in this transmitted so much pain to her brain that her brain was nearly numb her lips seemed to be muttering the words "I'll live, I'll have revenge" oblivious to the muttering the vultures kept taking huge mouthfuls of the flesh on her body of her body blood continuously gashed out, first like flood gates being opened then like water dripping out of a half open tap until there was just no blood left,#can't believe i wrote this

the pain had given in she no longer felt the need to live, slowly her eyes closed.


"Sister, why" A girl was placed down on the ground knees first by two lackeys her blindfold was revealing her teary eyes.

"Hmm, look I almost feel sorry for you, the blindfold is so wet, am sure you wet yourself" Aurora said mockingly.

Lan couldn't believe that her own blood sister of all people was the one who kidnapped her.

"Why we've never had a mis..."

"I hope you don't want to give me that bullsh*t , do you really think this is some kind of telenovela or web novel, this is life, survival of the fittest" Aurora interrupted coldly,

Aurora went forward to Lana's face and ruthlessly slapped both cheeks.

"I won't fight you" Lana said with both her cheeks stinging and her body staggering both ways due to the weight of both slaps.

"Oh, you won't fight me you still think this is a TV show "at that moment Aurora seemed to have gone mad she staggered backwards and lifted one of her lackeys "look,

she still thinks this is telenovela she watches" The lackey gulped he sincerely didn't know how to respond as a bad answer could end his life, before he could think of a reply Aurora tossed him to the end of the cargo "both, of you leave here don't enter until I ask you too"?

The two lackeys hurriedly left the room.

Aurora regained her aloof look and walked slowly to the spot Lana was kneeling she squatted placed a grip with her thumb and index fingers on Lana's chin and applied force that threatened to crack Lana's chin at any second, she looked coldly into Lana's eyes.

"Are you really not going to retaliate" she said coldly.

" No" she replied stubbornly, trying to suppress the fear in her own eyes.

" What if I told you, you killed your own grandfather" Aurora said with a wicked smile.

Lana was astonished she couldn't believe her own sister would accuse her of killing her own grandfather.

"I'll never kill my family" Lana replied.

"Oh, Lana you think I wouldn't notice you emphasized the word family; indeed, your still so naive" Aurora increased her grip on Lana's chin.

" I thought you were smart, but it seems I'm wrong, grandpa died on Saturday night right "Aurora asked.

Lana nodded.

" don't you know the only way someone could die in their sleep is if they had pre-existing diseases or they..."

" Were poisoned" Lana completed her statement her eyes carried a dumbfounded look she had indeed thought of that but only fleetingly.

"As a filial grand daughter, I decided to investigate, guess what I saw "Aurora continued her smiled became even more wicked.

" On Friday night a certain someone made tea for grandfather, that was the only thing grandfather drank last night. I checked the cupboard it looks like the culprit forgot to clean their tracks, so I analyzed the so-called milk found out it was a lethal slow poison that acted only six hours later " Aurora said slowly increasing her grip on Lana's chin.

" How did it feel to kill your own grandfather? "she sneered as she asked


Lana had thrown aurora on the ground her eyes were filled with only one thing now blood the urge to kill someone.

she jumped on Aurora locked Aurora's arms with her knees.

and hammered continuous slaps at Aurora's face as Aurora couldn't block her face.

"YOU, TRICKED ME YOU B**** YOU KILLED HIM YOU" She screamed her eyes filled with overflowing madness and malice she stopped slapping and gripped Aurora's throat squeezing harder.

There was still a smile on Aurora's face she had been in countless situations like things she expertly shifted lifted her legs catching Lana's head in a lock and she slammed down.

Aurora got up wiped the blood off her lips she couldn't believe this spoil sister of hers could be so fierce.

"Hah, the old man didn't deserve to live he wanted to give the the family to an illegitimate daughter like you"!

" YOU, B**** " Lana stood up again maniacally and rushed madly at Aurora throwing a right.

Aurora ducked under the fist and delivered a right straight to Lana's stomach sending her smashing to the ground, clutching her stomach Lana rolled on the floor with blood dripping from her lips it seemed her organs had been dealt quite some damage.

"I'll kill you" Lana said slowly akin to a whisper.

" You can't you're not going to live for more than thirty days" Aurora replied while dusting her hands.

"You'll rot in hell" Lana said still on the floor.

" I know, but you'll rot before me " Aurora said leaving the room and slamming the door locking it.

Aurora felt no remorse for what she did since childhood her grandfather had always valued that illegitimate granddaughter of his while she was sent to a killer organization, while lana went to the best private schools the world could offer, lana got rows and rows of escorts following her while no one cared about her life and abandoned her in the killer organization not caring whether she was dead or alive.

Initially she thought she could tolerate it she thought she was being trained for the position of family head but one day she suddenly ran into her grandfather's diary open

'I'll give the position of family head to lana it's benefiting to her'

The moment she read those words she knew she couldn't be ignorant anymore she knew she had to act she hatched a plan and the rest we naturally all know what happened...


She left the door the two lackeys were still standing still the soundproofing of the house was excellent as the lackeys didn't hear anything despite the sound of the brawl

"You two take her to that desert in Africa leave her there for two days then dispose of her " she said aloofly


Lana woke up sweating profusely

'Bad dream, bad dream 'she thought

But the pain she had felt was absolutely real, that kind of pain of being eaten alive even though she didn't feel it anymore.

She slowly recovered her self and started thinking rationally

She didn't recognize where she was she was dressed in pink the whole room was pink this combination really didn't suit her she really didn't know where she was

[At least your not in the desert] a voice sounded in her ears it sounded distant but close it was a real person's voice a girl in her twenties, before she could ponder more the voice talked again

[Congratulations, host on reincarnating]


I know it's bad it'll get better

L4zySenpaicreators' thoughts