
Mafia: Crown of Blood

Grey Williams is a bastard boy born to one of the great mafia lords due to his carelessness. Where he walks the path of blood because the blood of the mafia runs through his veins and regains his footing in the underworld. He is a genius who is born one in a billion. He masters all sorts of things and makes his name known to the world by the age of just 23 years old. He ruthlessly dominates his position with his power and subordinates but his life takes an unexpected turn when he is betrayed by one of his subordinates which leads him to his demise. Because when power comes to a person greed also lurks around the power. His demise gives rise to his new life and a new beginning with the greatest shadow that has been on the planet which is deeply buried. Some things are seen as simple on the surface but they are not. Let us get on the journey of Grey Williams who dies and is reborn in a new mafia world where blood is spilled and his story is written in blood with his loved ones with it.

NiGhtHoWlEr1919 · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs

Gathering of Six Fangs VI

As the intense battle unfolded, both combatants tumbled to the ground, their bodies bewildered by the sudden turn of events. The air crackled with tension as they struggled to comprehend how they had ended up in this vulnerable position. Logan's voice resonated with a mix of disappointment and amusement as he taunted, "Ha! Come on, guys! I was barely using ten per cent of my strength, and you'd already hit the floor. It's quite comical."

Not one to be seen as defeated, Denver regained his composure and locked eyes with Logan, his gaze burning with unwavering confidence. "Don't underestimate us, Logan. Your speed caught me off guard, but next time it won't be so easy for you," he declared.

Unfazed by their quick defeat, Logan found humour in their determination. The two opponents, preparing to resume their battle, exchanged a few strategic words, their minds meticulously plotting their next moves and mentally preparing for the impending clash.

Kong, towering over his opponent, possessed a significant size advantage. His massive frame, extensive reach, and raw power made him a formidable adversary. On the other hand, Denver relied on his agility and speed, ready to unleash his honed martial arts techniques to outmaneuver his larger opponent.

In a sudden burst of action, Kong unleashed a powerful punch, his fist capable of shattering even the sturdiest of obstacles. Simultaneously, Denver swiftly maneuvered behind Logan, positioning himself to execute a precise backkick, drawing from his rigorous taekwondo training. This advanced move required flawless execution, as any misstep could potentially result in a loss of balance and injury.

However, Logan, astutely anticipating their tactics, countered with a swift and forceful kick aimed at Kong's ankle. The impact disrupted Kong's momentum, causing him to stumble and pass Logan. In the chaos, Denver misjudged the situation, believing that Kong had landed a blow on Logan. He propelled his backkick toward Kong, only to have his attack met by Kong's retaliatory half punch, which unbalanced him, causing him to crash backward.

As the dust settled, both opponents found themselves on the ground, visibly affected by the intense exchange. Kong, grimacing from the pain of the backkick, experienced a jarring sensation as several of his teeth dislodged upon impact with the ground. The once poised and formidable fighters now lay bloodied and defeated, stunning the audience into pin-drop silence.

Amidst the shocked spectators, Logan's supporters erupted into cheers, shattering the silence with their resounding roars of triumph.

"You're far from where you can claim the position of number one in this arena. The current number one, he is more capable than you both, and he could last around five minutes, and he even was capable of landing a hit on me. Where you both, despite teaming up, still couldn't even get a scratch on me. It's truly disappointing, I simply kept my anticipation high. I am moving out of here next time. You guys better be able to get a scratch on my body, hahaha. While laughing out loud in a sarcastic tone, he left the arena and headed out.

The referee and commentator didn't know what to do. While those two fighters were in a sorry state due to their tactic having fallen for them.


"Sir, please give me some more time. I will return your money in two days." A bald man who had worn a suit with his age around 45-50 was kneeling on the floor of a luxurious room. In front of him, a man was seated on a sofa who had a similar skin tone as Logan and a similar body. He was wearing a stylish black suit and kept smoking stylishly. Smoking sigara he questioned that "Do you need more time? The time I gave you previously wasn't enough for you to pay my debt with interest.?" The man questioned with a tone that contained slight coldness in it.

"Sir, I will pay the amount that I owe you with interest. Please trust me. The reason I am asking you to give me two days is because recently, I started a business, and a great deal was negotiated so from that desk, I can get your debt settled." The man pleads more desperately. His voice was shaking and he was sweating like a pig who was about to be slaughtered.

"Two days, ha, you need two days to gather money. Ok, you will give me two days extra to gather my money." The man said to the man who was kneeling on the floor.

By hearing this, the man got very excited, and he imagined all sorts of things to get out of there, but his thoughts were cut down by his next words.

"For two days extra time, I have to collect something in return, and it will be your two fingers" By saying that, the man cut three fingers of the man by pulling his hands towards the table using a butchering knife.

"Ah ….My hand Ah…." The man screamed at the top of his lungs due to unbearable pain by trying to hold his hand which had served his three fingers. The floor was filled with his blood and his three fingers had fallen on the table. His hand was still bleeding and the man couldn't bear the pain and started to cry.

"Oops, my bad, I might have cut one more finger of yours" The man who was seated on the sofa joked while cleaning the knife using a tissue.

The man on the floor kept crying miserably. He pressed hard on his wound so that it could stop bleeding and cursed in his head. 'Cut my fingers on purpose and that extra he says my foot.'

"I gave you two more days if you can't get my money by then. It will not be just your fingers but your body into tiny pieces. Now scram." He gave a threat with a voice that sent chills down your spine by breaking the table with his bare hands.

The man who had lost his fingers managed to get up and get out from there.

"Hey, you there. Make sure it's clean and good. We have some guests who will arrive here in a few hours." The man ordered a subordinate to do so and got out of that room.


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