
Chapter 123 Use the Godwin Family to Kill Us

Outside Tipsy Spring Restaurant...

Claud stopped there and slightly raised his head to look at the sky.

That car accident was planned by Francis, but he didn't hurt Carly. Francis was provoking Claud!

Francis asked Claud to go to Tipsy Spring Restaurant to show his power.

That bearded man was the proof.

Claud sighed. A big secret was hidden behind the destruction of the Allston family!"

But fortunately, with the clue about Francis, Claud would gradually find out the truth and then settle everything.

He got in the car and left.

Francis stood on the rooftop and looked at the BMW that was gradually driving away. He pushed up his glasses and said in a deep voice, "James, what do you think of him?"

"Very strong."

The bearded man was James Torres. James had always been following Francis. He was Francis' teacher.

Francis was shocked. "You are not his match?"