
Catherine's Past

David was silent, he felt there was no need to reveal the real reason he had not killed Catty.

 David just feels guilty, with his ignorance of the past makes Catty have to live a life as dark as him.

  Maybe if they had met at better times and circumstances, David might consider getting along with Catty. But there's no point in regretting what happened.

  The morning sunlight slowly shining into David's eyes made him wake up the still-asleep Catty.

  David squatted back to his back to Catty so that the woman could climb up behind him. After a long journey they finally reached the top of the mountain. And from David's estimation, they could reach the closest settlement before the sun set again.

 Catty opened her eyes, David's stocky hands that rested on her thighs really warmed her body, not to mention David's back against her chest.
