
Mafia's heavenly Affliction

[ contains MATURE CONTENT ] ''I vow not to tell anyone,'' Daehyun responded. ''I changed my mind, if you don't obey me from now on, I will reveal your little secret to everyone,'' Daehyun smirked. * surprise *:- Min young When an indifferent man Daehyun, who is cold as ice to everyone save his closed once, a fearful Mafia leader , a crazy Maniac who covers himself as shy and innocent saw an innocent and lovely girl and couldn't stop thinking about those pink plump lips, at first he wanted to take revenge from the same girl for the things she didn't even knew about but he gradually transformed into a man with many feelings in the process of taking his revenge , especially for his girl . But what will happen when he discovers that his baby , his Min young , is a member of a killer and Mafia clan, exactly like him? However, his seemingly innocent baby girl is not so innocent. She is not what she seems to be infront of everyone . Nobody, not even her family, knows about her dark secrets. Come and read how their bittersweet , enemies to lover romance blossoms into a strong and unbeatable relationship. This story contains Thrill , excitement, confusion , secrets , Mafia things , drama and many more. If you liked my story, please do Vote with power stones and Comment how you felt about the story. Gift it and write a review . Thankyou very much for reading Cover is by pinterest and edited by Me . WSA theme :- CEO /BILLIONAIRE / MAFIA

_disha_ · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Ch - 6 : Blood and Phobia

third individual's POV

Min strolls in the corridor looking so dead. She didn't return home last evening and she rested on the close by park the entire evening, not in any event, putting on something else.

She cried the entire night on that park the previous evening as she nodded off. She would rather not return home either need to see anybody at this moment. She just felt exceptionally deceived as her most believed individual conceals this much enormous truth from her.

She is simply strolling in the corridors lifelessly when a male student chanced upon her brutally making her stagger. She scowled at the Male who strolled passed by her without saying any sorry , unfortunately when she followed the latter's whereabouts, the person was at that point facing somebody behind the backyad of the University .

Min looked outside the window closer and saw the comfortable person with the bunny smile who's sitting down to chat with the male . It was none other then Daehyun.

"You Brute! You played with her and presently you have the guts to dismiss her?!" The male student yelled yet Min perceived how Daehyun was like he was use to it.

"I never played with her." Daehyun attempted to say with his quiet voice. "However, you generally act pleasant towards her! You have given her huge expectations!" The male student looked so exceptionally frantic as he grasped his clench hands out of resentment. Min doesn't have a clue however she speculated that it was about some young lady who admitted to Daehyun yet received dismissed in kind. "Do you like her?" The male unexpectedly got lost of words in view of what Daehyun asked him.

Min saw Daehyun stroll forward and murmured something in the latter's ear which she can't hear any longer. She was noticing them when she perceived how the male got stunned yet stopped. Daehyun went in reverse and tapped the male's shoulders with smoothness all over.

Min didn't realize that she's been looking once more and when she met Daehyun's look, she worried. She looked somewhere else considering taking off yet she's not so quick Daehyun was at that point running towards her bearing.

"Min young shii !" Daehyun heaved as he ran towards her, he gave his bunny smile . "Are you going in your first class?" He asked, attempting to meet her look and when he did he saw the

redness in different's cheeks and he laughed.

"Your cheeks look cute." Min swallowed and she was embarrassed however she checked him out in the eye just to gesture. "Y-Definitely, I'm going to my first class"

"Me as well! Come, how about we walk together."

He snatched his wrist as they strolled one next to the other.

Min young was presently getting gazes from certain understudies and the majority of them are young lady's who were envious ofcourse in light of the fact that she was strolling next to each other with the College's heart pulsate . Up to this point disliking how they check her out.

"D.Daehyun....please let go." Min murmured to him while he took a gander at their hands and out of nowhere given up. He scratch his neck that he frequently does at whatever point he's bashful. "- Please accept my apologies, I didn't take note." "It's alright." Min grinned at him to guarantee him and he grinned back and they began strolling again towards their own particular study halls.

Min nibbled her lower lip persistently, uncertain on the off chance that she ought to apologize or on the other hand assuming she ought to simply let it go. She's been seen keeping an eye on him for twice now! She didn't do it deliberately yet, assuming that it's her she would be weirded without help from anyone else as well. "'Please accept my apologies for attempting to tune in. I swear I didn't intend to.. was simply strolling when I heard you. A-And that time too..in the library." Min felt sorry and she continues to take a gander at her feet , seeing this Daehyun laughed that made Min check him out. "It's fine Min-ssi, we're simply talking and it's nothing significant, frankly. He was simply distraught in light of the fact that the young lady he prefers enjoyed me all things considered. B-However I dismissed her pleasantly though...although I would rather not."

Min recollected the time they talked at the Cafe , how his response was the equivalent at whatever point he makes reference to somebody he dismissed. Min recently comprehended that Daehyun could do without doing that.

"Aren't you worn out on them?" Min asked, alluding to the young ladies who continue to admit to the Male . He just grinned at the posed inquiry yet some way or another, Min detected something else in that grin. She can't pinpoint what is it. "Obviously not. Nothing bad can be said about somebody admitting their sentiments to Somebody they like."

"What did you let him know that made him quit yelling at you?"

"Not a lot. I just let him know that I previously dismissed her so he doesn't have to stress any longer... In any case, this is my room. I want to get to class" Min gestured in seeing yet before she could leave, Daehyun snatched her wrist back and put his jacket on top of Min's head. "You figure I wouldn't see it however your eyes somewhat look red and puffy. I know its a result of crying , I didn't specify it since you'd be awkward that is the reason I'm not referencing it but...use my jacket if you dont need any other person to see." Daehyun looked at her and waved his farewell before he strolled inside his homeroom.

Min was stunned from the outset yet she was appreciative. She doesn't have any idea why yet she felt agreeable around the him despite the fact that she just met him. She sees him frequently around school yet this is whenever she first turned into this near him

that she might really converse with him now. Daehyun is too well known in their College. She ends up knowing him since tales have it that Daehyun is the college's sovereign, the treats eye, and is an ideal one as well. He's the highest point of his group, continuously taking the intro page of the school's paper due to his achievemnents. His attractive looks, incredible character, and athletic abilities added to the rundown of why he is viewed as the most famous student. You can't presumably track down a solitary imperfection in him. While , she then again, was only an ordinary student who's not excessively dumb neither excessively smart . She cherishes sports however she didn't has any desire to do it cause she needed no pointless considerations from anybody. She cherishes listening to music that is the reason she chose to join the Marketing club's broadcasting activity .

She loves to peruse books that Merit her time yet she is exceptionally stopped. She has no companions other than Byul . Min knew that in some way she felt shaky towards Daehyun . There's no need to focus on him having numerous companions or having brilliant grades, it's not additionally his ideal looks, or either his benevolent character.

Yet, this is on the grounds that Daehyun will invest more energy with Seojun.

Min's POV

l am so out of it today. I wasn't in any event, focusing on class. The chime rings and that would be it for now. I actually won't return home after this. Our teacher bid his farewell and I stuffed my things all set out. "Min young '' I ended when I heard that voice. "Annyeonghaseyo Han Byul!" The Young men screamed at her appearance , she is without a doubt lovely like a goddess. I confronted her with a clear gaze. She is there on the entryway checking out at me with her conciliatory eyes. However, who said I give a thing to that ? "Minie...we need to talk, please" she argued in her delicate calming voice yet I simply figured out how to feign exacerbation and strolled out in the other entryway. However she figured out how to get my hand to stop me.

"I have nothing to pay attention to from you ! Let me go!" I slapped her hand away yet she snatched my wrist and pulled me towards an unfilled homeroom. She overlooked the gazes she was getting when I shouted at her to allow me to go in the lobbies yet she didn't . She pushed me inside the vacant homeroom and locked the entryway.

"What on God's green earth do you need?! Could it be said that you are here to deceive me once more?! All things considered, think about what, I lack the capacity to deal with your horse crap!" I couldn't care less on the off chance that I am being ill bred to her, however everything has its cutoff thus as mine. All that I realize now is that l would rather not talk with her or listen anything from her. She demolished her picture in my eyes and presently no one but she can fix that despite the fact that I am witticism allowing her any opportunity to fix it now atleast.....may be later I will consider it . She's not the Han Byul I know, she's not my closest companion, not my sister, and not the individual who I put my trust on. She is only a killer to me like my dad. "Min pay attention to me. What you heard last time-" .

"I understand what I heard! You've been killing individuals " she immediately got my mouth to cover it and it made my yells stop.

"You can't express that in here. You can never tell anybody. You'll be in danger and you'll seriously jeopardize us too you hear me?" I detected the reality in her voice and gazes. However much I disdain them, I actually don't maintain that they should be in any difficult situation assuming somebody figured out how to hear us.

Noona strolled back and I just turned away, l'm still not prepared to listen to her.

This matter is still excessively profound. "I would rather not use force on you yet you are leaving me no decision Minie ." I some way or another detected risk in her voice that it made me check her out.

Furthermore, when I did, I saw she is now holding a little blade that is pointed on her palm. I panted and was going to stop her when he cut her palm that made her blood travel down the floor. I felt my legs wobbling, my body feeling powerless and my dreams transforming into a haze. I have temperamental breathing as | saw her blood that kept on trickling from her palm. I have a hemophobia and she very understands that yet why... how could she... "Shh Minie...I'm here. Noona is here." My body fell on her chest as she embraced my powerless body outline. She stroked my cheek affectionately and put not many stands of my hair behind my ears with her other free hand as she gave me her usual smile. "You ought to have been quite recently listened when I advised you to listen to me Min. Presently you even caused me to do this.'' Abruptly I head not many strides and me being lifted up by someone . ''take her cautiously with you ''. Also, that is the final thing I heard from her previously I blacked out.