
Mafia's heavenly Affliction

[ contains MATURE CONTENT ] ''I vow not to tell anyone,'' Daehyun responded. ''I changed my mind, if you don't obey me from now on, I will reveal your little secret to everyone,'' Daehyun smirked. * surprise *:- Min young When an indifferent man Daehyun, who is cold as ice to everyone save his closed once, a fearful Mafia leader , a crazy Maniac who covers himself as shy and innocent saw an innocent and lovely girl and couldn't stop thinking about those pink plump lips, at first he wanted to take revenge from the same girl for the things she didn't even knew about but he gradually transformed into a man with many feelings in the process of taking his revenge , especially for his girl . But what will happen when he discovers that his baby , his Min young , is a member of a killer and Mafia clan, exactly like him? However, his seemingly innocent baby girl is not so innocent. She is not what she seems to be infront of everyone . Nobody, not even her family, knows about her dark secrets. Come and read how their bittersweet , enemies to lover romance blossoms into a strong and unbeatable relationship. This story contains Thrill , excitement, confusion , secrets , Mafia things , drama and many more. If you liked my story, please do Vote with power stones and Comment how you felt about the story. Gift it and write a review . Thankyou very much for reading Cover is by pinterest and edited by Me . WSA theme :- CEO /BILLIONAIRE / MAFIA

_disha_ · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Ch - 29 : A weird feeling in the heart

3rd person's POV

After two days off from university, it was again a Monday morning. Min had already gotten out of the hospital on the same day she was admitted, only to get scolded by her sister afterwards. The elder blamed her because she was stupid for even looking at the scene, even though she knew about her own phobia of even seeing a little glimpse of blood.

Min was busy putting her extra books in her locker when Kwan suddenly wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Hey, Minnie! Is your brain functioning now?" Min gave Kwan a 'what-are-you-talking-about' look, look but then she just sighed, realising what the latter meant.

"My brain is completely fine. Lee Kwan, I'm not mentally disabled, nor has my brain been damaged. I only fainted; it doesn't mean that it'll cause me some brain dysfunction or something if that's what you're thinking." Min said and rolled her eyes.

"You couldn't say that, though. I've seen people die by fainting in movies!" She looked at the other for another time.

"Exactly, we're not in a movie." She then removed Kwan's arm around her, getting ready to head to their club room to play their Monday morning song, thinking that she'd escape Kwan's weirdness.

But she forgot one thing: Kwan is actually a part of their club.

"Yah, Min-ah, wait for me!" She rolled her eyes again when she sensed that Kwan was already walking beside her.

The students are looking at them because, one, Kwan looks extremely handsome today, and two, after the school festival, they just realised that Minyoung was actually a cute, beautiful, and sexy girl who's been hiding in that hoodie all the time. They started thinking about her in that way when they saw her wearing that Yukata at the festival. They thought she was sexy and hot as hell when she dressed up nicely.

Why is he not bugging me? Usually, he would be already here, annoying my life.

Now here, Min was referring to Daehyun since she's not seeing the latter's presence, which is weird for her. There was never a day that Daehyun didn't bug her for stupid reasons. It's not like she wanted to be bugged, but somehow it feels like something is lacking.

When she saw Eun, Hana, and her beloved Seojun talking in the corner of the hallways, her own feet ran in their direction, while Kwan just followed behind her.

"Good morning, Minyoung, Are you getting ready for the morning song?"

"Yeah, we were actually heading there, but I saw you. Morning to you too, Eun-hyung!" She greeted me back, slightly smiling.

Seojun, as always, ruffled Miin's now dirty blonde locks. "You looked like you'd gained your energy back." He said it with his usual gummy smile.

"I only fainted, Hyung; it's not like I was in some sort of accident." She chuckled.

"But still, you have to be careful next time, Min-ah." Hana said, chuckling with her too.

"See, I told you I'm not the only one who's worried about you." Kwan pouted as Min just shook his head, now smiling. Her eyes automatically scanned her surroundings, but when she still didn't see Daehyun, she decided to ask.

"Why is Daehyun Hyung not with you?"

"His dad was in the hospital the day you were admitted. Daehyun's probably taking care of him." Kwan said he felt worried inside. She was taken aback by this because she was hearing it for the first time.

So at the end of everything, she decided to go check on Daehyun after the class ended because she was worried too. She hadn't even seen him before he left the hospital, and it has been two days already. She felt bad for not knowing, even though it was no one's fault.


Minyoung walked in the all-white hallways of the hospital only to see the older man in one of the waiting chairs outside of the room, which she thinks is the room where his father is. Daehyun had his face dug in his palms, and it wasn't a good sight for her. She knew just by looking that the older man wasn't well.

"Hey." She smiled the moment she stood in front of Daehyun.

"What are you doing here?" The older man asked in an irritated tone.

It was obvious that the older people hadn't had much sleep in the past few days. His clothes are changed, but the eye bags and the paleness of his skin are enough for her to know that the older man wasn't eating much either. Though she wasn't even sure if Daehyun had managed to take a shower,

"I'm here to accompany you home to arrange yourself. Did you even shower?" She asked in concern.

"I don't need your company." He stated it firmly as he stood up. He isn't liking how nosy Minyoung is being, so he was getting ready to just head inside his father's room.

"Daehyun, don't be stubborn, and let's get you home! You don't even look like you've eaten properly; look at you!" Minyoung grabbed the older man's arm to stop him from going anywhere.

"I said I don't need you!" Daehyun pushed her, and that made her fall hard on the floor. She wasn't expecting that, but the older man didn't feel guilty; his mind was clouded with thoughts enough to care about him pushing her. He only stared at her with a blank stare.

Minyoung pushed herself up and walked closer to Daehyun, only to push the older man back too, making him fall on the chair with the same hard impact.

"What the heck, Minyoung?"

'That's payback." She stated it sternly, clearly annoyed.

Since Daehyun is leaving her no choice, she decided to just drag him by force. And to her surprise, he didn't argue anymore and just let her drive him home with the younger man's car. Even giving his address to her during the drive.

When they arrived at the address of the mansion, Minyoung pulled Daehyun out of the car as she dragged him inside the big mansion with a garden and a fountain in front.

Min was in awe at the structure of Daehyun's house. Sure, it has a little resemblance to their mansion, but the thing is, Daehyun doesn't seem to like having company since the house sounded too quiet.

No matter how big the mansion's space is, it still doesn't feel enough, even for Min. There is something that's been making her feel suffocated inside. She then shrugged it off and made Daehyun sit on the couch while she busied herself in the kitchen to cook something for Daehyun to eat.

After a while, she finished preparing some vegetable stew with some side dishes she found in the fridge and served it to the older people on the table in the living room.

"I don't know what you want, so... I just tried making something you might like." Min said while scratching the back of her head, feeling a little nervous about what she cooked. It's been so long since she cooked for someone since they have a chef and her sister is usually the one to take care of the kitchen. She just wished that he would like it.

Daehyun looked at the food in front of him, but his heart swelled more. He's been feeling this weird feeling in his heart ever since he learned about his dad's condition at the hospital. Mr. Jeon got admitted because of fatigue since the man was overworking himself. He was blaming himself, as he thought that it was all his fault for not seeing this happen.

Minyoung blinked in confusion when Daehyun suddenly cried in front of her. The older man began weeping as he dug his face into his palms. Min wasn't sure what to do because Daehyun was now trembling from the crying.

Minyoung looked around, trying to think of something, but then she only thought of one thing.

She walked forward to the couch where the older man was, and she cupped the older man's face to make him look up at her. She saw his fresh tears and his red eyes too. She bit her lower lip in worry and soon placed the older man's head in her stomach, hugging him tight and letting him let it all out.

The action made Daehyun sob harder, placing his arms around Minyoung's waist to find comfort; he had almost forgotten how it felt. It had been so long since he felt such warmth from someone. Ever since his mother died, he had never felt any love or affection from someone—not even from his father, who was blinded by revenge. Everyone feared him; no one dared to reach him because he was a total psycho and ruthless mafia boss, according to everyone. But all these emotions that he was feeling now were so new to him, and the warmth from Min's embrace was something he didn't believe he would receive.

Min didn't say anything after that. She just hugged Daehyun, thinking that the older man might not need words but actually a little release, so she chose to keep her words to herself. She just stayed there, waiting for Daehyun to calm down.

"I was so scared when I heard that my dad collapsed... This is my fault. I told him to work hard to find those lowlife people who killed my mother. I only have him, Mochi... I can't lose him too." Daehyun managed to mutter between sobs, still hugging Min's waist tightly, not wanting to let go.

Minyoung rubbed Daehyun's back to soothe him as she brushed the older man's hair between her fingers. "What happened, Daehyun?"

It took a moment before he said something; he contemplated. "My mom was murdered." Minyoung suddenly stopped brushing Daehyun's hair at the mention of murder.

"She died when I was nine, and my dad is still stuck looking for her murderer." She felt guilty after hearing this. She doesn't know why, but she suddenly feels ashamed of herself. People like her, coming from a family of murderers, have no right to comfort someone like Daehyun.

Min was fighting the urge to let Daehyun go because the older man really needs her, so instead of letting go, she tried to tell Daehyun something.

"Daehyun, look at me, please," she said in a hurry as Daehyun took seconds to comply and look at her with his still-visible teary eyes.

"Everything would be fine... Your dad would be fine, and you'll be too. So don't worry, okay?" She gave him a faint smile, wanting to assure him that it would be alright.

Daehyun wanted to say something, but instead, he pulled Minyoung onto his lap, causing the younger's eyes to widen in shock. He was about to stand up, but Daehyun's serious and different gaze stopped him from doing so, so he stayed still, not breaking eye contact with Jungkook.

"Thank you for saying that everything will be alright." Daehyun said it with a very sad but meaningful smile. Min could only nod as her own hand worked on its own, wiping Daehyun's tears away from his cheeks. She was doing it so carefully, almost as if she were caressing a very rare item instead.

"Mhm..." Their eyes met with one another, their souls feeling as if it were so wrong to look away, even just for a second. Daehyun rested his hands on Min's hips, trailing his eyes down to the shorter's plump and tempting lips. She felt that lustful gaze, so she bit her lower lip out of discomfort.

But that was the wrong move, though.

Daehyun lost all his control, and he pulled her waist closer to him harshly, their lips clashing. He initiated the kiss, but it wasn't his fault; he believed that it was her. It was Minyoung who brought this to herself the moment she said those comforting words and the moment she bit her fucking lip so sexily, making Daehyun's inner control leave his senses.

While with Minyoung, her widened eyes soon closed as she felt Daehyun's lips moving. It made her feel butterflies in her stomach and a lot of crashing waves in her body. She then found herself wrapping her arms around the older man's neck, moving her lips slowly to match Daehyun's pace.

Their sweet kiss didn't last as he started trailing his lips down to her jaw and neck, leaving wet open kisses. Min just tilted his head to the side, giving more access to Daehyun. But what had Minyoung wincing in pain was when she felt Daehyun's teeth slowly carving on her left shoulder, creating another teeth mark on her shoulder blades.

"Daehyun stop! It h-hurts!" She screamed as she pushed Daehyun's shoulders, still feeling the stinging pain on her own shoulder. It felt like the first time the older man invaded her room, threatening her. He did the same thing back then.

"Leave..." was what Daehyun said after he realised what he had done. His emotions turned cold and blank, his eyes turned dark, and his heart started shutting something off. It's as if, with a click, he was back to his unwelcoming demeanour.

Minyoung almost didn't hear it. She pretended not to hear it, but when she realised what they just did, she hurried to stand up from Daehyun's lap to get her bag and left Daehyun's house immediately.

She reached her car as she banged her forehead on the steering wheel for a while before she rested on it, gripping tightly on the round black-hard material.

You are out of your mind, Park Minyoung.