
Mafia's heavenly Affliction

[ contains MATURE CONTENT ] ''I vow not to tell anyone,'' Daehyun responded. ''I changed my mind, if you don't obey me from now on, I will reveal your little secret to everyone,'' Daehyun smirked. * surprise *:- Min young When an indifferent man Daehyun, who is cold as ice to everyone save his closed once, a fearful Mafia leader , a crazy Maniac who covers himself as shy and innocent saw an innocent and lovely girl and couldn't stop thinking about those pink plump lips, at first he wanted to take revenge from the same girl for the things she didn't even knew about but he gradually transformed into a man with many feelings in the process of taking his revenge , especially for his girl . But what will happen when he discovers that his baby , his Min young , is a member of a killer and Mafia clan, exactly like him? However, his seemingly innocent baby girl is not so innocent. She is not what she seems to be infront of everyone . Nobody, not even her family, knows about her dark secrets. Come and read how their bittersweet , enemies to lover romance blossoms into a strong and unbeatable relationship. This story contains Thrill , excitement, confusion , secrets , Mafia things , drama and many more. If you liked my story, please do Vote with power stones and Comment how you felt about the story. Gift it and write a review . Thankyou very much for reading Cover is by pinterest and edited by Me . WSA theme :- CEO /BILLIONAIRE / MAFIA

_disha_ · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Ch - 26 : Who did it ? and why ?

3rd person's POV

(9:15 PM)

"The fireworks are about to start, but Hanbyul Noona and Eun Hyung are still nowhere to be seen." Hana spoke with her arms crossed over her chest, now with a slight frown in her beautiful, sunny-looking face.

The fireworks will begin soon, but they are still incomplete. They decided to split up into groups earlier and planned to meet up at exactly 9:00 to watch the fireworks together, but their two presidents are taking too long for their liking.

Just minutes later, the fireworks had already begun. The students are in awe of the colourful fireworks display. They were shouting and cheering in excitement, some taking pictures and videos of the memory.

Hanbyul and Eun walked in the direction of the others as soon as they saw them.

"Yah hyung! The fireworks just began, and you're late!" Daehyun pouted at Eun as the older male just smiled at him, ruffling his hair.

"I'm sorry, Hyun, we still had to give the signal for the fireworks to start." Eun explained.

"You should've told us then." Seojun added his  usual unamused stare.

"Hana, would you stop sending them glares?" Kwan said with a chuckle that Hana was really sulky about Eun and Hanbyul being late.

All this while Minyoung stared at her sister, who was looking up at the fireworks beside her. "And here I thought that you hated Eun-hyung." Byul, upon hearing what the younger said to her, gave her a warning look to not start anything again.

"I do hate him; what's your point?" Minyoung smiled as she looked up at the fireworks as well.

"Nothing; I'm just amused at how you two managed to come back together."

"Excuse me? We are the organisers of this event, so we had to be busy!" Hanbyul spat as Minyoung giggled.

"Calm down; I ain't implying anything."

Yeah, right, you weren't." The elder sister rolled her eyes and then focused on watching the fireworks display again.

Everything was fine until a loud scream broke everyone's trance. It was a boy student who was screaming his heart out, earning their attention. He had his hands cupped over his mouth, and his legs began to wobble due to extreme fear.

"T-THERE'S SOMEONE THERE! THE W-WINDOW!" He screamed, and when Minyoung looked to where he was pointing, her body turned cold and her face turned pale as she hurriedly looked away, calming her heartbeats. She saw someone's body hanging with his back against the third floor's window. Minyoung wasn't sure why or how, but she knew that something was wrong.

The students who saw the scene became frantic as they began to scream and run away immediately. The fireworks were now ignored as everyone was busy running away from the scene, heading outside the school.

Hanbyul was the first one to run towards the door to get inside the school building to check on the person over the window, followed by Kwan, Seojun, Daehyun, and Hana.

Eun stayed a little longer outside, warning and helping the students stay out and go home fast. When he made sure that almost everyone had headed out of the school, he dialled 911 and told them of their emergency.

When he ended the call, he looked at Minyoung, who was just frozen at her spot.

Min, stay here, okay? I'm going inside." He said so and soon began running.

Minyoung chewed her bottom lip as she contemplated whether she should follow or not. But in the end, curiosity killed her thoughts, and she soon began running inside too.

She made sure to get to the third floor as fast as she could, and she followed the soft noises that she believed were coming from his friends who ran there first. With a huff and a deep heart, she managed to locate the room where they had seen the person hanging on the window earlier.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! This isn't happening!"

Minyoung heard Kwan say it in a panic.

"I already called 911; now all we have to do is wait." Eunsuggested, he was starting to panic too internally, but outside, he acted strong for the sake of others who were already panicking.

Seojun, Hana, and Daehyun were helping the Kwan calm down while Hanbyul was busy scanning the dead man's body in front of her. Of course, she wouldn't be surprised by a scene like this; she was very used to it. She had killed tonnes, but this time she grew curious.

I need to know who did this. Hanbyul thought with a very curious gaze at the dead body.

Hanbyul slowly walked closer to the body, and she had touched the knife that had little drops of blood dripping on the handle, of course, making sure that the others wouldn't see what she was doing. She was about to touch further, but a thud interrupted her inspection of the dead body. She looked over her shoulder to see her sister lying on the floor.

"SHIT!" Hanbyul hurried to Minyoung's side, cupping her younger sister's face and lightly tapping the latter's cheeks, but she wasn't waking up.

"What happened to her?" Daehyun asked in worry. The others also hurried to Hanbyul's side to go check on the smaller person who fainted.

"Ugh, this is my fault! I shouldn't have left her outside!" She screamed in frustration, still holding onto her unconscious sister. She decided to ask anyone of them for help to lift Minyoung up, carrying the latter on her shoulder while she supported her legs.

"Is everything okay?" Eun grabbed Byul by the shoulder as he saw how worried Byul looked. He knew better that she was shaking too.

"She fears blood, Eun. She fainted when she saw the blood and the knife on Mr. Choi's body." Eun hummed in understanding.

"We need to take her to the hospital." Seojun suggested thinking that it's the best decision for Minyoung.

"Let me carry her, noona; I know you're tired." Daehyun didn't wait for Byul's approval; instead, he took Minyoung in his arms, and they began walking out of the building to take her immediately to the hospital.

Hanbyul looked back on the dead body one last time, giving the room a good scan and taking note of every little detail she had managed to see.

Dad needs to know this.

She soon walked out, keeping that in mind.


The school was in a state of commotion. The students who stayed to check on what really happened were interviewed by the police, who were investigating the area.

While everything is in a state of panic, Minyoung has been in a hospital bed for about two hours now. She was still not waking up. The others began to worry about her condition, as it was their first time seeing the younger woman faint.

After a few more minutes, she stirred in her hospital bed, slowly taking a look around. She blinked a few times, seeing the relief in her elder sister's eyes when they met each other's gaze.

Everything was starting to calm down, but Minyoung felt something hurt her, and when she saw the needle of the dextrose that was attached to her arms, she went totally insane.

"TAKE IT OFF! I don't WANT IT! TAKE IT OFF FROM ME!" She shouted as she began to remove the needle from him. Thank God Hanbyul stopped her from doing so. She gave the others a serious but urgent look.

'Guys, go outside, please; I'll handle her." They are worried about Minyoung's condition too, as they saw her go wild at the sight of the needle in her body. But they all understood the seriousness of the situation, so they got out of the room, no matter how hard they wanted to help Hanbyul.

As soon as they headed outside, they all sat on the waiting chairs outside the room.

"Why would this suddenly happen?"

Seojun was the first to break their silence. Through all his years at the said University , it was his first time witnessing such a scene.

"Do you believe what the police said?" Kwan asked.

"They said it was a suicide, but why would Mr. Choi kill himself? We've known him ever since, and I know he wouldn't do such a thing." Daehyun said it as a matter of fact. Everything wasn't making any sense to them.

"There's no motive from him, but someone has to have it that made him kill Mr. Choi. I just knew that he didn't kill himself." The others looked at Eun in urgent confusion.

"What are you trying to say, Hyung?" Kwan questioned.

Eun looked at the four and said, "Someone murdered him."

Everyone eyed Eun as if he were saying something stupid. But before someone could ask him another question, he had already started making his point.

"If someone would try to kill themselves they would at least not do it in a public place ... but we found Mr. Choi in his office at our university . And in the middle of the festival, he knew that every student would be there."

Daehyun tilted his head to the side, accepting the older man's claims. Now everything about what Eun said made sense to them.

"For me, it looks as if...""

"Someone did it purposely for everyone to see it." Seojun said, ending Kwan's statement.

"I was thinking about that too. And there's also something that's been bugging me for a while now:

"Who did it? And why?''










So mr .Choi was killed by someone and our Fl fears blood which the ML didn't knew . So what do you think will happen next ? its going in a loop of mystery

_disha_creators' thoughts