
Mafia's heavenly Affliction

[ contains MATURE CONTENT ] ''I vow not to tell anyone,'' Daehyun responded. ''I changed my mind, if you don't obey me from now on, I will reveal your little secret to everyone,'' Daehyun smirked. * surprise *:- Min young When an indifferent man Daehyun, who is cold as ice to everyone save his closed once, a fearful Mafia leader , a crazy Maniac who covers himself as shy and innocent saw an innocent and lovely girl and couldn't stop thinking about those pink plump lips, at first he wanted to take revenge from the same girl for the things she didn't even knew about but he gradually transformed into a man with many feelings in the process of taking his revenge , especially for his girl . But what will happen when he discovers that his baby , his Min young , is a member of a killer and Mafia clan, exactly like him? However, his seemingly innocent baby girl is not so innocent. She is not what she seems to be infront of everyone . Nobody, not even her family, knows about her dark secrets. Come and read how their bittersweet , enemies to lover romance blossoms into a strong and unbeatable relationship. This story contains Thrill , excitement, confusion , secrets , Mafia things , drama and many more. If you liked my story, please do Vote with power stones and Comment how you felt about the story. Gift it and write a review . Thankyou very much for reading Cover is by pinterest and edited by Me . WSA theme :- CEO /BILLIONAIRE / MAFIA

_disha_ · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Ch - 19 : Misunderstanding the whole situation

3rd person's POV

The principal of the school had called both Byul and Eun since they are the marketing and business club presidents and he trusts them the most to handle the situation. He was clasping his hand on his desk, looking at the two individuals in front of him in silence. They have been in his office for quite some time now, having a serious stare battle with each other before Eun finally decided to break it off.

"What do you have for us, Mr. Choi?" Mr. Choi, their principal, leaned back on his chair and got something under his table, which was a file, and he presented it to the two.

"The university annual festival is approaching, and I need you both to handle it. I trust the both of you to organise everything in less than three weeks, since that's all the time we have to prepare." Byul mentally rolled her eyes, knowing that they were called because the principal was being too lazy to do the planning all by himself, so he decided to call for them instead.

"Of course, Mr. Choi, thank you for trusting this work with both of us. And I would like to propose to lead." Byul offered with a dazzling smile, even though she was mentally grabbing the principal's grey hair in her hands for giving them extra tasks, which will definitely ruin her beauty naps in the afternoons. Because now the task has been given to them, they have to stay at the university after classes to prepare for the festival.

"Oh, about that, I was thinking of assigning that to Eun already since he had more experience in this than you." Her mouth was agape; she was definitely offended. She glared at the poor fellow Eun beside her, who was innocently looking at her, not knowing what he had done to annoy her again.

"Is it fine with you, Eun?" He smiled, plastering his dimples, while he reached for the man's hand with respect as he nodded.

Why do I have to work with this human being? She thought.

As soon as they walked out of the office, Byul blurted out her inner feelings towards the situation.

'Look, if you think that I would follow your orders now that you are assigned as the leader of all this, then snap out of your dream, dude. I'm not taking orders from anyone, understood?" Poor Eun raised both of his hands in the air, admitting defeat.

"Yes, Sir-erm, I meant Ma'am."

"It's good that we're clear."

"Eun-ssi!" A light-red-haired girl called with her soft voice and with a bright smile like sunshine, running in their direction. She had been huffing since she ran, but she soon gave off a smile that made both Byul and Eun distracted for a second.

"Pretty... " The two blurted it out.

"What?" Both of them coughed when they realised that they'd been staring.

"Sorry about that." Byul said, looking away.

"Oh, it's nothing to worry about... Eun-ssi I was just here to say that Daehyun wants you to cover something in the school newspaper."

"Okay, I'll be there later. Tell him not to ask me for these things since he knows that he can do them himself. Geez." Eun chuckled, showing his famous dimple smile. If Byul was distracted earlier, her mind literally flew away at this moment. Not realising that she's been staring at Eun for too long.

The girl who was talking to Eun walked away, sending Eun's orders to Daehyun.

"Is there something on my face?" Eun wiped his lips, and Byul's heart skipped a beat, painting a faint blush on her cheeks.

"N-None. By the way, who was that?" She asked just to take her mind off of the person in front of her.

"That's the new kid, Jung Hana; she's our new club member."

''She is really so pretty, and her smile is like sunshine, which could brighten up anybody's day. But anyway, I am more beautiful than all '' Byul thought.

But again, I was thinking that Hana's smile was just a few seconds ago when this guy beside me, whose smile is way more fetching, was smiling—I shouldn't be thinking like this at this moment! What is happening with me? She shakes her head before sighing.


Min was busy with the script for today's broadcast, and she was left with the annoying kid who's been annoying the hell out of her!

The latter keeps on bouncing on the couch they were sitting on while she was writing, so her pen keeps on shaking too.

"Would you please?" "Just please stop bouncing for one second." Min snapped at him while Kwan suddenly stopped bouncing as he coughed nervously and a cute pout formed on his lips. He then continued playing with his phone again, having nothing to do. He surely had nothing to do for today, so he stayed with her, but he is sensing that the latter was just not in the mood today.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, so Kwan decided to open it and called out for Min.

"Min-ssi, someone from the business club said that someone's calling for you there." Min heard it but did not pay attention, sensing that the person who was calling for her would be the person who was way worse than Kwan at annoying her. It could be Daehyun, for all she knows, who has been calling for her.

"Please tell the deliverer of the message that I'm not going since I'm busy." And tell him to go to hell too. She wanted to add the last part along with the sentence but didn't.

"Okay, um, you heard him. Please tell me that... who was it again? Seojun? " Min shot her head up to look at Kwan, who was speaking to the student over the door. Was she hearing things right?

When Kwan came back to sit on the couch, Min decided to ask him. "I thought I heard the name Seojun? What's with him?" Kwan gave him a sceptical look.

"He's the one calling out for you." Her blood almost drained out of her body before she could finally process everything. It was Seojun who was calling for him! Not Daehyun!

She almost tripped just to get her coat from the rack on the corner before she ran towards the door, only to get back again and look at Kwan, who was amused by her actions.

"Where does he want to meet me again?" It was the first time Kwan had seen her smile like this, and his heart weirdly skipped a beat.

"In their club room." He spoke with a stutter.

She's cute... He mumbled on his own.

"Thank you!" She sauntered out the door with a wide smile on her face, ignoring the fact that she might be scolded for running in the hallways, which are against the university rules. She just doesn't care at the moment. Her crush, Seojun, is waiting for her after all.

Why does he need me? Does he need my help? About what exactly? Wait, calm your shit down, Park Minyoung; you are way too excited!

Min almost passed the business's club room, but then she came back fast, grinning happily against the front door. She gulped and felt her heart beating fast. She was about to go inside when she heard voices from inside.

"Seojun-hyung, why wouldn't you tell me who you like? We've been friends for years, and that's being unfair!" She heard Daehyun whine, so she slightly opened the door for her to look inside and see what was happening.

"Daehyun, how many times have I told you? "I don't have someone I like at the moment." Min was happy and sad in a matter of seconds. Her heart clenched on its own, like it had sorted out what he just said.

I don't have anyone I like at the moment. And that means the same applies to her too.

"But what about... Mochi , I mean Minyoung? I mean, you two became close, right?" When Daehyun asked, she was so worried that she even forgot to breathe.

"Minyoung is attractive, charming, and even very cute. I like her voice and smile too. She's definitely beautiful. I could say, " Min doesn't know what to feel; she's blinking profusely.

What does he mean by that?

"So do you like her?" Seojun looked at Daehyun, and he chuckled at the weird question when he realised what Jungkook meant.

"Daehyun You're really funny! Minyoung is cute as hell, but I don't think of her as more than a friend. She's a little sister for me." Seojun told me sincerely, not knowing that there was a broken heart he was crushing even more behind that slightly closed door.

Min, on the other side, felt betrayed. She felt stupid for having expectations and high hopes for someone who would not love her the way she does. But she sort of felt like her whole world was shut off too. She can't accept what she just heard. She wanted to be deaf for one second or have short-term memory loss so she could forget everything she heard and not be in pain. But she can't have Seojun, so maybe she can't have that ability either. She felt pathetic and loose. Seojun is too good for her, of course, so why would he want her back? That was what Min was thinking.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Daehyun. He looked at Min quizzically, and when he saw him sobbing, he closed the door behind him.

"Stop crying, idiot Mochi. I told you, didn't I?

Seojun doesn't feel that way towards you." She didn't know that she'd been crying until Daehyun's thumb landed on her cheek to wipe off her tears.

But instead of feeling care over Daehyn's touch, she looked at him with much disgust. She was sure that Daehyun had something to do with this whole thing. He planned this to slap her face and tell her that she had no chance in Seojun's life.

This is Daehyun's fault. Everything was his fault!

Min did not think twice, and he slapped Daehyun hard. It echoed in the whole hallway, and to her luck, no one was around because if there were students wandering around, she might be dead the next day for hurting the school's beloved prince.

Daehyun touched his cheek with bewilderment, and he looked at her, who was clenching her fists. The smaller girl wiped away her own tears, not giving a shite about Daehyun's bullshit anymore.

"I know that you called me here to rub it in my face about how pathetic I am for even thinking about Seojun liking me back. So congratulations! "You won." She spoke with gritted teeth.

The door behind them was opened by Seojun, who saw Min. He smiled before he moved forward, only to ruffle Min's fluffy, smooth hair.

"I thought you wouldn't come? I called you here earlier, but the new kid said you wouldn't come because you're busy." Seojun said, his hands digging in his pants.

Min was unable to think. Is Seojun really the one who called for me? But why would Daehyun...

She looked over at Daehyun, who was obviously not in the mood to talk now after what happened. Who would you be if someone suddenly slapped you for no reason?

"And this is what I get from helping you." Daehyun muttered annoyingly before he walked away from them grumpily.

Seojun sees Minyoung as his sister , Minyoung feels heat broken knowing this and Daehyun helps her to know the truth . Why do you think he helped her ? What game is he playing now ?

_disha_creators' thoughts