


Leonard Waylon, Ajax's father was the leading businessman of Brazil a decade ago, the manufacturing of spy drones and aircraft parts that were to be supplied in the Southwest Asia along with the Brazilian force was majorly the stakes of the Waylons when they first started growing in the arm and weapon sector.

At the beginning the rise was slow yet soon impressed with the strategic hardwork and honest temperament of Leonard there were lots of companies, humongous and armatures both alike that expressed keen interest in being partners and forming alliances with the industries.

The higher one goes, the farther one falls, expansion of monopoly over arms and weapons was a tremendous feat that attracted not only friends but also the ones that were from the dark underground world. The illegal supply of guns that was earlier initiated and carried out by different firms was now blocked by the government since only the Waylons were allowed to sell it with regards to the legal procedures and various mafia bosses were agitated.

"Valace, you told us to wait for a month more, what about your conversation with Leonard. Do not test my patience." The mafia boss of Cambodia gritted his teeth as the ink tattoo on his bicep glinted dangerously.

Valace Storm sitting in the meeting with dim lights at the head of the table looked like an exorcist that was dealing with phantoms and horrendous ghosts that had drank the blood of many innocent human beings and killed in unfathomable ways.

"Do you think I am sleeping here!" His veins bulged as he spoke as if in tremendous pain.

"The delay in your joint cause means a delay in my power over the Storm Empire...that fucking bastard threw the papers of your condition on my face and refused."

Mafia dynasty was never a place for the innocent, the ones living under the rule of crime branch organizations had their hand dipped in tar and coal of darkness and cruelty and Valace Storm was no different to obtain power and control over every single thing possible he could have killed and died only to crawl out of his own grave.

"It seems as if the matter is going out of our hand, the American mafia was already a threat but now they are going to sign a pact with Vietnam's forces and it might only increase our difficulties." The French man could not have said more since all mafia caporegimes of five nations present in the halls were aware that a war was soon going to break out.

"Then kill him and his family....that will be easier-"

"Do you think I have not thought about that? Leonard's wife Lillian is the younger sister of the American mafia boss Julian Romanov, she and his family is under their protection. It is not as easy as it looks......we need to deal this with a strategy not strength." Valace looked at the people one by one seemingly acquiring their agreement.




The Palace had seen many masters some were harsh while others tend to be kind. The generations of Waylon's were born and have gained their honor here.This palace held the darkest of secrets, the ones which nobody dared to talk about but everyone remembered.

This was the mansion where the bloody war began, an innocent family was involved in the heinious crime of monsters and this was where Ajax took an oath to become the emperor.

White cream walls with majestic pillars which made the foundation of the mansion represented the once peaceful demeanor that was not replaced with an ominous feeling . The windows were draped with lush curtains, a magnanimous chandelier hanging on high ceiling, all royal blue representing the symbol of the empire - Valor and courage, mercy and forgiveness.

His father once owned it , his mother and his little sister were happy in their own dream world and their loving family but things turned dark soon ,now what remained was this unexplainable thirst for vengeance.

The terror in the eyes of his little sister, Dia haunted him to this day. Only if Ajax would have been as strong as he was today then none could have caused harm to his family.

There were times when he questioned himself why he didn't go on a killing spree after the tragedy struck his home but then he recalled his father's words 'sometimes death is mercy' and forgiving was the last thing he could be.

Years.......it had taken him years to bend his emotions according to his will. His aggression and madness stayed draped behind the placid façade of ice cold indifference.

The new master of the mansion was right now at his favourite place - the underground ,his personal fighting arena .Other members of the palace were strictly prohibited to enter unless invited in because only the heir could have the access. It reeked of fresh wood and snow but it wasn't so refreshing as it's smell.

The sounds of constant punching of the fists could be heard throughout the arena but not outside , because he came there to find his lost peace, to take out his aggression, to avoid converting in the beast his needs were urging him. So to keep it all to himself he made it soundproof .

The Mafia involved drugs, assassination and human trafficking. Ajax's purpose was to make the foundation of the blood regime so hollow that it collapses, crumbles and burns in ashes beneath his foot.

For other men involved in the dark world human trafficking was the most profitable business, a crime so heinous that it could shatter the person from inside and as a little child who had seen his four year old sister on the verge of being taken by vile men.Ajax had made something a more profitable source- assassination of Lords and Mafia Don's while condemning and stopping the black market of human slaves to the extent that the others became wary.

His wrath has rained upon them so ruthlessly that absolutely no one tried to defy him. His methods were cruel but still just. It was against the rules of the mafia to kill kins- the Lords in alliance but laws are made by monarchs and right now his word was law.

He never wanted people to be just afraid of his presence ,no the emperor wanted them to terrified to the extent that even in their sleep they bow down to him. Power - people fight for power and gain it , but he wasn't there to fight for it ,it was his ,always and forever -from the day he was born till his last breath.

His stone cold heart was never beating for love nor that he ever wished it did but since the moment he had seen that little vixen on the screen of his office he felt something foreign, a month has passed yet the feeling stayed within him.

There's a swift knocking on the door which was left unanswered. He didn't want to hear anybody. He wanted to gather all his fury which he was hiding from the world because the time has finally come where he would unleash it all on one person.

There was another urgent knock on the door before it could be repeated the door was thrown open with Ajax towering over the mafia bodyguard who shuddered from the close proximity, a chill running down his spine.

People even twice his age were unable to look him in the eye, the crystal greens in them were even more beautiful than the depths of the deepest ocean, but they remained calm and dangerous.

"The jet is ready boss only if you wish to proceed". the man replied, his eyes cast down.

Ajax motioned the guard to wait outside where hundreds like him were scrutinizing every security detail.

Before going to Russian land he further moved inside his fighting pit, unlocking the security code, a royal blue falcon appearing on the screen- the symbol of Waylon business empire that once existed but was later ruined to ashes, it now represented the symbol of him.

"I am leaving ten thousand soldiers here, they will be scattered all over the world in a month, I want you to search for information about the fallen clans and send it to me, give them all an introduction about me and that I wish for an alliance." The robotic voice in reply presented the puzzle in a monotonous voice for identity confirmation.

"Rage or Mercy" A beep sounded after to wait for his reply.

"It's all about vengeance" he uttered those words and the machine recognized his voice and correct answers.

"Welcome Master. Your order shall be carried forward" The machine replied.

His fingers swiftly typed another secret message and send them to an anonymous person inside the American Don's Julian Romanov's residence.

His lips curing into a smirk .The hunt has begun.

He could have left the Alaina Strom alone, they never had any personal enimity but since she was the beloved of the monster Valace then it could not be helped.

"Lets see how Russians welcome a hurricane."