

Two months have passed just like that, bickering and fighting with each other and this day seemed to be in a repetition loop like all others.

"How dare you, a simple nobody talk to me in such language." Students were pouring out as soon as the class ended but the man standing at his 6'3 height with muscular stature towering over the petite frame of Aurora stopped her advances.

"Oh, I was going to ask you the same." The girl replied sarcastically before looking at the man who looked down at her face as if immersed in deep thoughts.

"Don't you have a sense of fear? How stubborn can you be...." his eyelids dropped as if in an illusionary state and before he knew, his knuckles were caressing her face like a feather in the fresh breeze.

"H-Hector......what are you.." Aurora disliked herself at the moment, why did her heart thrummed erratically for someone she hated. Why did it felt painful when he was too quiet as if she was afraid that he would disappear any moment.