

Allac State


Alaina's pov

I was sitting in Ajax's kitchen- all lush with white porcelain and grey- black walls with sleek silver enhancements, all in all it looked Royale.

I twirled my cup of coffee, the rosy aroma of it calming my nerves. Years back it was a dark fabel - the story of a kid who murdered his own father and converted his business of hard earned money to a Mafian empire ruling with an iron fist.

Now graciously standing at the counter with a recepie book in his hand, looking all adorable and confused, eyebrows scrunching together and lips drawn in a pout

Can he be his father's killer?


"Hmmm .......do you like Chinese or Italian?" he asked with much curiously.

"I like both, but a pizza would be nice for now."

"Okay,pizza it is then"

I shook my head and a smile fought it's way to my lips when I saw him closing the cookbook and dialing Pizza Hut but soon my brain brought me back to the reality.