Korain POV:(ch18)
*the same day right before Gina goes inside*
I wave goodbye to Gina, her deliciously warm smile causing a bigger one on my face. The feeling of a brightest star causes me to do something, something I know I shouldn't have.
"KORAIN!" I call out from the sidewalk. One side of me hopes that she didn't hear me, while the other wishes for her to say my name. I have to repeat it to her, so she'll understand what I mean. When she finally understands, she screams her name at me, and we wave a happy goodbye.
As I walk down the street I'm my feelings as usual, I realize there's something more personal about knowing someone's name. When you finally know someone's name, and it sticks with you, it's like a bond tying you together. Either the beginnings of friendship, or something else. Whichever one...I knew me and Gina were more than strangers now.
*zzzztt zzztt*
| Boss Man |
>how's it going?