
Madame Masquerade

Madame Masquerade—a guardian of secrets and a hunter of unfaithful hearts. Annie, an innocent 23-year-old, is an architect in the morning but at night she is "Madame Masquerade" as an infidelity investigator...

Annie_Reeds · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Chapter 2

After a long day at the office as an intern at Vargas's, a developing interior architecture company, Annie prepared for her night job as "Madame Masquerade." Her dual life was a well-guarded secret, one that allowed her to catch cheaters as a side business. However, the recent surge in her workload at the developing company led her to make a decision – this would be her last investigation.

Annie had been following her target all week and decided to tail him to a club that Saturday night. Taking an early leave from work, she entered the club in her civilian identity, Annie. However, her attempt to follow the man into the VIP section was thwarted by security.

Claiming that a friend had gone in ahead, Annie tried to persuade the bouncers, but they remained unconvinced. Frustrated, she realized she would have to wait until the following Saturday to try again, as Madame Masquerade only had a pass for each club.

Dejected, Annie took a seat at the bar, where the bartender, Derek, who is like an informer to her, handed her a drink, noticing her failed attempt to enter the VIP section. "Long day at work?" he inquired.

Annie nodded, thankful for the familiar face. As she reached for her wallet to pay, a hand stopped her. "I've got this one," said a confident voice. She turned to find a stranger.

Not one to accept unsolicited favours, Annie furrowed her brows. "I don't need anyone to cover my tab, especially not someone who thinks they can buy their way into a conversation," she retorted, raising an eyebrow at him.

The man chuckled, seemingly unfazed by her reaction. "Feisty, huh? I like that in a woman. I thought I'd make your night a little more interesting," he said, a smug grin playing on his lips.

Annie rolled her eyes, finding his arrogance irritating. "Sorry, but I'm not interested in joining your little entourage. I've got better things to do than entertain overconfident men like you," she replied, sipping her drink. 

The man, not used to being rejected, leaned in closer. "Come on, sweetheart, don't be so uptight. You might enjoy yourself if you give it a chance. Nobody regrets it with Dominique," he insisted.

Annie's patience wore thin, and she decided to put him in his place. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she tossed the contents of her drink onto Dominique's pants. "Oops, clumsy me. Looks like your overconfidence just got you a new fashion statement," she remarked, relishing the surprised expression on his face.

Dominique's pride wounded, he stammered for words. Annie seized the moment to deliver a final blow to his ego. "Maybe next time, think twice before assuming you can buy your way into someone's night. Now, if you'll excuse me," she said, standing up and leaving him with a soaked ego and wet pants.