
Mad Scientist

[TO BE A SCIENTIST IS TO BE A NAIVE, THEY ARE SO FOCUSED TO FIND THE TRUTH, EVEN THOUGH PEOPLE TRY to DENY IT THE CURIOSITY IS THERE, WHETHER WE SEE IT OR NOT THE TRUTH DOES NOT CARE ABOUT MORALS, RELIGIONS, IDEOLOGIES WELCOME TO THE WORLD MAD SCIENTIST ] [ ONE TRUTH I KNOW IS I AN NOT GOOD AT WRITING SYNOPSIS LOL AUTHOR NOTE ] Bai Jie a self-proclaimed evil scientist but not so evil who was researching on getting rid of the trauma he suffered when he was 15 which has changed his whole life. He didn't remember anything which led to this outcome but he became a genius of the century. As the people say no escapes the cycle of time. But something or someone changed his fate; it was no god or demon. It was an anomaly that has changed his life. See Bai Jie( an Old man) as he struggles in this new cruel world where at every corner danger lurks. Where he fought for his life not only from the outside but also from something inside. heavenly God" evil scientist I can't break through nxt realm plz guide" Evil Scientist " You have accumulated Fat in your meridians go exercise alone not with your wife " let's enjoy a journey of an evil scientist who may not be so evil ******* evil scientist " demon god what happens when you break through the god realm" Demon god"it's a heavenly sensation once reach it the more you want it it's like the whole world embrace you with the warmness gentle and destructive at the same time it feels that you are breaking the shackles of the world" Demon god explained with a pride Evil scientist "next time you just tell me you don't know I have no interest in your relationship with your wife. you should keep these confidential not spread it with proud face what a moron" Demon god's head just popped open he died on the spot due to cultivation deviation author here TinyheadXD#2306- Discord. if you have any suggestion please contact. PLEASE GIVE IT A READ!! and a review for people like me which wants to see things differently ( if u like it plz share It give a review)

tinyheadXD · ตะวันออก
81 Chs

Making Arrangements

" huh finally done," mumbled Bai Jie after every cultivator in the gambling house has been eliminated. He also removed those symbols from his body. 

He felt a lot lighter like a ticking bomb had been removed from him. 

" It's time for the fifth stage. "Mumbled Bai Jie while he focused by closing his eyes. 

Bai Jie activated his cultivation technique and used the spirit energy stored in his parasite cells rather than absorbed from the surroundings. 



After some time Bai Jie could feel all his meridians again brimming with spirit energy. 

While another thing Bai Jie noticed was that his control over parasite cells has increased. While his brain function also improved. 

' Is this related to meridians in my brain. ' thought Bai Jie the more he opened his meridians in his brain he could vaguely feel he could control these parasite cells in his body more. 

His control over his parasite was very minimal as compared to before with the A.I core unit. It was at a very basic level. 

But as he opened more than half of the meridians he could feel their presence a little more. 

' Is my body still adapting. ' thought Bai Jie. While he felt his mind more clearing up. While his spiritual vision was also more dynamic. 

( spiritual vision is an enhanced version of the spiritual sense of a cultivator . )

" Status," mumbled Bai Jie in a low tone. While a pondering expression appeared on his face. 

Host - Bai Jie

Race - Human Parasite

Body strength - 21 bia

Cultivation strength - 40 bia

Life energy - 25800 (258 days)

Cultivation - 5 mortal stage (0/24)

Bai Jie suddenly felt a rush of excitement. While all his previous worries escaped his mind watching the days of life. Many people don't understand how valuable life is until one reaches their end. 

People in his world would give their whole life of wealth just to be able to live one more day. 

Bai Jie also had a taste of this which made him truly appreciate this.  

" Hahaha, it's almost a year. That evil spirit thought she could bind me, I Bai Jie is a man of science hahaha. Science always leaves a door open for the poor. " Bai Jie laughed out loud in the room. He was smiling ear to ear. On his left side, there was a mountain of silver coins. Watching this shiny mountain Bai Jie felt it was worth it. 

While Wu Ji came in through the entrance to the secret room. 

" Boss. " Wu Ji was sweating watching Bai Jie laughing like that. He never saw such a madman. He didn't know what else to say. But he knew he had to please his boss or he would be next in line. 

"Is everyone done " asked Bai Jie. He looked towards Wu Ji while his laughter stopped. His face was devoid of expression while looking towards Wu Ji. 

Wu Ji felt that his blood ran cold watching Bai Jie staring at him like that for some reason. The aura he felt from Bai Jie was even more terrifying. He felt it had somehow intensified all of sudden like a slumbering beast was awakening slowly. 

" Yes, Boss, everyone that was here is done " replied Wu Ji. He didn't dare to look at Bai Jie straight in the eye. Even though he couldn't probe his cultivation, he felt something changed in this young man. 

" I want you to work for me," asked Bai Jie with a domineering tone. It felt more like a declaration. 

" " Wu Ji looked towards Bai Jie. While a confused and fearful expression appeared on his face. He was doing everything he was told already. 

" From today you are the owner of this place. Everything here belongs to you while everything would work the same as before," said Bai Jie while looking towards him. It was an emotionless voice. He saw the confusion on Wu Ji's face. 

 Bai Jie moved past him. 

He moved towards the small mountain of silver coins. He put almost 1000 silver coins in his storage ring while leaving the rest. 

" I think this much would be enough while the other stuff, materials, and herbs I need them. You will collect them for me of course I will pay you for them," said Bai Jie while looking towards Wu Ji. There were at least 2000 silver coins remaining. 

" Consider this as an advance payment," said Bai Jie while pointing towards the small mountain of silver. 

" This. " Wu Ji felt shocked hearing Bai Jie. He thought Bai Jie wanted to take this Gambling house for himself. But contrary to his thoughts he gave it away to him. 


" Boss do you mean. " Wu Ji asked in a shivering voice. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His whole body was shivering with excitement. But he still asked to confirm. 

" Yes, you just have to gather herbs and materials as much as you can while running this place, same as Du Bigwen. But no contracts and stuff," Bai Jie nodded towards Wu Ji.  

" Yes, I will do it," Wu Ji replied while his head lowered. He didn't want to stay with this madman anymore. 

Bai Jie felt amazed how easily he agreed. 

" Don't you want to argue why I should work for you or something like that. " Bai Jie asked while he had a confused expression on his face. He felt it was too easy. He thought Wu Ji would retaliate a little. 

Well for some reason Bai Jie wanted him to retaliate against him. 

" Boss I wouldn't dare," replied Wu Ji. While Wu Ji felt very happy for some reason watching a confused expression on Bai Jie's face.  

' Forget it then I am just too compassionate even though he tried to kill me. ' sighed Bai Jie in his mind with a helpless expression. But he knew in his heart that this guy could be more useful alive than dead. While he already killed the man behind Du Bigwen. 

He was feeling very relaxed after getting rid of the people who were after him. Now he could finally feel some peace of mind.

" Do you know how to use that thing? How do people contact using that? " Pointed Bai Jie towards the pillar with a crystal plate on it. 

" No " Wu Ji replied. He heard about this thing. But he was not knowledgeable about it. 

" I see " Bai Jie replied. He grabbed the plate and put it in his storage ring. 

' Once I am strong enough I will find you' thought Bai Jie while clenching his fist. Bai Jie never cared about why someone would want to kill him. 

But that lady had purposefully tried to kill him. 

While Bai Jie grabbed the storage rings he gathered, most of them were common tiers. He picked storage rings which were low tiers ones which were few. He started piling up the herbs and material. 

He also recognized some herbs they were used for making vassal pills and truth pills. 

" Boss where are you going, " Wu Ji asked. He felt from Bai Jie's tone that he is going to leave. He saw Bai Jie grabbing storage rings filling them with herbs and materials. 

" I don't like subordinates who ask questions. " Bai Jie replied in a cold tone. While he donned his black cloak again. 

While the atmosphere in the room suddenly enveloped by the deathly aura. 

Wu Ji felt his breath short while his heart raced like horses. While the next few words sent shivers down his spine. 

" If you betray me I won't kill you."While Bai Jie's voice echoed in the empty room like a thunder while Bai Jie couldn't be seen anymore. 

 Most people would laugh at such a weak threat, but Wu Ji knew what those words meant and only he could understand the terror that hid behind those words. He heard the screams from people before Bai Jie were all begging to be killed. It was something so terrifying that death seemed a better option. 


" I hope that much is enough," mumbled Bai Jie. While he left the Gambling house. He wanted to inscribe a deep-seated fear of himself in Wu Ji. While keeping the candy and stick strategy in mind. 

" I really had a great harvest today" mumbled Bai Jie. while he saw thin lines of light shining from the moon. 

Bai Jie activated the movement technique and ran towards the outskirts of the village. 

After a while, he reached the hidden cave where he left Ming Xue and Ming Jia. The cave was still covered well. 

" I am sorry it took a little longer than expected. " Bai Jie entered the cave. He realized how much more time it took but it has been done perfectly without arousing any suspicion. 

While he also had found a good supply of herbs and materials. 

" shhh," Bai Jie saw Ming Jia was putting up his finger on his lips while signaling Bai Jie to stay quiet. 

" ahh," Bai Jie suddenly went quiet. He saw Ming Xue sleeping while keeping his head on Ming Jia's shoulder. 

Ming Jia seemed very calm. He gently laid down Ming Xue and got up.  

Both Ming Jia and Bai Jie went out. They both had something to ask of each other. 

While Bai Jie noticed Ming Xue's eyes flickering a bit and a cold glint passed through his eyes.  


Thank you, readers, for your continued support. 

another chap is on the way sorry for being late

Thank you for your continued support.

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