
Mad House

They said that villains were created, not born. Soo-ah and Jae were both only six when they witnessed the horrendous crime involving their mother as the victim. As the world turned its back on them, a mysterious man in a coat reached his hands, promising them help to find the culprit, but instead of salvation, the two found themselves trapped inside the cage. A cage, where rules were not meant to be broken.

TalentlessCarin_ · แอคชั่น
10 Chs


A sense of disorientation and unease always enveloped Jae whenever he gazed upon the white uniform resembling those worn by patients in hospitals.


Sometimes, he even wondered if it was the place itself that gave him the chills or the enigmatic man who had placed them there, as his footprints and silhouette remained conspicuously absent—nowhere to be found.


'How many days has it been since we last saw the man? We haven't heard anything from him since then...Will he truly be able to help us?.....


Thoughts circling in his mind.

..... If he can, then, Mom-


He was startled to see Soo-ah and the other girl stumble and hit their faces straight to the ground.


Jae began to panic while his eyes filled with visible worry as he hurriedly ran in their direction, where she quickly got up before he could even help her.


Her face was covered in dirt.

"Hahahaha. I'm really fine; there's no need to overreact."

She smiled, revealing the gap in her teeth.

However, when he looks behind her, his attention is immediately drawn to a girl who's three years older than her sister, lying on the ground with a visible bleeding wound on her knees.


"Becca! Your bleeding!"

She screamed in worry.

"No, I'm fine; it's just a scratch-"


Before she could even protest, Jae grabbed a handkerchief and gently wrapped it around her wounded knee.


"You need to clean your wound, so it will not get infected."



She stutters, making her face flush red.


As the bell rang, all of the kids, one by one, entered the building, which meant playtime was over. Jae then hurriedly helped Becca stand on her feet as Soo-ah looked at both of them with a simile. Teasing her.


"My brother is great, right?"

She proudly stated it with sparkling eyes.


"Yes.....He's cool."

She mumbled without knowing it, which made her feel more embarrassed.


When Jae called for the second time, he smiled when he caught Becca staring at him.



She winked before they both mixed into the crowd and left the scene.


Many days passed, and each day seemed to repeat itself. They played tag, had picnics together, and read books, filling their days with laughter. But as they feel at ease... Something unexpectedly happened.....


His world shattered when he saw her sister with a bleeding nose, looking as pale as a piece of paper.


"Bro... brother... I don't feel very well."


Her voice has gotten weak before she fainted in front of three kids, whose faces were covered in shock.

As he bawled his eyes out in front of Soo-ah, who's bedridden in fever, a familiar silhoutte entered their room.


She called, stuttering as she looked at his swollen eyes.


"I know it's not right for me to say, but Soo-ah is a brave person. She will overcome this...

She paused.

..... I believe she will wake up soon. And when she gets better...

A graceful smile formed on her lips.

We can play again as if nothing had happened."

"Do you think so?"

His voice sounded weaker than before.

"I'm sure of it! She has you after all!"

Stating it, she felt a little awkward cheering up a kid who's younger than her, but seeing him shed tears, Becca couldn't hold back herself and held him in her arms, patting his head as she gave him comfort.


"It's all right. Everything will be fine."

Even though she stated it in a calm voice, her heart screamed the opposite, as she was feeling as if she had just run in an hour, while her face was flushed in red.

Days passed after that, but no sign of recovery was shown. Soo-ah was just getting worse and worse day by day, and watching her in that state, Jae began to feel the same thing he thought he had never felt before: a feeling of fear that another loved one he cherishes would vanish before his eyes.


"It's almost been a while now; why is my sister not feeling better?!"

  He asks the man, who is covering his face with a surgical mask.


"What is the help of those medicines?! *Hick!'You're not even trying to make her feel better! ...."


He shouted in despair as tears escaped from his eyes.


"Haist kid! Its not for you to say that. Stop making a fuss and-

-No! You have to heal my sister...yo...You have to save her....."

He cut as he continued to speak in a low tone of voice.

...She is the only one I have....please don't take her... "

As soon as his tears reached the ground, the man he knew was already standing in front of him before he even noticed.


He desperately called, clinging onto him.


'Ah, I don't know anymore... '

He thought as he continued to beg like a puppy.



"Father, please help my sister!"

He didn't answer, but the man in a white coat had bowed before he spoke.


"We've done everything we can, but it seems like the medicine has no effect on her body."

He said it sounded as if there's no other way.

The man sighed before he spoke.


"Then we have no choice."

His eyes widen when he hears him state it.


"Si-sir don't tell me are you talking about-

Before he could even finish his word, a word of agreement had already been stated.


"Yes, take her there."

Seeing how many people with surgical masks and lab coats had entered their room, suddenly taking soo-ah away, Jae was left confused.


"Where are you taking her?!"

As he clung to her sister, the man shouted that give them chills.


"Enough! do you want her to get better?!"



Words don't come out of his mouth.


"Then do as I say and be obedient!"

He states it, but....... the only thing he knew was that his sister was standing in front of him, yet he couldn't help but notice that there was something different in her behaviour, seeing her act like a different person.


'You only have two choices, Jae; it's either one of you will kill or will be killed.'


As he looked up, he noticed a man standing behind the thick glasses, his gaze fixed upon them, while he was holding a gun in his hand.


...and before he knew it... His sister lunged at him, injuring his arm, while her face wore a terrifying expression that he had never seen before, leaving him filled with a mix of fear, confusion, and desperation.


"If you really want revenge, then you must have no weakness.

He paused, frowning at his brows.

....Because that leads the person to his doom."

And as he watched them from above, one of them had already pulled the trigger.



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