
outher ideas

Well, I'm a big fan of novels, anime, manga, and anything that wastes time. I decided to take things a step further. My novel may not be the best, but it certainly is a hundred percent embodiment of my best efforts.

As I said, I am a huge fan of anime, and I am not a writer that great. I know that I will not be able to write a complete novel from my imagination, so when you see any quote or similarity in scenes, there is no reason to get angry, I will try to add my personal touch as much as possible.

Also, the name of the mad executioner may seem to refer to a bloody action novel, but it is not like that, at least in the beginning. What are the elements of a great work? Of course, it is the depth of the world and the characters. If you start writing action scenes and enthusiastic fighting at the beginning, even if it is the highest degree of creativity, it will not exceed a superficial novel at best.

So I'm going to take my time in the beginning, so that I can form the most stable strength system.

And the last thing I want to say is that English is my second language, I hope you understand that the mistakes that will happen in the future ( Lots of mistakes ) are not due to negligence, but because of my insufficient knowledge .

Well, that's all I want to say. If you can bear these shortcomings, I will wish you a happy reading.