
Who Did You Tell Me to Learn Violin From?

นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

"His surname is Cheng?" Lin Qi didn't have an impression of who that could be, but he still said, "Tell him to come in."

Many people came to find Lin Qi usually, so Qin Yu and Lin Jinxuan weren't surprised.

Until they saw a cold-faced young man come in.

"Mr. Lin, our young master said that this is the person you wanted." Cheng Mu's face was stiff as he loosened the woman behind him and nodded to Lin Qi and the others. "Since she has been brought here, I will take my leave first."

Lin Qi glanced at her. She was a girl about the same age as Qin Yu.

He stood up immediately, frowned, and said solemnly, "Sir, did you make a mistake…"

But before Lin Qi could finish speaking, Qin Yu stood up suddenly opposite him and said, "Wu Yan, why did you cut my violin strings? Was I not good to you?"

Qin Yu stared at Wu Yan, trying not to show coldness and anger on her face. She pinched her fingers and forced herself to calm down.