
Lyrics of Ignatius and Physis

In the year 657 BC, the land of Gamachiana stood on the brink of chaos. The aftermath of the war between the Vollonmours of the south and their mighty dragons had left the earth scarred and desolate. Once a vibrant world teeming with life, it was now a realm where survival was a daily struggle. The Vollonmours, with their dragon lords, had subjugated nearly all the houses, forcing them into submission. Only one house had resisted until the bitter end—the Howling Hounds of the west.

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42 Chs

Chapter 1: Gathering Storms

The wind howled through the ancient pines of Gamachiana, carrying with it a sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air. Frenrys stood atop the battlements of the Howling Hounds' stronghold, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon where dark clouds gathered ominously. Below him, the courtyard buzzed with activity as soldiers prepared for the looming threat that approached.

Seven years had passed since the defeat of Rynero at Stonewall Pass, yet the scars of that conflict still lingered in the hearts and minds of the Howling Hounds. The Valnerynes, embittered by their loss, had spent those years rallying their forces and plotting their revenge. Now, they stood poised on the brink of invasion, their armies swelling into the thousands and their dragons ready to darken the skies once more.

Frenrys, now 22 years old and burdened with the weight of leadership, knew that the time for preparation was over. He had spent countless nights planning with Nyran, his trusted advisor and mentor, and Lyssa, the stalwart commander whose loyalty never wavered. Together, they had fortified their defenses, rallied their allies, and prepared their people for the inevitable clash.

Nyran approached Frenrys, his weathered face etched with concern but his eyes filled with unwavering determination. "They're coming, Frenrys," he said gravely, his voice carrying the weight of their shared history. "Rynero and his dragon lords lead a coalition of tribes—the Ironclad, the Shadowwalkers, and the Wildfire Brotherhood. Each one hungry for vengeance and dominance."

Frenrys nodded solemnly, his jaw set in determination. "We'll meet them at the border," he declared, his voice carrying across the courtyard where warriors and villagers alike gathered to hear their leader's words. "We will not yield an inch of Gamachiana to those who seek to conquer us. Today, we stand united against our greatest adversary."

The assembled crowd erupted into cheers, their voices echoing off the stone walls of the stronghold. Amidst the cheers, Frenrys felt a surge of pride mingled with apprehension. The fate of their homeland rested on their shoulders, and the burden was heavier than any sword.