

She was sixteen when her mother suddenly passed away after an accident at work. Later, she is sent to live with her father and two older brothers; all of whom she'd last met when she was only five. In an unfamiliar environment living with people who seemed like they'd rather not have her around, she keeps to herself, keeps her head down, and stays in the background. However, would things stay the same forever? _____ Disclaimer: The cover picture is AI-generated. Warning: I'm writing this to improve my writing skills though I don't think it's helping. However, do give it a chance if you have nothing else to read. I'd like to hear any comments, reviews, or criticisms in order to better my writing. Crossposted on Wattpad and Scribblehub.

honeyseeto_02 · วัยรุ่น
19 Chs

Chapter 9

As I neared the manor, my heart began beating erratically. 

I was nervous, afraid, hopeful, and just filled with a bundle of different emotions that threatened to spill out. I was finally going to meet my father after eleven years and though it should have been a joyous occasion, the reality was anything but. 

When I walked up the stairs and entered the foyer, a shiver went down my spine. I didn't know what it was but the atmosphere in the house was definitely different. It was, so to speak, colder. Less homely and more intimidating. Was it because the owner of the mansion was home?

Ms. Owens greeted me as I passed the foyer. Unlike her usual bright expression, she wore a grim smile and said, "Welcome back Miss. Your...father wishes to see you in his office."

There it was. 

I thanked her as best I could and controlled my expression so as not to seem scared. I put down my bag and followed her to where my father's office was. Unlike the bedrooms, most of which were located on the second floor, his office was on the first floor of the manor, right at the end of the hallway beside the stairs. 

We reached the door after a minute or so of walking and Ms. Owens gestured for me to go forward. 

"I'll take my leave now," she said giving me a reassuring smile. 

She bid her farewell and walked back while I stood facing the door biting my lip anxiously. Taking a deep breath, I raised up my closed fist and knocked gently. 

A second passed and then a deep voice responded, "Come in."

I turned the knob and walked inside.

I wasn't sure what to expect as I entered the office. As I closed the door behind me, I looked straight ahead at the figure seated behind the large mahogany desk. It was a man; my 'father'. I could tell even at a certain distance that he was rather huge - muscle and height-wise. If his sons were anything to go by, I guess it shouldn't really have been much of a surprise that despite his middle-aged status, he was incredibly handsome still. A strong sharp jawline, black hair that was neatly styled, and blue eyes filled with hidden emotions that seemed to see right through me. 

As I stood observing him, he too was observing me but though my observation was out of curiosity, his seemed to be out of suspicion. It was as though he was analyzing my every move, trying to predict what I was thinking. That didn't sit right with me and it certainly didn't bode well for whatever conversation was going to happen. 

After a minute, the silence was finally broken by him. 

"Lynette Parker," he began. His fingers drummed the desk as his voice continued to speak, "I trust that your stay here has been to your liking."

"...It has," I replied politely. "Um, t-thank you for taking me in-"

He suddenly cut me off and said, "There are only two things I expect of you. One; I expect you to obey my rules without question. Two; you are not permitted to do anything that would damage the reputation of this family."

The coldness in his tone caused me to shrink back. 

"Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes," I replied unable to form any other words. 

My father nodded, "Good. I don't know what you have heard but by now, you should have guessed that I am only taking you in out of obligation as the other parent written on your birth certificate. You, however, are not my biological daughter."

The words that spilled out of his mouth shocked me to my very core and I couldn't help but take a step back. My mouth fell open and my eyes widened at the revelation. 

"I-I...what?! What do you mean?"

What the hell is he talking about? How...How am I not his biological daughter?? He just said that his name was on my birth certificate so why...

He didn't seem surprised at my reaction but his face darkened considerably as he spoke the next few words. 

"It's no surprise you didn't know. I doubt that woman would have ever told you her dirty secret."

"My mother-" I wanted to defend her but he cut me off again. 

"Cheated on me."

My heart dropped down to my stomach and suddenly, for the second time this month, I felt my whole world come crashing down. I began shaking my head, "N-No! There's no way mom would do that! Don't lie to me-"

She wouldn't. She would never do something so...so terrible! 

"Why would I lie?" he narrowed his eyes at me. "There is nothing I would gain from lying to you, a teenage girl with nothing to offer."

That sentence hurt me way more than I wanted it to because of how true it was. There really was no reason for him to lie to me because he was more than capable of providing for me. If the manor and the workers weren't evidence enough, I don't know what was. My legs suddenly felt weak and I struggled to stay standing. I felt utterly rattled to the core and wanted nothing more than for this to be just another nightmare. 

"Until you are able to provide for yourself and have reached the age of 18 - the age of an adult by legal standards - I will allow you to stay here. I will provide you with food, clothing, shelter, and education as well as an allowance which you are free to use as you wish. However," he paused and directed his frosty gaze right at me, "Do not expect any affection from me. Do not ask for more. I will not and will never come to think of you as my child so do not get your hopes up."

"I-I understand," I was barely able to get my voice above a whisper. I clenched my skirt tightly as his words rang through my mind. 

He eyed me for a second, checking that I had heard him, before curtly dismissing me. 

"You may go now. I hope you will heed my words."

I was unable to muster up another verbal response so I could only nod and quickly leave the room.

After the door closed behind me, I dashed upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door before allowing my legs to finally give out and collapse on the floor. My back slid down against the door and I buried my face in my hands. 

Loud sobs spilled out of my lips and tears dripped down the sides of my face. 

I cried my heart out. 

Once again, my heart was ripped out and torn to pieces. I know that as a person, he was already doing much more than a lot of people would do for a child who wasn't theirs but that didn't mean that his words hadn't hurt any less. I wanted to believe that my mother wasn't someone who would have an affair but that man - I could tell - wasn't lying. As he'd stated, there was absolutely no reason for him to lie to me and go out of his way to take me in, and provide for me, yet display such hatred towards me. It was illogical. 

"M-Mama...why..." I whispered hoarsely. "Why would you..."

I cried and cried until I could cry no more. 

And when the tears had dried, I stood up and forced myself to the bathroom where I splashed a handful of water on my face. Gripping the edge of the sink, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and narrowed my eyes. 

Fine. If that's how it is then I will accept it. 

I won't take advantage of this family. I won't ask for more than I've been given. I won't pretend that I'm part of the family nor will I try to fit in with them. 

I will do my best in school. I will keep my head down as usual. And I will not cause trouble for anyone. 

Until I turn 18 and move out, I will spend my days here living like a ghost - unseen and unheard. 

That was my resolve.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

honeyseeto_02creators' thoughts