
A Dragon and Roach

Trailing after the female student bum-rushing the boy, Satay scanned the hall for his prey, Andy in tow. Following the sounds of the male pleading to the female, he stopped short seeing the shadow that appeared before.

"Uh, Satay what are we looking for?" Andy asked, munching on a piece of bread.

Satay focused on the shadow on the ground extend its arm. Before the shadow Satay saw another female student in a purple tailcoat and purple skirt.

Wasting no time Satay let down a stomp and the force made the shadow...jump? It landed off to the side, and suddenly a portly figure came into view.

This person or thing waddled like a turtle, as they attempted to get off their back.

Andy was startled and struggled to not drop his bread. The figure straightened himself and was face to face with Andy and Satay.

They wore rectangular glasses layered over their dark eyes and brown hair slicked back. Aside from the standard uniform, he wore a pair of white gloves.

They stared at the two for a moment, then let out a shriek and attempted to run. Andy swallowed the jam covered bread and flung out a hand. Strands extended from his fingers, then the thread wrapped around the runner and drug him back to Andy.

"What was that?" Satay asked, as his eyes lit with envy.

Flustered Andy scratched his head with a jittered smile. "This is my conjure magic, I make strings." he said, tightening the bind on their captive.

"Hey, let me go!" he yelled as he struggled against the wrap on his body.

"You were about to feel up that girl weren't you?" Satay said, leering his teal eyes on the stout fellow. Said fellow paled, before turning his head in denial.

"I don't know what you mean!" they said.

"Lot of cute girls in this school huh?" Andy said, winking at Satay. Satay nodded as Andy probed further.

"The senior girls are the best though." he added.

A rigid smile formed on the pervert as he chuckled in response.

"I know right, they've got the best knees..." they said, and was immediately choked as Andy tightened his strings.

"So it was you." Andy said wearing an evil smile. Satay's glare intensified as he cracked his knuckles.

With simmering bruises on his head, the yet to be named delinquent was dagged by Andy to the end of the hall.

"What you got next?" Andy asked, tugging on the string getting a grunt in response.

"Same as you! Lee's!" they replied in squeaks.

"That's the gymnasium. Andy I gotta go see the professor, I leave him to you." Satay said.

Andy nodded as he walked off dragging the captive boy catching the attention of other students. Satay went the opposite direction to find Pandesal.

"Satay my boy over here!" Prof. Pandesal called.

Satay found him to his right, not two doors down.

"Hello sir, what's the teacher for Triskelion History like?" he asked.

"Oh, she's...a handful." Pandesal said, turning away from Satay gripping the doorknob. An uncomfortable silence filled the hall as Pandesal stood at the door stiffly.

He cleared his throat before suddenly turning around to grasp Satay's shoulders.

"Above all else do not say these words around her. Ms. Dragon Lady or Dragon Lady." Pandesal said as sweat beaded down his face.

"Dragon Lady? Satay said.

Pandesal's head was immediately covered in flames, jetting out of the shutter door and over Satay's head.

The flames dispersed as quickly as they came. Pandesal's head was covered in soot and a lock of hair was still aflame. His glasses somehow were unharmed.

"You can go now Pandesal, I can handle it from here." a females voice called authoritative, and reckoning.

"Good luck." Pandesal said, and with a cough of smoke walked away and shook off the soot.

Satay hesitated before entering. The room was similar to Hanson's classroom. At the center was the feared dragon lady the Professor spoke of.

"Greetings, I am Ella Tarragon." she said bluntly, standing tall in her blue gown. Over her torso a dark purple vest with a fur collar. On the shoulder, there was a triskelion. Her eyes golden yellow, and her black hair tied in a top knot.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, mam. I'm Satay Sabai." Satay said, suddenly straightening himself up like a soldier.

Tarragon was in his face, scowling. She didn't say anything as she stared him down. Satay could only stand still as the teachers' hostility filled the room.

After what felt like an eternity, she removed her yellow eyes from his teal pupils.

"Uh, Ms. Tarragon?" Satay said, hesitating to move from his spot.

"Oh? It's nothing and you can call me Tarra. We have a few minutes before class starts, so I"ll answer any questions I can for the duration." she said, taking a seat at her desk.

Before Satay could speak a hostile heat filled the air again.

"EX-cept any about, Dragon. Lady." Tarra warned. Satay could swear he saw a brush of flame leave her nostril.

"I think I'll get my questions answered in class." he said with a nervous smile.

"If you insist, have a seat." Tarra said, no longer emitting her violent aura.

Satay was thankful the classroom filled up pretty quickly. He noted each student did not dare to speak louder than a whisper.

When she was satisfied with the headcount, Tarra sat up from her desk.

"Good afternoon, to begin class we'll explore the prehistory of our kingdom.

The failed invasion of the Pit." she said, tossing a book to Satay's desk as the students opened their own.

Four hundred years ago the empire of Triskeles conquered many people, taking land after land after land. Align with the empire and be subjugated. Resist and be slaughtered. By a show of force or demonstrated force is how they took their victories.

Eventually, they took over the whole arc, but Triskeles was a tyrant he looked to the other arches of land and sought more expansion. He amassed his forces and made his way to the west seeking Lync, home of the Lyncans.

He had heard of their power and mistook them as mere primitives. As he prepared for the invasion of their home he sent scouts ahead to find their exact location. They came into contact with a group of females training their daughters.

They posed no threat, but the scouts struck first and attempted to capture them.

That cost them.

Defeating all but one who ran away, they trailed the scout, finding the main force of Triskeles. Their forces surrounded the women as they demanded an audience with their leader.

Lord Treskeles met them face to face and offered them places as concubines in his empire in return for their cooperation. Meaning coercing Lync into surrendering to the Triskeles Empire. He thought he was paying kindness to primitives.

Those rage-inducing words served more than enough to incur a Lyncans wrath.

Thousands filled the fort making up the majority of the empire. Brutal death awaiting every fighter. They fell by the tens and hundreds.

Triskeles could do nothing as his army fell and the surrounding area became a hellscape.

Mountain sides chunked away, ground uprooted doing away the grassy-lands. The reservoir reduced to isolated ponds. Craters filled with corpses and more underwater.

Lord Triskelion could barely move. In fear, he tried to kill the youngest Lyncan. In return, he lost his head.

There were only 8 Lyncans, they did not lose one of their ranks.

The Triskeles Empire and its 8000+ soldiers were destroyed in one day.

With the main force gone the Triskeles forces homeward were weeded out or forced into banditry.

No one went to claim the bodies...

"This would lead to one of humanity's greatest unspoken rules. Never piss off a Lyncan. For theirs is the power of berserkers. " Tarra said, eyes looming on Satay.

The children grew dead silent, the fear was plain as they looked at Satay. Satay himself only looked puzzled.

"But alas, it looks like we're nearly out of time." Tarragon said, looking at the clock hands by her window.

Time flys when you're reciting a bitter tale of genocide.

"For now read up on the kingdoms' initial founding. Tomorrow we're going over our first king." Tarra commanded.

"Yes mam." they all said, doing as they were told. However, Satay could only pretend to. While Ms. Tarra was telling the story he pro-actively read the history book.

"(I mean I've been told that story even in my sleep, I know stuff even she doesn't.)" Satay thought with a guilty frown.

After the reading period, Tarragon dismissed them. The students hurried away from Satay, too afraid to even look at him. It was to be expected, the only thing he could do is shrug it off.

He read through much of the book and cursed not having time for more before class ended. He now had to focus on seeing Andy and deal with the invisible lout from before.

Satay darted for the gym and looked inside to see the class standing before Mr.Lee. He was about to wait by the door but recognized a familiar shape on the ground.

The shadow crept slowly to the door at the backs of the students. Satay put a foot to the ground and again sent the shadow overhead over the students.

A round figure came into view next to a girl. On his back once again he eyed the female's legs and skirt. Trying to get a better look he found the skirt was a deception.

"IT'S A SKORT YOU IDIOT!" the girl screamed and kicked him away fully engulfed in mana.

He landed right into Lee and his well-toned torso. Falling flat into the floor face first.

"Is there a problem here!?" Lee questioned the student under his gaze. They could only sweat and be silent in fear.

"Mr.Roach!" Lee said firmly.

"Mr.Lee that guys a perv!" the female student shouted.

Lee's pupils went ablaze and he grabbed Roach and let him dangle in front of his face.

"Hmmmmm? Got something to say for yourself!?" Lee said, his veins and mustache pulsing with every word. All eyes were on Roach.

Hey, I know that guy.

That guy's a total creep.

I didn't recognize him at first, he's a total weirdo.

He's so gross.

Andy who was among the crowd snickered as the student body was ready to lash out.

"Mitchell Roach! FIFTEEN LAPS!" Lee shouted.

Roach dropped his jaw in horror. Lee carried Roach to the running path. Satay laughed from outside the gym.

Reflecting on today's events he could only smile. Prof. Pandesal was a fellow Lyncan who went out of his way to make a custom uniform for him. Hanson was an easy-going fellow that liked to get pro-active with his teaching.

Lee would keep him in fighting shape and was fun to train with. Tarra was his only real milestone to reach, but he still looked forward to it.

"I can't wait for tomorrow."