
Lycans Against The World

Jasmine Hathworne is a Lycan werewolf who just happens to be hunted down along with the rest of her pack members who are also Lycans. They are the last of their kind forced to live underground so they can protect their lives. One morning her worst nightmare comes to pass. Hunters attack the pack. The Moon Goddess has a way of doing things which is why she meets her mate Asher Vixen in an underground dungeon. Asher Vixen just happens to be related to the Alpha of his pack who abducted the Lycans. They try to fight against all odds but do they end up being together with evil Dominic in the picture? Read to find out more

Jayaurora16_16 · แฟนตาซี
125 Chs

Chapter 99

Asher's POV


This has to be some April fools joke.

But we are not in April so what the heck is going on?

"What do you mean Dominic escaped?" I growled unknowingly advancing in on the now terrified guard.

He moved back with every step I took forward.

Who was this person toying with my life?

"Explain to me now!" I demanded using that Alpha voice that made any wolf succumb.

The guard's neck was down towards me in submission.

"This morning Alpha...." the guard paused to swallow a gulp "we wanted to do our daily sweep and feed him but when we got underground"

"Keep talking" I said through gritted teeth and a clenched fist.

"He wasn't there Alpha. We don't know what happened. Its like a dream"

"Like a dream huh. He just disappeared" I replied.

"Yes Alpha we don:t know what happened"

I kept silent for a minute processing the words I just heard.