
Lycans Against The World

Jasmine Hathworne is a Lycan werewolf who just happens to be hunted down along with the rest of her pack members who are also Lycans. They are the last of their kind forced to live underground so they can protect their lives. One morning her worst nightmare comes to pass. Hunters attack the pack. The Moon Goddess has a way of doing things which is why she meets her mate Asher Vixen in an underground dungeon. Asher Vixen just happens to be related to the Alpha of his pack who abducted the Lycans. They try to fight against all odds but do they end up being together with evil Dominic in the picture? Read to find out more

Jayaurora16_16 · แฟนตาซี
125 Chs

Chapter 85

Asher's POV

A week.

A whole fucking week.

A whole fucking damned week.

Those rogues have been circling our borders for a week now. Every day they increased in number.

I don't know what to do.

I pushed my fighters to train more so that they would not be unprepared but the more I pushed them beyond their limits the more they slackened so I released them all so that they could rest.

I only took breaks when Jasmine forced me to.

I had tried giving them food thinking that was all they wanted.

They didn't take it they glanced at it and made me feel like a fool for being kind.

I was frustrated and I was taking it out on anybody would dared to do anything stupid.

Nobody was allowed to roam the pack grounds aimlessly now.

Everybody walked in groups, children didn't attend school anymore instead they were now taught self-defense.

The pack was tense.