
41. Marking 2

Avery's POV...................

Truth is so hard to accept, I felt like someone is deliberately crushing my heart again and again. The pain is 10 times worse then anything, I felt in my life. Loosing Addy. Will I ever live my life without him??


No way to the hell, I will do that.

He has turned to be my everything in this one month, the love I got from him is indescribable. And now, I'm about to lose him. Just because I don't have any Alpha blood running in me.

Then who I'm??

Who are my parents, my real parents??

Where are they??

Why I'm with Peter dad??

What makes him love me so much?? Even when he knows, I'm not his daughter.

I don't understand anything clearly. My mind has a million questions, but I don't have anyone's answer.

Why my real parents left me??

What happened to them??

Everything is confused.