
Lycan's Sin

A powerful tale of love and vengeance. When the person who you have sworn to kill turns out to be your lover. It's hard to forgive when wounds run so deep. You can't help when love runs Its course after years of hate. Will they give in to their desires or be the enemies the fate had made them be. I need feedback guys good or bad. You can bash me on my grammar and spelling mistakes so I may fix it Love and hugs Author

Jeethz · แฟนตาซี
216 Chs

Present 4

Mara 17 years old

I have wasted the majority of my time here on the outskirts of the forest. There is no use unless I go deep, there wasn't any chance of me getting a game. But I didn't know what was stopping me it was not fear of a tiger, rather something else. I was worried I will see Lucien again. Then maybe I won't hesitate to shoot him. I still can't believe he made me a fool.

The night we met, when I went home I could not stop thinking about him. He starred in whatever childish fantasy I nursed. I was a pathetic fool who couldn't recognize my enemy. I'm sure he got the last laugh out of me when he said goodbye and slipped past me undetected.

Not only that, but I didn't say anything to anyone, if my aunt was here I would have told her. She would never judge me. I miss her like anything. Especially when I see something nice and pretty, I wanted to give it to her. She would have braided my hair and did my makeup using some concoction made of rose and herbs.

I took a deep breath, not caring for my inhibitions anymore, I walked briskly into the deep part of the forest. It was very cool and green there. But I didn't see any game,, so I decided to venture deep into it. It was dark now the trees were everywhere, but I was good with directions, so I'm not afraid of being lost.

I found my safe spot and climbed on the gigantic tree waiting for the game to show up. Though I have seen tiger's footprints before, I knew it didn't live here. Maybe it was passing through here. After a long wait, I saw a couple of deer coming towards my tree. I hated this part where I had to kill,, but I didn't want to go hungry tonight. I wasn't confident that we are going to get out ration, though grandma had left earlier to get it.

I hated getting hand down from the very same people who are guilty of killing my parents,, but I do eat it when grandma cooks it. What can I say, I'm not strong enough to deny myself like that? After all, I have to grow to seek my revenge on them.

When they reached just below me, I took a deep breath and poised my arrow once more. One, two, three I counted in my mind. The arrow flew from me towards the herd and struck a deer which cried, and after a few minutes of a struggle it went down.

This is the part I hated the most,, no matter what I convince myself I'm not a killer. I know I'm good at it,, but that doesn't mean I like it. If it hurt this much to kill an animal, I don't know how it would be to kill a living person. Though, lycans can hardly be considered as living. They were worse than animals they killed for their enjoyment, nothing more.

I was about to come down to take my kill when I heard a sudden snarl. I was frozen in my position. I fumbled with my arrow I never had this close encounters with any predator before it had scared all the deer's. The dead animal and I were the only spectators here. If I die here, they won't even get a body to confirm my death.

I thought about my grandma, who will miss me for sure. I prayed it doesn't notice me sitting here. I have temporarily come out of my hiding spot to get down now I can't go back because it may cause it to look up. They have sharp eyes and ears. If I knew today was my last day, I would have kissed my grandma and told her how much I loved her. Speaking of kisses, I haven't got my first kiss yet. I'm going to die a virgin who no one knew about.

The tiger was dragging his prey, which was mine originally, towards the tree I was hiding. I suddenly realized his intent he was going to bring it upwards now I can't avoid our meeting anymore. He had already started climbing my bow, and the arrow is worthless at this angle. I took out my knife, which I hid under my belt.

I held it in my hands tightly, waiting for the right moment. At the same time, I heard another snarl which was very familiar to me, a Lycan's, nice timing I thought. I was the only person who could have lucked this bad.

The tiger had noticed the new threat and had climbed down. I waited, rooted to my spot and watched the action. Why would the Lycan attack the tiger? The fight was fierce, the tiger was very fast but so was the lycan. They made it look like dance, both of them not letting the other. I could have aimed my arrow to kill the tiger or lycan, but that would mean the other will come after me. It was better to wait it out and kill the winner who will come after me.

Suddenly, there was a roar and the tiger was backhanded by the lycan. He was a wild and fierce black body with a hint of gray. His green eyes sparkled, seeing his dead opponent. His eyes shifted to me, my arrow was aimed at the lycan now. I know they are fast,, but I have him in my close range. He had to disappear or else he won't survive my shot.

Damn! I was indented to him, so I will give him one chance I thought. "Lycan if you so much as take a step towards me, you are dead. But considering you have saved my life, I will give you an option. Run back to wherever you came from if so, I will let you live", I said to him.

He looked at me with steely eyes and started walking towards me. His eyes as though assessing me. I meant every word you idiot I'm going to kill you, I wanted to shout, but I didn't. Then I saw him stop and looked behind me,, and I was sure I saw a hint of a smirk on his face. He dashed away with lightning speed. I gaped after him, I know he wasn't running because of me. But the question was: Who was he? But in my mind, I knew the answer was him, Lucien.