After what seems to be days. Ray who have been out for the past six days finally blinked his eyes, before opening them slowly, so as to adapt to the brightness that assurted him.
As his memory did instant flash back about everything that happens in the dark void which he was trapped in, that seems to consume his soul, "even if he felt he was no longer there everything still felt so real, as the cold but refreshing breeze blew past him sending shiver down his spine.
"Look who finally decided to wake up? Reana said without turning back to look at ray, as she was busy feeding a enormous black scaled dragon, which scales glittered as if made with diamond or such .
With sixteen scarlet like eyes that seems to contain the abyss, with a blue like eyes placed within it's four horns and heads, giving off the feeling of deadly calmness.
With twenty-four huge horns that was burning with purple flames that burned the air surrounding it, and six enormously huge wings that sems to cover the sky.
But ray was sure of one thing, which was if that eyes on its four head where to open, there was no doubt that everywhere and everything that comes across it's path, will become dead both after death and recarnation.
Ray not knowing what to do stared at the beautiful and attractive back of reana, which seems to trap him in a life like illusion, of peace, joy and happiness as his mouth drooled. Don't stare too much or you will be consumed for you are still too weak .
Reana said, as she used her delicate hand to path the disater of a thing was called dragon, it sould be named death not dragon. Ray taught, I am truly sorry I didn't mean no disrespect It just that .... Which ray words hang half way in his throat as he seemed confused not knowing what to say .
You don't need to apologize ray, for it's completely normal for men to lust after beautiful woman's, not only beautiful woman but all woman how pathetic reana said in a teasing voice. As she turned to face ray while seating back on her chair, with her scarlet ruby eyes locking directly to rays blue like eyes .
At this moment ray felt like all his secret have been seen through, as he hardly swallowed a mouth full of silva while trying not to brake the eyes contant, which after a while reana averted her glaze as ray lay back on the bed exhausted, as sweats ran across his body.
Not bad you have successfully died and recarnated Five hundred thousand times over the decades, since you have last been banished from the creators ream, reana said while talking the glass cup from the table as she elegantly took a sip once again, while placing it back on the table.
As the dragon at her back laid back on the ground, seeming unconcerned by their conversation while closing it's eyes. As steams rushed out of its noses with every single breath.
On hearing reana words, ray was shocked angry, happy, captivated and sad. At this moment various emotions assurted him, from what he clearly doesn't remember clearly about, as a sad sight escaped his mouth as he looked directly at reana .
Not caring about what conquence that this might bring him, at this point everything about ray seemed to change, both from his aura to his glaze to his composure, as a illusion like image appeared behind his back .
Are you trying to mess with me, ray said with a cold sharp and calm tone while studying every reactions of reana, isn't that cute? seems like you have tapped Into a tiny portion of power or will I say atom, of your power from the past.
But what make you think that am messing with you? reana said seeming seriously as the atmosphere immediately turned tense, if you can't provide me with a response that am expecting, I will end you life on the spot reana said with a cold voice, sending the feeling of death to every corner of life.
As the dragon behinds her back immediately spread it's wings, "which a shadow like wings immediately covered the sun casting darkness inside life it's self, as everything and everywhere seems to freeze which at that moment even the breeze didn't move.
Sensing the intense change of atmosphere ray swallow hard on his sliva, as the feeling of staring at death straight at its face assurted him. "once again firstly griping tightly on his soul, followed by his sprit as sweats ran madly across his body.
At this point, ray didn't see the once lively world it was own replaced with blood, bones and cries. "as the once clear ocean was now blood red that send shiver down ones spine, the once beautiful flowers where now filed with countless dired up bones, which from it was eliminating acient aura .
As the sea of countless bones seems infinite, as darkness now cover the once bright sky, only one word came to ray mind which at that moment, was battle through the nine heavens. Which at this moment ray taught of using his teleportation, but a vivid image immediately replayed in his mind.
On how his last teleportation ended, as he tired to calm his ranging mind down but that seemed to be of no use, "as ray subconsciously shouted, I don't fucking know, you hear? I don't fucking know, but for some weird stuff you sems to be triggering some past or death, that I didn't go through.
But at the same time I am certain I went through them, I don't fucking know, please ray said as tears rushed down his face, with his hands shaking un controllable. For some wired reason I feel like I was once the strongest, in the universe or beyond the universe.
That I could erase a whole universe if I wanted too, but for some other wired reason I I I I I ray tired to say another word, but nothing came out unless i I I, "please am begging make it stop, ray said as more tears ran across his face .
Which at this moment ray felt the hand of death clenching his souls in it's palms, as his body shivered uncontrollable.
Is that so? reana said as a dangerous murder light flashed across her eyes but left as quick as it came. As the dragon at her back roared at a extremely high pitch and mighty sound, sending the aura of death through out the universe and beyond, the roar that sems to shake the havens.
Which just for a millisecond, everything and everywhere went back to it's original lively and peaceful state .
On seeing this ray immediately stumbled on the ground, while clenching his chest tightly which his clothes was now dripping wet, why do you keep tortureing me? why do I feel like you have no intention to kill me.
But you slowly enjoy seeing me in pain, do we perhaps know each other from my thousands of life time? ray said in uncertainty even if his question seemed stupid he still had the urge that he knows her.
Will you look at that? reana said as the cup on the table floated in the air as it headed towards ray, "while stoping at his front, drink this reana said, as ray used his trembling hands to hold the cup, while empting the entire content Into his mouth.
But to his astonishment the content he once drank, magically filled it's self back into the cup.
"Yes you do know me, and we were once lovers" reana said, making ray to freeze in place.