
Lustful Adventure in Pokemon World

Oliver was just an ordinary kid, dreaming of becoming a powerful Pokemon trainer. But all of that changed when he was killed in a hit-and-run accident. As he lay dying in the hospital, he was visited by an angel named Seraphina who offered him a chance at a new life. She transformed him into a handsome boy and sent him on a journey to become the greatest Pokemon trainer in the world. But as an orphan with no money, Oliver quickly realized that his dreams were out of reach - until he was approached by a mysterious organization that promised to make him a trainer to be reckoned with. Desperate for a chance at greatness, Oliver joined the organization and began his training in earnest. Before he knew it, he started to get everything he want. Money, fame and Harem. He became not only a good trainer but also one of the celebrity in Hoenn. Join Oliver in his Lustful Journey to become the most famous person in the pokemon World. [Note: The cover photo is not mine. If it is yours, do let me know. One last thing, I can't guarantee that I would be able to finish it. But I will try hard to finish It.] [This novel is in break. I will start uploading again once I finished writing another volume.]

Sowrav2459 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Shinx, The Flash Pokemon

As I reached for the Pokeball, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. This was the moment I had been waiting for - the moment when I would choose my very first Pokemon.

As my hand closed around the Pokeball, I felt a surge of energy course through me. I knew that this choice would shape my entire journey as a Pokemon trainer.

I tossed the Pokeball out in front of me and watched as it opened, revealing the Pokemon inside. And there it was - a Shinx, small and sleek with bright yellow fur and piercing blue eyes.

The Shinx regarded me with a cool gaze, as if sizing me up and deciding whether or not I was worthy of its attention. I couldn't help but be impressed by its strength and independence, even as I realized that it might not be the most obedient of Pokemon.

Despite its disobedience, I couldn't help but feel drawn to the Shinx. It was a wild, untamed creature, and I knew that if I could earn its trust and respect, we could become an unstoppable team.

As I reached out to stroke its fur, I could feel the electric energy crackling beneath its skin. This was going to be an adventure unlike any other, and I was ready to take it on with my new companion by my side.

"Wow, what a cute Pokemon. Looks like you have hit the jackpot too, Oliver." Eva-san told me.

I smiled a bit and said, "Thanks. I have never thought that I would get such a good Pokemon as my starter."

"But he seems to be a bit disobedient. You have to work hard so that you guys becomes a great buddy." Bertha-san told me.

"Thanks. I bet I will." Saying that, I touched Shinx.



"Ouch." I said in pain.

It used thunder shock in me.

"Hahaha. Seems like you do have to work hard." Eva-san laughed.

Everyone did the same.

Now I can feel how Ash felt when Pikachu ignored him. Poor Ash.

Ah, I forgot to check Shinx using my system.

Noa, can you please help me.


[ Shinx - The Flash Pokemon

Height: 0.5 m

Weight: 9.5 kg

Gender: Male

Ability: Guts (Hidden Ability)

Potential: High

Level: 05

Moves: Tackle, Leer, Thunder Shock

Pokedex Entry: Shinx, the Flash Pokemon. It generates electricity using the muscles in its cheeks. When in danger, it will emit a bright light to blind its enemies and make its escape. Its fur shines when it discharges electricity. This Pokemon is not yet obedient to its Trainer and may act on its own accord.]

I do can understand the other things. What is potential?

[Potential System: In the world of Pokemon, potential refers to a Pokemon's innate ability to grow and become stronger. This potential is based on various factors such as genetics, individual strength, and natural talent. Potential is divided into several ranks based on how far a Pokemon can grow in its lifetime.

Normal Potential: This rank is given to Pokemon who have average potential. They can reach a maximum level of 50 in their lifetime.

High Potential: This rank is given to Pokemon who have above-average potential. They can reach a maximum level of 60 in their lifetime.

Super Potential: This rank is given to Pokemon who have exceptional potential. They can reach a maximum level of 70 in their lifetime.

Diamond Potential: This rank is given to Pokemon who have extraordinary potential. They can reach a maximum level of 80 in their lifetime.

Shinx has been assessed to have a High Potential, meaning it has above-average potential and can reach a maximum level of 60 in its lifetime. With proper training, care, and guidance, Shinx can become a powerful ally in battles and a loyal companion to its Trainer.]

I see, it's great. It's kinda like a webnovel I have read in my previous life.

"Okay, now that everyone has their first Pokemon you have to train hard. There are few instructions I want to give you guys. You are forbidden to leave the base this week. The agent in charge of you will let you know which room you should use during your stay in the base. One week later, three other grunt will join you guys and there will be a small tournament. You will get some gift if you win that tournament. You're okay to use this training room whenever you want. But remember, overdoing is bad for you and your Pokemon." Eva-san said to us.

"We understand." We nodded.

"Okay, I will go back to my room. Oliver, you have to follow me." Eva-san ordered me.

"Yes." I said.

After that, I put Shinx into my Pokemon and followed Eva-san to her office.

It seems Daisy-san and Bertha-san also started showing others their rooms.

"Just sit there. Would you like to have coffee?" She offered me coffee when sitting on her chair.

"I would like to get something cold, if possible." I replied.

She bell a rang and a grunt came in.

"Bring two glass of Cola." she said to the grunt.

"Yes, ma'am." The grunt replied and left the room.

"By the way, what about my agent in charge?" I asked.

"You see, higher ups gave me a special order. You know that their will be a tournament in one week later, right?" She asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

"You have to obtain at least 3rd position in that tournament. If you do that, you will definitely be rewarded and if you failed to obtain this position, you will get kicked out of the organization. Don't worry, we won't take your Pokemon from you. So, you might be able to do something like earning. Besides, it's not really hard for a beautiful boy like you to get a job." Eva-san revealed.

"Isn't it a bit selfish? It's like only I am getting abandoned. Besides, I can get money by having a suger mommy. But I don't want to have a relationship where will only be money within relationship. I want my girlfriends to love only me. I don't want to love them for money. I want to love them overall." I said with determination.

Hearing that, she went surprised and smiled, "You looked a bit cooler just now. Hey wanna become this older sister's boyfriend? I will love you day and night."

She said a bit seductively. Her E-Cup boobs jumped a bit.

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