
Training with the White Wolf Warriors

Madison woke up before dawn, her mind still racing with thoughts of Wald, her friends, and all the innocent people counting on them. She wouldn't let them down. Whatever it took, whatever price she had to pay, she would see this through to the end.

As she stepped out of her quarters, the cool morning air hit her face. The White Wolf village was already bustling with activity, warriors preparing for the day's training. Madison took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead.

"Ready?" Astrid's voice came from behind her. The warrior looked as fierce as ever, her eyes sharp and alert despite the early hour.

Madison nodded. "As I'll ever be."

They made their way to the training grounds, a large clearing surrounded by ancient trees. Several White Wolf warriors were already there, going through warm-up exercises. Madison felt a pang of nervousness. These were seasoned fighters, and she was... well, she wasn't sure what she was anymore.