
Luscious Ambition

In the city of Destiny Central, everyone is known for their status, riches, and their many love stories... Everyone but one man, Shiro Moji. A loser born in North America who luckily found himself getting a full ride scholarship to Matsugaya University, the best college known in Destiny Islands. Shiro is only a semester in and already he figures he's at the bottom of the food chain. He can't seem to upgrade his status, he doesn't have a lot of money to his name, and most importantly he is maidenless! Nothing seems to go right for him until he gets a text from an anonymous number sending a voice note that sends Shiro to sleep, which gives this entity enough time to treat Shiro to a new life... ------------------------ From the creator of Destiny Harem, this will be the ULTIMATE final rendition of Destiny Harem! This version tops all others, I promise. For those who is coming back to read my stories, I hope you enjoy and I promise to make this the best novel for all of you! Note(s): •Erotic Novel Galore! •Every [18+] chapter you are free to skip, it doesn't necessarily pertain to the main plot other than the usual "Power Up" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Aisuru_Reborn · แฟนตาซี
119 Chs

Learning The Ropes Pt. 2

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Whitney's House]

The evening fell upon Earth and Mr. Dawn allowed me to spend the night at his house. I wasn't a stranger to spending nights over here with Whitney and her dad. When Whitney's Mom and her dad used to be married, I frequently came over and they enjoyed my presence that I kinda became like an "extended family member".

I was to sleep in the Guest Room, but I decided to spend some time with Whitney before I went off to bed. Her bedroom still had the same familiar scent of lavender and vanilla. The soft glow of her fairy lights lit up the room, allowing the room to have a warm and cozy ambience. We made small talk while Whitney searched for something she thought she had lost.

Whitney walked over to me, nestling next to me. She smiled and opened an old year book she kept. Her eyes sparkled with nostalgia as she looked at the old pictures. "It's been so long since I've looked over these with you..~"

I looked at the pictures as well, a smile curling on my face as I remembered the happier times. "Oh lord, there's me right there..."

Whitney scanned the page then found my freshman picture then covered her mouth, giggling softly. "You're so cute..~"

"C'mon, you're obviously saying that to be nice.." I chuckled softly.

"I'm not...I've always found you rather cute.." Whitney said with a soft blush on her face.

After Whitney said that, there was a tender silence filling the room. I blushed as well then noticed two options in front of me.

[Make a slight move (Increases Bond with Whitney, Seduction EXP Increase)]

[Redirect the conversation (Missed Opportunity Penalty)]

I blushed even more then decided to be brave. I had Whitney to myself tonight, and our chemistry does make it easier for Lust-E to help. I gently held Whitney's chin, making her look at me. We locked eyes and our breathing slightly deepened.

I was already too deep into action, and Whitney didn't seem to reject my advancement. I reached out and gently brushed a few strands of hair from her face, my fingertips lingering on her cheek.

[Bond with Whitney Increased]

[Seduction EXP +100]

"Shiro..." Whitney spoke softly, cupping my hand in hers.

"Is..it okay if..." I started then blushed even more.

"Mhm.." Whitney softly answered, parting her lips slightly.

My heart began racing as I stared at Whitney and her luscious pink lips. I slowly leaned in, my breath mingling with Whitney's. Soon our lips were met with a gentle kiss. I pulled away first, but Whitney gently pulled me in for a second yet longer kiss.

We pulled away slowly, taking our time to register what happened. I couldn't believe what happened...I actually managed to get a kiss from Whitney. However, with great reward comes the great risk...sudden arousal.

Whitney noticed me about to get up, but stopped me by placing her hand on my thigh. "Wait..."

I felt shivers throughout my body and my breathing hitched. "Wynn...I—"

Whitney noticed me still trying to get up. "Hold on Shiro..!"

As the struggle for me to get up happened, we began to wrestle with Whitney trying to keep me down while I tried to get up. As we wrestled, I finally managed to pin Whitney down then grinned at her.

"You're gonna..." I started then began tickling her sides. "Let me go!"

Whitney squealed with delight, her laughing filling the room. "Shiro! Not fair! Not fair!~" she gasped in between her giggles, trying to wriggle her way out of my tickle attack.

I paused, my eyes meeting Whitney's, our faces inches apart. With a burst of energy, Whitney suddenly flipped us over, now finding herself on top of me. She pinned me down, keeping my hands over my head, laughing softly.

"Gotcha~" Whitney giggled softly.

I smiled as I looked up at Whitney. "Yeah..?"

Whitney giggled and straddled me then grunted softly, blushing a bit. I grunted softly and my face became a bright red as Whitney had sat on my boner. I was hoping to avoid this situation all together.

"Whitney, I—" I started.

"No...it's fine.." Whitney said softly then looked down at me.

As Whitney leaned down to kiss me, she heard her phone ringing. She paused and softly sighed. I could see her visible disappointment as a distraction stopped our intimate session.

She got off me then went to her purse to grab her phone. She looked at who called her then noticed it was her friend. She looked back at me then smiled. "Sorry...it's my friend.."

I sat up and returned her smile. "It's fine...I'll leave you to it.."

Whitney nodded then walked toward me as I got up. She leaned into me, kissing my cheek. "Sleep well tonight..~"

"Same with you..~" I said softly.

I left Whitney's room to go into the Guest Room. I sighed as I walked in and walked toward my bed. "Well, I mean I got somewhere..."

"That you did!~ See this shit isn't that hard, you just gotta play your cards right. It's easier to connect with women you're friends with and have history with. That why tomorrow...we are definitely gonna need to get you a date, but with someone you don't know well..." Lustie said.

I heard my phone ringing and noticed it was Akira wanting to FaceTime me. I picked up and fixed my hair in the camera. "Hey."

Akira leaned into the camera then squinted. "You're not at home?"

"No, I'm staying the night at Whitney's place. Mark and his stupid clan chased me from the campus to my neighborhood. I'm seriously getting tired of that guy." I said then laid down on my bed.

Akira chuckled and began to get ready for bed. "I was just calling you to check up on you. Had to make sure you weren't preparing to jump off a cliff~"

"Oh haha." I said then chuckled a bit.

[Generating Flirtatious Line...]

I looked at the line Lust-E generated then closed my eyes, blushing a bit. 'Seriously?'

"I must admit, this one is quite bold for you..~" Lustie chuckled.

[Do you want to beat the allegations? Gotta take high risks if you want the full experience.]

"I was wondering..." I started.

"Mhm?~" Akira responded as she did her skin care routine.

"Uhm...I was getting tripped up over one of your lessons...elastic collision." I said.

"Mhm? What can I help you with?" Akira asked and looked at me through the phone.

"Well...I was hoping to get a live example of it. Maybe using our bodies for for the example.." I said then blushed madly.

[Akira is slightly amused...]

[Flirting EXP +50]

[Seduction EXP +30]

Akira softly laughed and stared at me through the camera with an amused grin on her face. "No way you tried to smooth talk me..~ I gotta say...it did get me a little..~"

I smiled and looked at Akira. "I'm just trying to get better with my confidence...you know.."

"Yeah okay, I'm watching you mister..~" Akira chuckled.

Akira and I continued to talk on the phone for a while. Our talks are always therapeutic for me as I'm able to freely vent to her as she's basically the only Professor who cares about their students, but due to me being Akira's favorite student I was allowed the honor of speaking to her outside of classes.

We finally got off the phone after an hour of talking with each other and I decided to head to sleep for the night.

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

I finally arrived at campus and looked at Lust-E. "Alright...work your magic, who is the unlucky soul being matched with a Level 1 Goon like me?"

[Scanning vicinity...]

[Potential Date Nearby!]

I followed the Lust Tracker and noticed the dot was right in front of me. I looked up and noticed who Lust-E tracked. 'I'd almost rather get hit with a full power Stone Cold Stunner than to risk my life fucking around with Mark's girlfriend!'

"Ahh, that's Mark's sweetheart huh?~" Lustie chuckled.

'More like an unstable couple. I've never seen a more toxic couple...and I promise you Aubrie is not worth dying for..' I thought to Lustie.

Aubrie Acacia...known around the campus as a self-centered, loud, Mega Bitch, and she's a party animal and probably as bad as you can get. She was pretty attractive despite her heinous flaws. Her hair was a mesmerizing combination of black and vibrant blue, flowing in waves that framed her face with an air of audacity. She had a slim build with small breasts, but she exuded confidence like no other girl did at this University.

I sat down at a nearby table so I didn't look weird. I just stared down at Lust-E and listened to Lustie.

"Alright, boss man~ It's time to make your ultimate move..~ Lust-E will never track a woman that isn't compatible with you to some degree. Alright...I don't personally know what kind of woman she is, so this is gonna be like a hail mary play.." Lustie said.

'Day two and I'm already about to sacrifice my life for some pussy man...I can't tell if you're trying to help or get me killed...' I thought to myself. 'Fine let's go with it...'

[Generating Random Pick Up Line...]

I stood up and walked over to the table Aubrie was sitting at then sat at the table with her.

"Loosen up..! Say it proudly and if it fails, we'll move on to the next and come back when we have a better chance." Lustie said.

I sighed then looked at Aubrie. "Hey."

Aubrie looked up at me and scoffed, looking back down at her phone. "What the fuck do you want, Bitch Boy?"

'This is not going to work.' I said.

"Do it!" Lustie said.

I was about to say something, but Aubrie immediately stopped me.

"If you think beating up Mark lands you any form of chance with me, think again loser. You might seem a lot more attractive physically, but you're still a dorky, worthless loser to me." Aubrie said.

'The worse she could say is no...they say...' I thought to myself.

[Pick Up Line failed...]

[Hindrance: Ambition.]

[Advice: Increase Luscious Ambition Percentage.]

I stood up and took my loss, but I was now curious about this new Ambition Trait.

Aubrie watched me then sighed, looking at her phone. 'The balls that guy has...'

"Seems like we can start a new lesson, Learning Ambition. Let's find a place a place to sit so I can teach you." Lustie said.

I nodded and took a seat at an empty table. I set my bag down then looked at Lust-E, seeing a new Trait had been unlocked.

"Luscious Ambition..~ This ability is what determines your Confidence, your Drive and Desire. The higher your Ambition Percentage is, the stronger your 'Aura' becomes making you more irresistible at higher percentages." Lustie started.

"Because your Ambition is at 0%, you have no Drive nor Desire which can reflect in the way you speak to women. They will see that you have little purpose and motivation, causing them to think you're only wasting their time." Lustie said.

'How do I increase my Ambition?' I thought to Lustie.

"There isn't anything I can do for you that can help with that, buddy. However, I can set up goals and milestones for you. This way, with Daily Goals this will help you increase your Ambition and can even help you grow as a person. Out of all your Traits, Ambition is the most important trait as it Amplies all other Traits and boosts EXP gain based on its Percentage." Lustie answered and smiled at me.

I nodded and closed my eyes. 'Alright...now I can see why I immediately succeeded with Whitney and Gloria. Like you said last night, having an already established relationship makes it easier to get dates... Alright. I'm willing to finally cave in and let this System work her magic.'

"Good!~ Lust-E do the honors for us?~" Lustie said.

[Generating Daily Goals...]

{Easy Difficulty: Flirt with 5 women}

{Normal Difficulty: Get three women to compliment you}

{Hard Difficulty: Successfully obtain someone's number}

"If you manage to get at least two of the three goals done, I'll reward you and this will be a daily thing~ Rewards may vary depending on what goals you complete for the day~" Lustie said and giggled.

I looked at the Daily Goals then nodded to myself. 'Alright...today marks the day I turn my life around and I'll be coming back for Aubrie's number...'

"That's the Spirit, Superstar!~ Let's slay some pussy together, playa!~" Lustie giggled.

And thus begins the day I sold my soul...for female interaction...