
Chapter 3: Disaster On The Streets!

Jeffery Lunamo, our protagonist in the series, starts to proceed walking back to home from yet another school fight. A man showed up before him with a sharp knife. "Give me some of your cash brat!" said the man. "Oh yeah? So you wanna fight old man?" said our protagonist. The man continues to lift his knife up ready to slice and dice our protagonist. "You're slow." said our protagonist. our protagonist then proceeds to throw a punch landing on the hideous face of the man before him. Next day our protagonist went outside for a walk on the strees of Red City until a man runs away. The man warned our protagonist that a gang is raiding Red City! "Bang!" a gunshot is heared from the distance. Our protagonist bearly dodged the bullet and it scratched him. "That man was not lying about a gang in here! Now that there is a gunshot was heared there must be a gang nearby!". A girl from the gang started charging towards our protagonist with a knife shouting "If only I had enough money i do not have to do these bad things anymore!". Jeffery then said "If you do not like what you're doing then stop what you're doing! How about i give you this cash?" our protagonist then gives her money. "Be careful there are more gang minions than just me!" the girl warned Jeffery. Then the gang started attacking. our protagonist wiped them out!