
Birth of the Nature Tower (2)

Agent Supris was visibly annoyed at this point. Her temper flared up as she answered her supervisor.

"What should I have an explanation for, SIR!"

Peterson moved in a blur and stood before Agent Mari Supris in an instant.

"Agent First class Mari Ramonda Supris, Deputy Supervisor of the Dueckish district." Peterson's intimidating frame towered over his deputy as he looked down on her. She unconsciously stepped back. to regain space but Peterson bent forward until their eyes were on equal level before he continued in a low and threatening tone, "Case Number 46231 Section 4 subsection B7. Young girl provided crucial information to destroy the criminal organization, Lucan's Grip. Reward put on hold until she reached her 18th birthday. Reward notification has to be delivered 5 days before the official receivement." Peterson's low and threatening tone turned into a growling.

"Artikel 69, Paragraph 420: Reward notifications have to be delivered by the Deputy Supervisor or another Agent First class. Being the only Agent First class and Deputy supervisor of the Dueckish district your responsibility was to deliver the reward notification 5 days ago. Why hasn't that happened?"

Agent Supris was so intimidated by the situation that she wasn't able to refute this statement.

"Your next major oversight was to not know that there was a corrupted human in this district. Your Job is to have clear surveillance on every knight Rank noble in our district. Yet today we found a situation where True Knight Aktun Rafal attacked an orphanage, which is by chance the residence of a Baroness as of today. How is it possible for you not to know this, there should have been signs all over the place. They haven't been noticed at all? I really can't believe that you are that incapable."

Unexpectedly Hilda stepped forward and asked Supervisor Peterson: "Excuse me, I do not want to be rude but why do you care so much? Judging by your words she should know nearly everything about Aktun Rafal, right?"

Peterson turned to Hilda and said in a polite voice: "Yes, her duty is to keep surveillance and intelligence of every noble at the knight rank in this district. My duty is to keep track of nobles above that to secure their compliance with the law."

"SO you knew that this bastard came here once every 10 days? As long as he was in the City." Hilda's voice had a hint of rage in it. It was the first time that Hila was about to lose her temper.

"Yes, that is common knowledge. He came here to check up on the state of his affairs, he is the owner of the orphanage after all." Another Agent said after Agent Supris had failed to answer the question. I am sure he regretted it the same second because Hilda's eyes focused on him with all the emotions that were about to break out of her.

"His state of affairs? So you don't know what happens once he is inside the orphanage?" Hilda's voice was now like distant thunder rolling in the sky.

The Agent took a second to find his spine and answer, getting intimidated by a little girl that just turned 18 was humiliating: "I am sorry miss, We do have no intelligence on that because of direct orders we never entered the-"

As the man spoke the sky darkened, until he shut up and looked up into the sky. "Let me tell you!" Hilda's voice rumbled. The Sky was covered in Thunderclouds and the wind picked up. It started to rain. It poured down heavily. Hilda continued while the weather started to get even more catastrophic.

"He walked into the orphanage every 10 days and had his men set up a dining table for him." It sounded as if the storm was speaking in Hildas voice. It sent chills down my spine and I guess everyone had the same feeling. "Next was a smaller table. The smaller table was for preparing the food. I was chosen to prepare his food for him. Next his guards brought in his food for me to prepare, a living and breathing Human."

The faces of everyone around her grew pale and the storm picked up.

"He had made a ritual out of it to introduce his victims to me. Than he told me why they were his victims."

Cyclones drilled down from the sky and formed Jailling bars around everyone present.

"I was forced to end their lives with my own hands and serve their hearts, organs and flesh to him on a silver plate."

The Storm was yelling at everyone. I couldn't see much in this apocalyptic event. I only saw bits and pieces of the surrounding people. I saw that the Primus was helping the headmaster, and I saw Supervisor Peterson pressing the Agent Supris on the ground with one hand around her neck while his mouth was moving.

"I killed 260 People for him to fill his stomach with their flesh in front of my eyes. 6,5 Years of this torture only to hear that it could have been prevented the first time if you had done your job properly."

The storm hat transformed into a natural disaster. It wasn't deathly. It was the outburst of Hilda's emotions. the only person she wanted to kill had already fled. Hlda's intention were nowhere near deathly for anyone but without the Paladins or the AMCP agents she would have caused more casualties among the children of the orphanage. The rubble that was left of the orphanage, the furniture and even the corpses of the dead had transformed into deathly projectiles.

I was clawing myself in the ground to not get flung into the distance.

That is the real scary thing about nature mages. They can call a storm out of thin air that can level a City.

Everything ended abruptly as a Tall and beautifully stunning woman appeared in the sky. Her appearance alone had canceled out the storm or at least it looked like that.

The woman landed next to Supervisor Perterson.

"Supervisor third Class Peterhouse, You called for reinforcements from the HQ and they sent me. Overseer Second Class Listra. What is your emergency."

Supervisor Peterson gave her a recount of the whole situation including a lot of official sounding words that I am not repeating here. The situation broke the stone sold pokerface of the woman and frown appeared at the end.

"This is bad. No, it is worse. We need to send out hunting parties for this Demonic True Knight, Aktun Rafal. But we have to deal with the current situation first."

The overseer of the AMCP walks up to Hilda who had sunken on her knees from emotional and physical exhaustion, after letting her emotions and magic run wild.

"Baroness Maxima, I am really sorry for the current situation that my colleagues from the AMCP of the Dueckish district have caused you. I know that nothing I can say would wash away the pain that is hurting you. I will also not ask for forgiveness for this neglection of duty, It can not be forgiven. All I can promise you is to hunt down Aktun Rafal and punish the responsible agents for their mistakes. I will also arrange for the possessions of Aktun Rafal to be credited to you. Sadly this is all I can do for you."

"I want to create my own organization. As Baroness I should be able to do that right?" Hilda asked the Overseer, it astonished me and came out of the blue for most of the people except Jasmin and the students of the Magus class. I heard later that Jasmine had planted this thought into Hilda's mind.

"Of course you can create your own organization. I will look into it, you will get the documents as soon as possible. Do you have a name already?"

"Nature Tower." Hilda said instantly. "Everyone present has the right to enter if they want to as long as they aren't part of the AMCP."

That was basically it for this day. What followed was a lot of work for everyone as Peterhouse announced officially that from today on Hilda was known as Baroness Hilda Maxima, who in turn picked me up and announced me as Thorus Maxima. Her adopted son and heir.

Jasmine congratulated us both and was followed by everyone else present.

It took weeks and months to rebuild the orphanage. A big piece of land Around the orphanage had been destroyed which led Hilda to the decision to build a grand and majestic manor That had a spiraling green tower at the center. The building alone consumed most of the wealth Aktun Rafal had amassed and left for Hilda to spend. She had also sold his manor in the Romania District and only took the movable knowledge, like books with her. The rest was sold with the manor to the AMCP who brought it at 1.5 times the market value. And instantly started to methodically dismantle it to find any leads towards Aktun Rafal's many misgivings.

The assortment of businesses that Aktun Rafal owned were transferred to Hilda or bought out of her hands from the AMCP if the indication of major criminal activities were present. Most of the Dueckish district was now owned by the Nature Tower.