
Luminescent Swordsman

A world plagued by a haunting voice that spreads like an illness. Those who hear it experience vivid hallucinations and whispers until they plunge into an unnatural state. Nox recently got infected and is trying to survive in a world full of dangerous daemons

CrushedByBooks · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Nox found himself in an expansive void of silken darkness.

Whispers, like ethereal tendrils, assaulted his mind, causing him to clutch his chest in discomfort. It felt as if something was burning up inside him, the pain searing through his being.

"Uuh… What the hell is going on."

From what he knew being awakened by the calling wasn't this peaceful. At least, in teh webnovels and webtoons he read as a child.

Nox gritted his teeth, trying to endure the torment until finally, the agony subsided.

As the pain faded away, the whispers took on a different tone, delivering their cryptic messages.

[A shard of radiant light flickers inside of you…]

[You have gained a facet]

"Why is it so damn painful?!"

Gradually, Nox became aware of a stirring within him. It was as if a dormant energy was awakening, surging through his veins. He could feel its presence, pulsating with a strange intensity. This energy was not foreign; rather, it felt as though it had always resided within him, patiently awaiting this moment of revelation.

The newfound energy permeated his entire being, saturating his thoughts and emotions. Nox felt a heightened clarity within himself, as though a fog had been lifted from his mind.

But it was not only his thoughts that were affected; his body began to transform as well. He sensed a small, radiant light flickering in the center of his chest, and from it, waves of heat spread outward, permeating every inch of his being.

This heat seemed to penetrate his bones, muscles, and organs, revitalizing them, rebuilding them. Nox felt a surge of strength, agility, and vitality coursing through his veins. It was a euphoric sensation, as if he were shedding his former self and emerging as something more powerful, more resilient.

With each passing moment, the transformation deepened, leaving no doubt that Nox had become something extraordinary.

After a time, the burning star within his chest began to cool, and a soothing coldness washed over him, dissipating any lingering.

In his vision strange words shimmered.

Name: Nox.

Species: Awakened Human.

Facet: [Shard of Radiant Light]

Facet Description: [A shard of Radiant light grows inside you. You are a being with the facet to emanate blinding light and searing heat]

Status: [Timeless] "Not affected by the passage of time and space."

Fragments : [Chainbreaker]

Fragment type: Soul Weapon

[Chainbreaker] Fragment Description : A broken sword with an infinite chain attached to its hilt. Despite its fractured blade, the Chainbreaker carries residual power, able to channel essence.

Strength: 8 (10)/ Agility: 10 (10)/ Perception: 13 (10)/ Stamina: 10 (10)/ Essence: (20)/

Once you pass your trial, the Calling gives the user a system panel, which they only see and hear themselves.

"Hmmmm…. Interesting."

Nox glanced at his facet.

'Briliant light and searing heat!'

"Interesting… I guess I got some fire powers."

After the trial ends the calleds body goes through a transformation. Their physical abilities become much greater than an ordinary human. On top of that, they receive Facets.

Facets were the magical powers that those who survived in the trial recieved. These powers can range in a variety of ways, some can give you skills, others just heighten a sense.

Whatever he would recieve would either be usefull against the daemons in the real world or completely useless like the facet to see a little better for example.

Nox smiled.

His facet, although unconventional, would be useful.

'I think I got something particularly powerful… I'll have to explore it later.'

Satisfied Nox glanced at the stuff below.

Status: [Timeless] "Not affected by the passage of time and space."

The status was pretty self explanatory. Just as its name implied, it showed the status of the user, whether it was the body, mind, or even soul.

He focused on the status descriptions, trying to make sense of the seemingly random words.


'Does that mean I'll live forever, or is it some kind of after effect of teleportation?'

Continuing to analyze the words, he tried to make sense of what they were.

"Hmmm… Interesting."

'An entity that exists outside of time.….'

Connecting the dots, Nox started to draw some conclusions.

'This attribute probably relates to however the hell I got transported here.'

Nox's gaze fixated on the fragment he had obtained by killing the arachnid, his eyes widening in surprise.

Fragments : [Chainbreaker]

Fragment type: Soul Weapon

[Chainbreaker] Fragment Description : A broken sword with an infinite chain attached to its hilt. Despite its fractured blade, the Chainbreaker carries residual power, able to channel essence.

Fragments were magical items tied to the cores of a daemon. They could manifest into any item. These fragments came in many various types such as utility items, charms, weapons and….

Soul weapons.

Among them, the essence weapons stood as a rare archetype, coveted by many. These unique fragments could be infused with essence, reinforcing the blade or activating its latent abilities.

Essence, a mystical spirit energy, enabled the awakened to utilize their own abilities—like a limitless battery. As long as one possessed essence, they could theoretically wield their powers indefinitely.

However, once the essence depleted, their faculties would remain dormant until replenished.

Nox's expression soured as he laid eyes upon the words "broken sword."

"Damn it," he grumbled in frustration. "Of course, I had to end up with a worthless fragment."

His mind raced, contemplating the absurdity of wielding a shattered blade.

"How am I even supposed to use a broken sword?" he pondered aloud. Nox had once been a skilled swordsman, honing his skills through rigorous training in kenjutsu during his youth. However, it had been ages since he had last practiced.

And now, he was faced with the question of how a fractured weapon could possibly serve him.

Nox decided to wait until he could test the weapon out before actualy judging it. After all it was a soul weapon and, despite its fractured form, perhaps the shattered sword still held potential.

"This might be more useful than it seems," Noxthought aloud, his voice tinged with optimism.

"Huh..." A momentary pause followed as Nox's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by faint whispers.

[Calculating score]...

[Result: Average]

A moment later Nox's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the whispering voices.

[Score calculated]...


'Average? What the hell do you mean ' 'average' ' Nox was about to scream and curse out the voice.

However he suddenly plunged into a world of silken white

[Arise Nox]