
Encounter with Mom

"First, we've gotta get info." Norman began once they were inside. "I might have an idea where to look."

"Really?" Penny asked. "That was fast."

Norman smiled at her. "We'll meet up in the hallway at ten."


Norman felt something grab hold of his shirt, and he turned to see Emma. She leaned towards him, whispering. "If they have tracking devices on us, what if there are cameras or listening devices also?"

"Emma's right." Penny said. "Norman, have you-"

"Don't worry." Norman smiled at the girls. "I already took a look around, there's nothing like that here."

"Wait, you did?!" Emma asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Norman turned away. "But I wouldn't have guessed. And the security measures aren't located on the building...they're on us."

When they reached the top of the stairs, Emma spoke softly. "Norman...do you think Mom already knows we went all the way to the wall?"

"That would be problematic." Penny shuddered.

Norman turned to the girls. "I doubt it. When we tried to deliver Little Bunny, it didn't seem like she knew we were there."

"That's good..." Emma sighed.

"That tells us Mom doesn't know where we are at any given time. She can only tell our location when she checks. What she does know is that someone other than Connie bought Little Bunny to the gate that night. However, I don't think she's figured out who yet, otherwise she wouldn't have warned us so indirectly. "

"That makes sense...."

Penny was about to add a comment of her own when Don walked up. "Hey, Norman! Do you have a second? The clock in our room is busted or something."

Norman grinned at him. "Sure thing, I'll be right there. Emma, why don't you come with me?"

Emma nodded weakly, and Norman turned to her with a smile. "It'll be fine, Emma. She has no reason to suspect us." He patted her shoulder. "Let's go." And with that he took off, followed by Emma, leaving Penny alone next to the art wall. The ten year old sighed sadly and placed a hand on the spot on the wall where Connie's picture used to be. She squeezed her eyes shut, mumbling her sister's name. "Connie..."

"Well, that was an easy fix." Emma told Norman as they went to collect Penny.

"Yeah." Norman said with a grin. "All it needed was a little tinkering. Let's go pick up Penny."

"Good idea." Emma said.

Norman walked up. "Pe-"

He took a sharp breath.

"What's wrong, Norman?" Emma asked. She turned towards Penny and her eyes widened with horror.


She was staring at Penny suspiciously.

Norman quickly pulled Emma behind the wall with him, backs pressed flat against the wall as they listened intensely.

"What's wrong, Penny?" Isabella began. "You're looking a bit pale. Something happen? I noticed earlier you weren't your cheery self."

"I do?" Penny responded, stuttering slightly. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her mind was screaming with emotions. She wanted to cry.

She wanted to scream.

She was terrified.

She stared at Mom's threatening violet eyes nervously. A few moments passed, and she smiled at Mom. "Don't worry about me. I'm just upset to know I'll be saying goodbye to Ray, Emma and Norman soon. And that I'd have to say goodbye to this home, too..."

Finally, Mom's threatening look disappeared into a more softer look. "Do you like living here?"

"Are you kidding me?!" Penny asked, quickly wrapping her arms around the older woman's neck. "I love this house a lot, but I LOVE you even more, Momma!" The next words were spoken in a whisper. "I wonder what Connie's up to right now..."

Emma and Norman both gasped. Now that was a risky question. The two looked at each other uneasily and glanced up at Penny as she parted from Mom. "You know what? The night she was adopted, she personally told all of us how much she wanted to become a loving mother like you, and raise children as her own, and to never abandon them! Do you remember, Momma?"

Mom smiled gently at Penny. "Yes. I remember. Connie will become a lovely young woman, and a good mother, too."

At that, Emma glanced uneasily at Norman, who was shaking angrily, clenching his fist.


The sound of the dinner bell echoed in the hall. Penny turned around and almost cried in relief to see Ray standing there with the bell in his hand. "Food's done. Time to wash up for dinner."

The door to the children's room opened up, and a group of happy children ran out, laughing excitedly. Mom smiled tenderly at Ray. "I'll be there soon."

Ray walked off after the other kids.

"Ray came at a perfect time." Emma muttered. Norman nodded and quickly exited the corner, smiling at Penny. "Let's go, Penny."

Penny smiled at the two, and followed Emma and Norman down the stairs.

"About last night...."

Norman, Penny, and Emma stopped short, shaking. They turned to Mom, who was staring down at them. "Did you three go to the gate?"

Norman chuckled as if she were crazy, turning towards her fully. "To the gate? But that's against the rules! Right, Emma? Penny? Besides, we were tired from playing tag yesterday."

Penny and Emma nodded. "Yeah."

"Why do you ask?"

Mom smiled gently. "Never mind. As long as you didn't go."

When the three went to the bottom of the stairs, Emma collapsed on her knees, shaking. Norman leaned on the wall for support, and Penny clung to Norman, shuddering, the three of them hyperventilating. Norman took a deep breath and extended his hand towards Emma. "Can you get up?"

He held out his hand to Emma, and she shook as she took it. Norman turned to his younger sister, who clutched at him tightly, heavily breathing. Norman kneeled down to her height level. "Pen, are you okay?"

"Y-y-y-yeah..." Penny stuttered, still terrified from the experience. The boy let out a small sigh and hugged her tight, and it worked. The gesture calmed her down, and her breathing and heartbeat finally returned to normal.

The three glanced at each other, smiling in determination. They turned heal and walked off to the kitchen.