
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Chapter 8

Three thousand days (eight human days) later, Reo and Anko were inside a special liquid created to enhance the power of anybody who entered it. However, this is the first time a Jan-gu entering it, so the results are completely unknown. Even though Ira has an immense amount of faith in his great-grandson and his great-granddaughter-in-law.

"Huh, where am I?" Reo thought to himself as he woke up floating in the dark.

"I believe humans call me the void, but this is the Origin of Transcendence. The place where the first-generation Jan-gu and Naru-bu were born." Reiko said as she appeared behind Reo. Reo turned around to see his mother. Without hesitation, he rushed to her and hugged her excitedly.

"Mom, why are you here? I thought you were inside Rias, being some kind of guide for her." He said.

"Sorry to tell you this, but I'm not your mother. I took this form so it would be easier to talk to you," she said.

"So, why am I here, and where's Anko?"

"Don't worry about her. She's going through the same experiences you're going through here. In another part of me. And the reason you both are here is that you two are about to break through your nonexistent limits, which should be impossible, but you two aren't normal. So, I pulled you both here, in different universes, to help you with your rebirth."

"What are you going to do to us?"

"Simple, I will break each and every subatomic particle in your body and recreate you into something more powerful than a Jan-gu. The birth of a new, more powerful race."

"More powerful than the Jan-gu? Wouldn't that be impossible?"

"Normally, yes, but I have a feeling it's possible. I mean, you and Anko are the most powerful beings from your Jan-gu heritage."

"How?" Reo asked, confused.

"First, your powers and abilities grew at an ultra-high rate. Normally, A Jan-gu spends at least one million human years (20 Jan-gu years) learning the basics of their powers. You did it in fifteen thousand human years (5 Jan-gu years). Second, even though you're in an astral form, you're here with no problems. Jan-gu usually can't withstand the ultra-thinness of this atmosphere and Universe-crushing gravity. Not to mention, you're recreating yourselves into the race."

"What? We're recreating ourselves. I thought…

"I was recreating you two into the most powerful creation in history. Nope, I'm just here as a support and to give you the strongest material you can use in your body. Me."

"What!?" Reo excitedly said.

"Yep, I'm giving you a piece of myself so that you can have access to all of my knowledge, power, and this space anytime you want."

"Okay, how will that work?"

"Well, Right now, your bodies have been in the fountain's water for eight human days. They were deconstructed and reconstructed thousands of times over while taking in pieces of me. Those pieces are fused into several bones, muscle strands, and parts of your brain. These parts act as a key, an-

"And all I have to do is think about this place while using dimensional warp." Reo interrupting.

"Looks like my knowledge has already set into your soul. That's good. The easy part is done, and all you must do now is reflect on what you want from your rebirth."


"You know, when you first awakened to your powers, you were supposed to see- well, I'll let you experience that yourself."

Suddenly, Reo was yanked through a portal back into his body. However, he and Anko were in a coma-like state, submerged under the liquid. Unable to move, they dove deeper into their minds into a dark space and saw themselves through different times. Napping together as babies, playing with each other as kids, and sparring with each other during those years of training with Ezra. They even saw glimpses of their future. Then, they saw everything they cared about burn away. Suddenly, they heard a voice.

"Are you afraid?"

"Afraid?" They spoke.

"Afraid of losing yourself. Afraid of losing the ones you care about the most. Afraid of being what Kana feared, Monsters." The voice said as Lucie, Rias, Kana, and Kasai appeared and slowly turned into dust. Reo and Anko slightly showed an uneasy expression when images of themselves formed from the dust. "Or, is it that you're afraid of yourselves and the unlimited power you hold?"

"Shut up!!" They both yelled and punched their mirror selves out of anger.

"Uh oh, I've touched a nerve. I mean, you both were thrown into a chaotic universe headfirst. Of Course, I would touch a nerve. Sadly, it wasn't the right nerve. There is something still bothering you, but what is it?"

Reo and Anko suddenly released their auras, altering the surrounding area slowly.

"You want to know what's bothering me," they both said under their breath.

"Yes, what's bothering you?" The voice said with a joyful tone.

"I don't want the people I care about the most to be afraid of me. Mom, Dad, Rias, Lucie, Kasai... especially...

"REO!" Anko yelled as she released her power.

"ANKO!" Reo yelled as he released his power.

Suddenly, their power dispersed into the surrounding space, revealing a white space, like the space they shared while fused with Vlad, Meliona, Ryuji, and Rose.

"Really, you both are idiots." It said disappointedly.

"What just happened?" They asked.

"Congratulations, You two have successfully done the impossible. By releasing your true feelings, you opened the last of your limiters. However, it is up to you to solve your personal feelings. Now, wake up!"

"Thank you." They both said as they disappeared.

"Idiots, why would your own family be afraid of you? Not to mention each other."

Back in Caleaxia, everybody is enjoying themselves in the healing springs in the castle. Suddenly, they hear a loud boom coming from the Blood Fountain room. They rushed towards the room and instantly felt a strong presence, along with an urge to submit. Fighting through the urges, they continued to the room. Once they reached the room, they saw two huge holes in the castle's side. They looked out the holes and saw two mysterious figures in the sky. They both had red, long hair with a white bang. Their bodies looked normal, but they were radiating unknown energy, which slightly levitated their hair.

"Is that Reo and Anko? What happened to them in the chamber?" Tenga asked.

"They were remade into something different from us," Ira said.

"Dad, what're you talking about? What do you mean remade?"

"It's just as I said. They have achieved a level that surpassed even mine. I don't even think they're Jan-gu, not Naru-bu anymore." Ira said.

"You're right, Grandpa. We did the impossible and evolved into a race stronger than Jan-gu and Naru-bu. The embodiments of the Origin of Transcendence. We are Primordials." Reo said as they appeared in front of Ira and the others.

"Are you okay, Reo? You sound different."

Reo and Anko snickered as they tried their hardest not to laugh.

"Yeah, they're okay." The others said as they looked disappointed.

"Okay, Anko, let's test out our primordial powers. A little sparring match between us should work. Don't you agree?" Reo said.

"All right, but only if you hear me out after this," Anko said.

"Why wait? We can talk during the fight." Reo said as he charged at Anko.

"Impulsive as always," Anko said as she phased, allowing Reo to go through her. She turned around to see Reo, but he disappeared.

"Where did you go?" She yelled out. Then, she closed her eyes and tried to sense him. Sadly, she couldn't because of the recent changes their bodies had gone through. She couldn't recognize Reo's chi. As time went by, Anko began to look around nervously.

"What the heck? Where is he?" Anko thought to herself.

"Hey, Anko! Can you hear me?" Reo's voice echoed through Anko's head.

"What! Where are you, Reo?" Anko said excitedly.

"I don't know. It's dark."

"Do you see anything?"

"All I see is your memories," Reo said as he looked at Anko's memories zoom by him.

"What! You're in my head! Get out immediately!" Anko said as her cheeks turned red.

"I don't know how I got in here," Reo said.

"Just do what you did to get in there!" Anko yelled.

Everybody, confused, looked at Anko and wondered who she was talking to. Suddenly, as Ira tried to get close, a light shined brightly. Once it died down, Reo was standing in front of Anko.

"What just happened?" Anko asked.

"I think we've unlocked the ability to possess others' bodies. Wonder what other abilities we unlocked." Reo said.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling it will be difficult controlling all of this power," Anko said as she looked worriedly at her hand, which had radiated their unknown power.

"Hey, what's with that serious look on your face? You know I'm here with you on this journey, right." Reo said as he got into Anko's face, causing her to blush. "You're my wife for all of eternity and I'm your husband. Along with Lucie and Kasai, we are all in this together, so whatever we have to do, we're doing it together."

Overwhelmed by Reo's words, Anko moved in closer and gave Reo a passionate kiss. As Anko continues her kiss, Reo gets into the moment with Anko, and completely ignores their surroundings. Suddenly, Anko pushes Reo back hard enough to send him flying around Caleaxia twice.

"I slightly pushed him to stop myself. I didn't think it would be that strong."

"Maybe your primordial powers are more in tune with emotions than you think," Tenga said as he and the other horsemen flew towards them.

"No, only our primordial strength is connected to our emotions, and that's only a tiny bit of the strength. The rest of it is an exclusive accessible remote universe," Anko said as if something came over her.

"Are you okay, Anko?"

Suddenly, another light shined and this time Anko was transported away when the light died down. When Anko came too, She and Reo were back in the void. Wondering why they were back, they yelled out to the void. Suddenly, they heard a voice.

"Congrats on coming back here on your own."

"What're you talking about? You summoned us didn't you." Anko said.

Suddenly, somebody appeared in front of them and shook her head.

"No, you came here of your own volition. You must have been in a predicament where you had to get away quick."

Anko and Reo shook the heads simultaneously.

"All we were doing was having a sparring match. Then, we had a strange experience with one of our new powers." Reo said.

"Let me guess. Your possession ability."

They nodded.

"I was inside Anko and saw everything," Reo said.

"Everything," the person said with a condescending look.

"Can you not make that look using that face?" Anko and Reo thought to themselves.

"Oh, you don't like it when I make this look? Do it make you feel uncomfortable?"

Reo and Anko instantly disappeared and attempted to slap the void's avatar. However, void's avatar dodged it at the last second, leaving Reo and Anko angry and frustrated.

"Temper... Okay, since you were looking forward to testing your powers. You two can spar with me at your full power," she said as she released an immense amount of power. "Besides a husband and wife shouldn't fight."

Reo and Anko smiled with excitement and released their power. Suddenly, they realized the reality-altering power they had as Jan-gu has grown to unimaginable levels. Then, their eyes radiated energy while their bodies didn't give off any.

"This is getting excited."

Reo charged at the void's avatar and Anko followed. The void's avatar flew backward to avoid Reo's advances, but she couldn't avoid Anko's attack from behind, which launched her downwards. Suddenly, Reo appears below her, punches upward, and launches an air blast. Surprised, Void stood frozen in mid-air.

"How's that possible? Air doesn't exist here. The atmosphere is too thin. He shouldn't be able to make it." Void thought to herself.

"Reo!" Anko yelled as she gathered energy in her hand.

"Right!" Reo replied as he did the same.

Then, they shot an energy blast at the void's avatar. Unable to move, Void unleashed her power, canceling out Reo's and Anko's attack. Her appearance changed into something like Reo's and Anko's, but she was releasing a lot more unknown energy. Suddenly, she appeared behind Anko and knocked her into Reo. A light suddenly shined from them. Once the light died down, Reo and Anko were no longer there. Instead, there was a different person in their place.

"Well, this is a predicament. They fused perfectly this time." Void thought to herself.

"So, this is what this ability is. I feel so powerful." the person said.

"Crap, they heard me." Void thought to herself with fear.

"No need to fear. I'm not as dangerous as you think."

"So, what should I call you?" Void asked cautiously.

"I don't know. Reo and Anko together make Rao... No, Iroko.. Maybe Ranko. What you think?" they said.

"Raikou," she said.

"Raikou, huh... I like it. From now on, our name, when fused, will be Raikou." they said.

"Good, shall we continue?" Void said as she released her power again. However, it was a lot more than last time.

"What's this power? It's not dimensional energy, chi, nor mana."

"It's Void energy. The origin of all. Created and only accessible by me and you two." Void said.

Suddenly, Raikou hears screams and multiples voices crying out for help. Then, Raikou separated back into Reo and Anko.

"We must continue our test, later. We need to leave." Reo said.

"Okay, take these as a present." Void said as she extended her arm, summoning new clothes.

Reo and Anko were left speechless and couldn't help but smile. They flew towards the clothes and rushed to change.

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