
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Chapter 3

On earth, it's been almost three months since Sora's inauguration. The WAA (World Army Association) are preparing for the subjugation mission led by the former king, Kenzo Hasegawa, and Royal13. Each of the soldiers knew the objective of capturing Reo, Chronos the Demon Swordsman, and Anko, Janus the Dimensional Queen, but Kenzo and the Royal13 seems to have a different motive. The reason for this is because they recruited all of the students of the WAA Academy on the expedition. However, none of the student had any real experience beside side missions assigned by the doting teachers of the academy. Kenzo was probably going either use the to trap Reo and Anko by making them fight prematurely, or using them as cannon fodder( human-shields). Either way, this was going end well for them.

"Lord Hasegawa, We're almost ready to depart."

"Excellent, go tell the other soldiers that they are free to leave, and we'll leave tomorrow at 0600 hours." He said.

"Sir!" The solider said excitedly. Then, he turned around and ran down the ship yelling. Kenzo looked at him

"One, Six, Ten, Thirteen, come with me. We will have to prepare for that accursed the World of Demons. Two, four, five, meet up with our ally in Alfheim, who should be flying towards there as we speak. The rest of you go to Eden and wipe out our biggest opponents, the Jan-gu and their loyal dogs. Use the Longinus weapons to its full capabilities." Kenzo ordered.

"Sir!" The Royal13 yelled as they saluted.

"Is there something wrong, One?" Kenzo said.

"No, your highness." She said looking away.

"Kenzo," He said.

"What, your highness?" she asked confused.

"I'm not your king. Not anymore. Call me either by my name or Commander. Do you all understand?" He said as he released his aura.

They all knelt down and said "No, if you say you're a king or not, You still our king." Kenzo stood there unresponsive as if their loyalty overwhelmed him. Sadly, that wasn't the case, but he still had to let them believe in him for his plans. He looked at them and said "Thank you for your loyalty. Let's get going." Then, he walked away, and One, Six, Ten, Thirteen followed.

At the palace on Earth, Sora sits besides his sleeping sister, mumbling to himself. The door opens, and a woman walks in. This woman wasn't the head maid who went to Eden with Kana. This woman was their mother.

"Sora, That incompetent maid has been thrown into the dungeon. And, that little brat of hers has been thrown into a bad children's home. We won't see them for a while." She said.

"That's good. They deserve everything that coming to them. They took her into the enemy territory. She could've been killed." Sora said.

"You're right, Son. Your sister could've been killed. Who knows what things Vladimir could have done to her. Especially, if they found out she's my daughter." She thought to herself.

"What are you talking about, Mother?" Sora asks her.

"I'll explain everything to you two, but first let me wake up your sister." She said as she gathered magic to her hands. Then, she walked over to the side of Kana's bed, and touched her head. Suddenly, Kana jumped up while yelling 'No!". Then, she realized where she was at, and calmed down.

"Okay, Mother, I think it's time you explain yourself." Sora said bluntly.

She nodded. "First, let me ask you this. Do you know how the universe was made?"

The two of them shook their heads.

"As expected of your father, he leaves you without the basic knowledge of the universe. Well, First thing first, everything I'm about to tell you is completely secret. No one can know about this. Do you understand?"

Kana and Sora looked at each other confused. At that moment, Sora and Kana was in agreement. They wanted to know what their mother is talking about.

"Good. First of all, the universe was created by the Elder Gods; Odin, Kronos, Amun-Ra, Tian, Indra, Shiva, and Buddha."

Suddenly, their mother burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't hold back my laughter. Let me try to be a little more serious." She said.

Suddenly, Sora extend his arm and summon a ball of chi in his hand.

"Who are you?" Sora asked with a serious look.

"I'm your mother. Though people know me as Alliah Hasegawa, former queen of the world, my real name is Alastasia, or at least a fragment of her."

"What do you mean a fragment of her?" Kana asked.

"Okay, well Alastasia was like your friends, Reo and Anko. An all-powerful Jan-gu with the power to virtually do anything. However, even Jan-gu is weak to love. She fell in love with the Prince of the Jan-gu, Vladimir Lucrada, and for a time, they dated. Sadly, that didn't last long. She cheated on him with the prince of Naru-bu, Naxus D. Cerius, and they broke up. However, the only reason why she did that was because she knew Vlad dreams didn't include being the next king, and she wanted to be a queen. Unfortunately for her, Naxus wasn't going to be the next king because the queen of the Naru-bu and the king of the Jan-gu secretly had a child, Vladimir, between them before Naxus was born. That child was going to succeed two kingdoms. Desperate, Alastasia tried to get back with Vladimir, but she was too late. Vladimir's heart was already taken by another, but that didn't stop her. She made it her mission to get back the man she love. Sadly, after many attempts, she failed to win his heart back, so she made a deal."

"Deal?" Kana asked.

"She asked a god to help her. Luckily, the gods were in the middle of preparing a war with the Jan-gu, so they agreed. However, she knew she would be betraying her people, her family. But, she didn't care as long as she had Vlad's heart."

"What the Gods want in return?" Sora asked.

"Surprisingly, all they wanted was access to the Jan-gu castle on Vlad's Inauguration Day, and she gave it to them. They stormed the castle and brainwashed Vlad as they promised, but that didn't last long. Vlad's father, Ira Lucrada, was there and he saw this as treason. As a result, He recreated the universe into what we know today. However, as punishment, Alastasia was broke into three parts; Her core, her kind side, and her intelligent side. Once separated, we were sent throughout the world. We know were the core is, but it's impossible to reach her without the power to open the Tartarus gate. And, the kind fragment disappeared off the planet. We lost her a few months ago."

"I wonder who's the fragment. Maybe someone who we know." Sora said.

"Mother, what does this fragment stuff have to do with us?" Kana asked.

"You being my children means you're Jan-gu. However, your powers are limited due to me being a part of her. But, your father theorize we could fix that if we put the fragments together."

"Can they really unlock our latent power by restoring these fragments?" Sora thought to himself as he looked at Kana.

"Why tell us this?" Kana asked.

"Because, after everything you've lo-

"That's enough, Alliah! You said enough already." Kenzo said as he walked into the room.

"Good Morning, Father. How are you?" Kana said politely.

"Fine, Sweetheart. How are you feeling? Remember anything about the past few weeks?" Kenzo asked.

Kana shook her head.

"Oh, it's alright. Just get some more rest." He said as he left the room.

Then, Alliah followed him as an attempt to catch him. Luckily, he wasn't walking too fast down the hall.

"Kenzo! What the hell? Don't you see your daughter in there heartbroken? Can't you show a little more compassion towards her?" She scolded him.

"No. I've got to go prepare for a war. A war that been going on for hundreds of billions of years. I don't have time to be compassionate to a daughter who don't even like me?" He answered angrily.

She looked at him with a condescending look. Then, she slightly laughed.

"I forgot gods can't see the emotions of others. If you could, you would see that your daughter wants approval of her father.(Not to mention, Chronos, The Demon Swordsman.)"

"Alliah, how would you know? Your SP power is absorption touch. You can absorb enemies' magic and mana into your hands, and redirect it back you enemies. If you had the slightest ability of your former race, you wouldn't be alive right now."Kenzo said angrily.

Alliah slapped Kenzo in the face as she looked at him with a sad face.

"My point exactly. Weak." He said. Then, he turned around and walked away.

Later that day, Sora and Kenzo walked into a research laboratory, where they keep the citizens of the Takayama. They were in tubes of light blue liquified mana arranged in a circle. In the center of this circle, A larger tube of the liquified mana connected to the other tubes. In the central tube was an unconscious Iris, but she looked completely different. Her skin was normal she had black veins and tubes sticking out of her. Her hair was turned blue.

"How are our little experiment, Sora?" Kenzo said.

"She doing fine, father. However, we have to keep her constantly sedated because of her SP power, willpower, and loud mouth." Sora replied.

"Huh, Chronos keeps some interesting people around him. What's her SP power?"

"Instantaneous Regeneration. A very rare SP power." Sora replied.

"Huh, A power that resembles the healing abilities of a Jan-gu. Rare indeed."Kenzo thought to himself.

Suddenly, Iris opened her eyes, revealing silver eyes. She,then, placed her hands on the glass and released a pulse of power, shattering the glass. Free from her prison, Iris got off her knees and began to float. Quickly getting used to her new ability of flight, she took off through the roof and into the sky. Breaking a hole in the sky, she disappeared.

"Where did she go?" Kenzo asked.

"I sent her to retrieve my future queen." Sora replied with a devilish smile.