
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Chapter 10


In the space inside their minds, Reo and Anko are sitting at a table with Ryuji, Rose, Vlad, and Meliona, having a lesson about more of their powers.

"Armor Body can turn any part of our body into something harder than dragon scales." Reo said.

"Yep." Vlad said excitedly.

"And, Possession is a skill were our fighting instincts as Transcendent beings and fighters take over, and we become untouchable." Anko said.

"That's only one of the possession types. The other one is called merged possession. It's allows us to take over your body when you are in dangerous trouble like your mind breaking from a low level spell."

"Or, fighting all of the Royal 13 members." Vlad interrupting Meliona.

"I think you should also know that your creation power is able to make transformable weapons like the Spirit spears, the fairies royalty weapons." Rose said.

"Wait, Did you say fairies? You mean they really exist?" Anko said.

"Yeah, they exist. Didn't you see them when your powers went out of control the first time in the match with Asta." Meliona said.

"Was that what that was? I just thought it was a hallucination. I mean I saw a weird guy surrounded by many dead bodies before I was sent back to Reo." Anko said.

"Umm, Anko, That weird guy was your grandfather before he left for his 'training'." Meliona said sarcastically while doing air quotes.

"Where would he go to train?" Reo asked bewilderedly.

"I think we need to start from the beginning to understand everything about the Multiverse." Meliona said.

"You mean from the beginning or the beginning beginning." Vlad said.

"The beginning of the Multiverse." Meliona said.

"Okay, I hope you're ready for this long, complicated story."

"Alright." Reo and Anko said.

"Okay. In the beginning, there was single world, we called Caleaxia. It was a place filled with white buildings on mountains. There, two all-powerful races resided. One of them were us, the Jan-gu, and the other one was called Naru-bu. They're power and abilities completely matched ours, but we still tried to one up each other." Vlad said.

"Wow. Is competitivity in our blood too?" Anko said sarcastically.

"Pretty much." Meliona said while smiling.

Reo and Anko laughed. Vlad snapped his finger, and cloth covered their mouths.

"Can I finish?" Vlad said angrily.

They nodded while Ryuji and Rose was snickering at them. Reo got angry, snapped his fingers, and the same thing happen to them.

"Wow, they act just like siblings." Meliona thought to herself.

"Okay, enough. Like I was saying, We Jan-gu had little competitions with the Naru-bu by using Creation. We each created something new things. We, Jan-gu, made new life such as Celestials, Angels, Demons, Youkai, Vampires, Kitsune, Dragons, and etc. While they created monsters from all the mythology like the Hydra, Titans, Hell Beasts like Cerberus, Chimeras, and etc. Not only that, but we created new universes, with different kind of beings in them. That was the beginning of the Multiverse." Vlad said.

Reo ripped of the cloth from his mouth and bluntly said

"So, the Multiverse was made because of a competition." Reo said.

"Yes, but soon after we ceased the competition, because we gotten tired of the meaningless competition. So, we let the Naru-bu have the win, and as proof of that, we and the Naru-bu created one last thing together. The Gods. We made them in the image of us, but they had only one of our powers, Creation. They were the start of peace between us. However, we were wrong. Being the youngest of the multiverse, they were the easiest to corrupted like humans are. They began to fear us for no reason. That's when they decided to start a war against us." Vlad said.

"Grandpa, where were you when all of this happen?" Reo asked.

"I was traveling around the world with my Clan." Vlad said.

"Clan? What's that?" Anko asked as she moves the cloth from her mouth.

"A Clan is a organization of people who follows a single leader. An adopted family that you makes yourself. I think the humans call it a familiar." Meliona said.

"Oh, I get it." Anko said.

"Okay. Anyway, back to the story. Now where was

"Grandpa, can we just watch the rest with your memories? I want to see these Naru-bu first hand." Reo said excitedly.

"Okay, but let me tell you this you both will taking place in our bodies. Everything we experienced you will experience." Vlad said.

"Okay, You ready, Anko?" Reo asked confidently.

"It seems I don't have a choice." Anko said as if she knows what Vlad meant.

"Now all you have to do is concentrate and dive into the memory. This ability is called Memory Diver. To activate it, just say 'Dive' when you ready." Meliona said as Reo and Anko closed their eyes.

"Dive!" the two of them yelled.

Suddenly, a opening appeared behind them, and they were sucked in.

"You think they're going to be okay?" Vlad asked.

"They'll probably be angry at us when they find out what you meant." Meliona said while laughing.

"Vlad. Vlad. Vlad, Wake up my son. Today is the day where we celebrate your crowning as the new king of the Jan-gu." a strange voice said.

"Okay, Okay, I'm up. Wait! What did you call me?" Reo asked as he wakes up in an unknown place.

"Ah, You're still angry that I brought you back here for this, but as soon as we're done you can go back on your travels. I'm actually like you uniting the races. This is why I'm naming you king." The stranger said.

"I'm not angry. I don't know what's going on." Reo said.

"Okay, I guess I couldn't expect my son to tell you the truth about Memory Diver. Well, I'll explain it to you while being your guide and teacher on your Jan-gu heritage and powers. I am your great grandfather, Ira Lucrada." He said.

"How are you doing that? Breaking the memory I mean." Reo said.

"Doing what? We have no time for this get ready. Everybody is waiting for you especially your future wife." Ira said as he tried to play it off, normally.

"Use telepathy when you need something. It'll be easier that way." Ira telepathically said.

Reo nodded.

Suddenly, the loud noises came to the rushing down the hall. Then the door flung opened, and a mysterious woman walked in.

"Vladimir, I've come to see you." She said loudly.

"Who are you?" Reo said.

"Alastasia, she Vlad's ex gold-digging girlfriend. She cheated on him with the prince of Naru-bu, but when she found out that the Prince of Naru-bu wasn't going to succeed the throne. She have been trying to get back on his good side."

"Wow, Grandpa. You had more problems than me with women." Reo thought to himself.

"That's true, you got it easy. You just have deal with three women who love you. This one is a down right stalker, and Meliona goes crazy when she's around." Ira said.

"What?" Reo telepathically said.

"Uh, Excuse me, you should pay attention to me more, Vladimir. I'm going to be your future wife." Alastasia said.

"What?" Reo said as Ira coughs out of shock.

"Your future wife, so you can dumped that ugly pimple witch of a girlfriend you call Meliona." Alastasia said.

"Ugly pimple witch, Huh. I rather be that than be some gold-digging bitch that hurts someone as sweet and kind as Vlad." Anko, in Meliona's body, says as she gives off a killing intent, and crack her knuckles.

"Wow, Grandma reminds of Anko so much." Reo telepathically said to Ira.

"Well, they are apart of the same Dragonia bloodline. The only bloodline that can stand beside the Lucrada bloodline." Ira telepathically said.

"Oh Yeah, doesn't that mean me and Anko are cousins."

"Yes and No, All Jan-gu are family because we share the same blood and DNA. However, Jan-gu bloodlines all have small differences between them. Take the Lucrada and Dragonia bloodlines. We, Lucrada, have a tiny bit more Vampiric DNA than other Jan-gu bloodlines. Same for the Dragonia. They have a bit more of Dragon DNA than any other bloodline. Even though your grandmother is Dragonia, you still have more Vampiric DNA than Dragon DNA." Ira telepathically explained to Reo as Anko was beating Alastasia to a pulp.

"So, Is it okay to marry Anko or not?" Reo asked bluntly.

"Yes, it okay. We're transcendent being where all life, beside the humans, originates from. It doesn't matter who or how many we marry, so stop worrying and marry them when you get back." Ira said happily.

"Wait, how did you know th-

"Shhhh." Ira interrupting Reo outburst.

Anko looked over at Reo with the same look as she gave Alastasia. Then, she teleported over to him, and gave him a kiss on the lips passionately as if she was marking her territory, or showing her position that Alastasia would never have.

"Wow! Is that jealousy I sense, Meliona?" Alastasia said smugly.

Anko turned around, and attempted to hit Alastasia, but she heard someone voice, which caused her to stop her attack.

"Please calm down big sister. You're the next queen of the Jan-gu race." A demon child said as she walked in the room.

"Yeah, you know that big brother love you and only you." A vampire child said as she walked in behind the demon.

"Satan, Lara ! Don't come in my room without my permission." Reo said instinctively.

"Huh, What was that?" Reo telepathically asked Ira.

"The memory will take over if you share the same emotion he was feeling. In other words, you felt embarrassed when all these women came in your room, and at the same time he was feeling embarrassed that his little sister came in his room." Ira explained.

Reo sighed, snapped his fingers, and the God Ultimate Armor appeared on his body. However, it had a different shape from the one he usually summons.

"You didn't know you can change the shape of the Dragon Sage armor into anything. You even save energy on summoning by transforming it into something else like a necklace." Ira telepathically said.

"Well, no. I didn't even know it was called that. We just called it God Ultimate Armor because it popped up in Anko's mind."

"Don't worry, Reo. I can't blame you for not knowing about the name or any of your powers and abilities. That's why we're here."


"Yeah, She's getting guided by her grandfather."

"Hey, Vlad are you listening. Come on. Everybody is waiting." Satania said.

"Yes, you shouldn't leave your people waiting." Laracia said.

"Okay, but you guys going on ahead, and watch Alastasia. Make sure she does disturb the event." Reo said.

"Okay." Satania and Laracia said.

Then, they each grabbed one of Anastasia's arms, and dragged out her of the room as she kicked and yelled insults.

"Are you sure we should be doing this with the gods and Naru-bu declaring war against us." Reo said instinctively.

"This is why we need to do this. We might have instinct to fight, but we actually never used them. And, I would love to avoid a war all together. That's why I choose to pass down my throne to someone who can unite all of us." Ira said.

"Alright, I'll become the king, and unite the races." Reo said.

"That's my boy." Ira said happily as he wrapped his arm around Reo, and walked out the door.

In the front of the castle, many different kinds of beings have gathered, ranging from Angels to Fairies, for the crowning ceremony.

"Wow, a lot of people showed up at this event." Anko said.

"Yeah, I think the entire world is here. Even big brother's clan here." Satania said.

"Well, Of Course. Wherever we go, they all follow. We traveled all around the world, and became quite famous among the other races." Anko said.

"Really, I can't wait until I'm big enough to go with you two." Satania said.

"Yeah, me two." Laracia said.

"Well, I sure can't wait for you two to join. "Anko said smiling.

"Well, that depends if he's going to continue traveling after we're married. Because this is the day were he announces his queen. We all know it's going to be me, and I'm not going to allow him to travel with a bunch of ugly, weakling races who might want to kill him." Alastasia said smugly.

"Wow, you're a rude one." Laracia thought to herself while making disappointed look.

"Unfit to be queen." Satania thought to herself while making disgusted face.

"I don't think she know that everybody heard her." Anko thought as she laughed.

"What wrong with your faces?" Alastasia asked.

"Nothing." The three of them said.

"Well, we should go to our places." Anko said.

"Okay." Satania and Laracia said smiling.

"Wait, where are you going?" Alastasia said as they left.

Then, a loud booms went off in the sky gathering everybody's attention. Suddenly, a stage appeared in the crowd, and ,on that stage, eight people appeared. Three of them were Anko, Laracia, Satania. Beside Anko was her grandfather, Kaiser Dragonia. The other four were queen of the stars, Celestia, the queen and king of the Fairies, Oberon and Titania, and Queen of the Succubus, Kara. Kaiser walked up and loudly said

"Ladies and Gentlemen of all Races, we are here to crown the new King of Jan-gu, Vladimir Lucrada." He said excitedly as he pointed towards the sky.

The crowd all clapped as Reo and Ira flew down landing on the stage. Soon after the crowd stopped clapping, Ira loudly said

"Thank you for being here. As my son's good friend, Kaiser, explained, we are all here to witness the crowning of a new generation's king. My son, Vladimir, but not only that today he will choose who he wants to be his queen as I did, and his successor will do after him. Now, I present to you, Your new King of the Jan-gu."

An immense tension ran through his body as Reo walked up. He took a deep breath and loudly spoke

"First, I like to thank you for being here to help me celebrate this great honor. As many of you know, I'm Vladimir Lucrada, Leader of the Lucrada Clan, but now I'm Vladimir Lucrada, both the Lucrada Clan's leader and King of the Jan-gu, and I will proudly take the responsibility of these two titles I hold."

"Sonic Voice, it enhances your voice to be heard louder than normal. It's one of those powers we have that has many different uses." Kaiser telepathically said to Anko.

"Now, my son will be announcing his queen." Ira announced.

"My queen will be-

Suddenly, Reo felt a strange feeling overcome him.

"Vlad, Are you okay." Ira asked.

"Yeah, I fine." He said.

"Your queen, and my next wife will be Alastasia Celes." Vlad said

"What?" Everybody close to Vlad said surprisingly except for Meliona. She was hurt by his words. She took off in hurry as she cried eyes out.

"Meliona! Wait don't go." Kaiser said.

"Kaiser, bring her back here no matter what." Ira said.

Kaiser nodded took off behind her, and

Celestia, Kara, and, Titania followed him.

"Vladimir, Is there something wrong with you?" Ira said angrily.

"No father, There's nothing wrong with me. I realized that I love Alastasia.".

"Ridiculous. You mean to tell me tha-

"The only thing that is ridiculous is the way you're acting toward your new daughter." Alastasia said as she walked up toward the stage.

"Don't make me laugh. I will never see you as a daughter. You're nothing but a gold digging woman who was begging for Vladimir to take you back. You don't deserve be queen." Ira said.

"Now. Now. Your majesty, No Ira. That's no way to speak to the new queen."

"Your not queen until you and him have eight people up here witnessing your marriage swearing kiss as tradition. Now be gone, I need to talk to my son."

"Wow, Father is very rude to his new daughter isn't he, Brother." A strange voice said .

"Well, I expect nothing else coming from the former King of the Jan-gu, Sister." Another strange voice said.

Ira looked up and saw two familiar faces.

"So, that's how you did it. You had helped, but to say you need help from gods. You nothing, but a traitor to your family and people." Ira said.

" I don't care. I just want to be with the one that I love." Alastasia said smugly.

"We both know that's shit coming from your mouth. If you think you can-

"No. No. No. You shouldn't move." Alastasia said as she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, chimeras, titans and other types of monsters appeared out of the crowd.

"You traitorous bastards, if you wanted a fight that badly, you should've just asked." Ira said as he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, all of the hostages was teleported away.

"Now shall we begin." Ira said as he transformed into Omen mode.

"Attack him my beast." Alastasia commanded with fear.

The multiple chimeras pounced him. Suddenly Ira disappeared and appeared behind them, stretching out his right shoulder.

"Huh, I'm a little rusty. Been years since I had a good fight."

Suddenly, The chimeras was sliced up into chunks of flesh. The sight of that put fear into Alastasia, and the gods up in the sky.

"What's wrong? Losing your nerve already. You shouldn't express fear like that. You should've known this was going to happen to you. You pissed me off to unimaginable levels. First, you expect Vlad to take you back after you hurt him. Then, you brainwash him and betray your people. But, the thing that pisses me off the most is that you made my strong future daughter, Meliona, cry. Don't think you'll be getting away easy." Ira said as he gave off a immense killing intent, and fear inducing pressure on their bodies, and walked slowly over to them.

Alastasia wanted to move, but she couldn't. She was paralyzed by Ira. Then Reo stood in front of Alastasia.

"Stop this, Father. You're not going to going hurt my wife." Reo said.

"Boy, Move. That traitor needs to be punished." Ira said.

"No, father. I told you you're not going to hurt her." Reo said as he transformed into Omega Mode.

"If that's what you want boy, come at me." Ira said as he transformed into Omega Mode.

Then, they both disappeared, and clashed powers against one another causing strong shockwaves and loud booms that could be heard from the other side the world.

Meanwhile, Anko was still flying away from her brother and the others, who weren't too far from her.

"Meliona, Please stop, Sister. Vladimir didn't mean it. He loves you, and you love him." Kaiser said.

"Leave me alone." Anko said as she suddenly disappears into thin air.

"Damn, she went into her pocket dimension. I can't enter without her permission." "Kaiser thought to himself as he stops.

Suddenly, he hears the booming sounds coming from Ira and Vlad's fight.

"Huh, something going on. Can you three continue to look for her while I go back." Kaiser asked.

"Sure. Leave her to us. We're get her back to the ceremony." Celestia said as Kara and Titania smiled.

"Thank you." Kaiser said as he turned towards the fight.

Then, he dimensional warped towards the castle.

"Big sister Meliona. Let us in your dimension. We need to talk to you. I know what happened to Vladimir." Kara said.

A portal opened and three of them entered, which teleported them into the dimension where Anko was hiding.

Back at the castle, Ira and Vlad(Reo) are flying around while fighting nonstop.

"Boy, You're being mind control by the traitor. Snap of it, before someone get hurts." Ira said.

"Don't worry, old man. I won't hurt you too bad." Reo said.

"You cocky, little-

"What can't keep up." Reo said.

"Reo, are you under the mind control, or is it Vlad's body?" Ira telepathically asked Reo.

"It's his body." Reo replied.

"Okay, Time for your all of your lessons in one go."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I'm going to knock Vlad's body, and create a persona inside your mind, personally, to teach you the rest of our powers." Ira said.

"Wait, isn't that an infini-"

Reo suddenly falls unconscious out.

Ira kneeled beside him, and out his hand on Reo forehead.

"Hey Gods, answer my question. Why didn't the Naru-bu send you with any help?" Ira said using Sonic Voice.

"Well of course, you wouldn't know. Most of the Naru-bu race was killed, and some were left sealed for further experiments." One of the gods said.

"So, you found even their queen is dead." Ira said.

"No, she's one of the ones that are sealed away. She even cried as she was being sealed. It was so nice to look at an all powerful being cry." The other god said.

Suddenly, a feeling of death ran through the gods' bodies.

"What's is this feeling? I never felt something like before. Is this death?" Alastasia thought to herself.

"So, You ungrateful little kids have betrayed both of your creators, but one question. How did you kill one of us? We're immortal." Ira said as his anger slowly calmed.

"We killed them using a weapon we created using the ability you two blessed us with. We call it the Longinus."

"Longinus, huh. It sounds like a good threat towards us. Too bad it's just a memory now." Ira said as he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, Caleaxia disappeared, causing a big bang which gave birth to the current universe and dimensions we know. Suddenly, Ira, his family, Jan-gu, and the every other race except the gods appeared on Eden.

"Where are we, Father?" Satania asked.

"This is our new home. I decided to change this universe, and separate the races into their own dimension." Ira said.

"Okay, but what happened to Celeaxia?" Kaiser asked.

"It right here." Ira said as he showed his palm. A miniature-sized planet appeared in his palm.

"This is Celeaxia. I turned it small, so no one can enter besides us Transcendent beings."

"Why? Why did you do this?" Anko asked.

"Because I wanted to end that war before the gods used a super weapon that could kill a Jan-gu. So, I destroyed that weapon and any memory of it, and separated the each race of Caleaxia into their dimension." Ira said.

"But wh-

"Enough, no more questions. He did the right thing. This was the only way." Reo said.

"Vlad." Laracia said sadly.

"Besides, this will be a good challenge trying to unite the races now. I can't wait to see the other dimensions." Reo said.

Everybody looked at him with a confused expression.

"Everybody, This is the new king of one of the all-powerful races, Vladimir Lucrada." Kaiser said sarcastically.

Reo laughs sarcastically.

"That's funny." Reo said.

"Vlad, I want to talk you about something personally. Come with me." Ira said.

Ira took off into the upper atmosphere, and continued until he reached space.

"Vlad." Anko said worriedly as Vlad got ready to follow his dad.

"Don't worry, I'm okay, and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I promise I won't do it again." Reo said.

Reo took off after Ira. Suddenly, Reo felt light headed and couldn't breath. He started to panic and began to lose consciousness.

"Reo, Stop thinking like a human. Remember from the instant learning I gave you. Just calm yourself, breath slowly and let your body do the rest." Ira said telepathically.

Reo calmed his mind, and concentrated on his breathing. Suddenly, he didn't feel the need to breath air anymore.

"Now, Reo, break your limits on your mind, and become a True Jan-gu." Ira said confidently.

Reo opened his eyes, which changed to a silver color, and took off into space, where Ira was located.

"Good Job. Even if you're in Vlad's body, you still have far more potential than him." Ira telepathically said.

"I need to tell you something that you will not believe. But this about your mother ." Ira said.

"What about my mom?" Reo said as the memory took over Reo.

"You should know that your mother was the Naru-bu Queen." Ira said.

"What?" Reo said surprisingly.

"Your mother was the Naru-bu Queen, and she has been sealed away by the gods, with her four guardians. And It's my fault."

"Why would it be your fault?" Reo's asked concernedly.

"When the Gods first declared war on us, I wanted them to at least have a fighting chance against us. So, I asked your mother to help them. She agreed, and the Naru-bu allied themselves with the gods. But, I failed to see the betrayal of the gods towards Naru-bu, and now she and her people are gone." Ira said sadly.

"That's not your fault. Yeah, our eyes can see through Multiverse and time, but we still need to focus on using that power like any other ability. It don't work automatically." Reo said attempting to cheer Ira up.

""Yeah, your right." Ira said.

"So, what did you really want to talk about?" Reo said bluntly.

"So, I going to stay on Celeaxia to be with your mother when the seals breaks. So, I'm going to leave you in charge of this Universe. Do with it as you please." Ira said.

"Okay, but how long are you going to be there?" Reo said.

"Don't know, but it's not forever. We have all eternity." Ira said.

"Plus, we can visit each other anytime." Kaiser said while appearing behind Reo.

"What? You're going too!" Reo said.

"Yeah, Someone need to keep him company. Plus, I want to make some awesome new weapons, and only your dad can help me with that." Kaiser said.

"Okay, but come back to visit, and I'll have a huge Clan for you to see." Reo said.

Kaiser laughed.

"Yeah, I'll be sure to come back with great weapons for your clans." Kaiser said

Reo smiled.

"Now let's get going. Vlad hold out your hand, and summon Caleaxia." Ira said.

Reo reached out his hand, and a planet, Caleaxia, formed in his hand. Then, Ira created a black orb, and deformed it into a strange-shaped blade, that neither Reo or Kaiser could describe. The object suddenly changed into a metallic color. He grabbed and pointed it towards the planet. The object shined a beam of light at the planet, and it opened a dimensional vortex.

"Goodbye, my son." Ira said as he gave the object to Reo.

"See you later, Reo. Come to Caleaxia as soon as you become king." Ira said telepathically to Reo.

"I'll be taking my leave to my king." Kaiser said sarcastically.

"Really, You're basically family, and you'll always be apart of my Clan. So, there's no need for all of that." Reo said.

"Yeah, I know. You're my brother now. Oh! By the way, Take care of my sister, and watch out for my little brother in the future." Kaiser said concernedly.

"I will." Reo said.

Ira and Kaiser disappeared into the dimensional vortex, and it closed suddenly behind them.

"Wow! This turning out to be a story. I wonder how long have we been memory diving." Reo thought to himself.

As he flew back toward Eden, the space around him showed many different memories. One of them showed Vladimir and Meliona standing at an altar for their wedding. Another one showed them sitting with a human sized monkey and a well endowed woman with cow horns and ears. Then, he heard noise, and got curious. He focus on that noise and flew in the memory. Suddenly, he's standing beside Meliona(Anko) gripping her hand as she felt unimaginable pain. Next thing, he sees is a doctor holding a baby girl, and saying "It's a girl."

"It's a girl. What are we going to name her?" she happily said.

"I don't know. What do you think about Reiko?" He asked.

"Reiko is a beautiful name." She said.

"Okay, Reiko Lucrada, welcome to the world. I'm your dad."

"Oh my god, I see mom as a baby. Not only that, I seen her being born." Reo thought to himself. Suddenly, he felt like throwing up.

"Yeah, I never thought I would be experiencing giving birth to your mother either, but I'm going off on those two later." Anko said telepathically.

Both shocked, they looked at each other and yelled.

"Wait! You can perceive me from the memory. Why didn't you tell me back at the coronation?" Reo telepathically said.

"I couldn't until now. I think it's because we accepted our heritage more."

"I guess, but all we did watch our ancestors live their lives before Eden along with the instant download of the ma-

A loud explosion in the room.

"What the hell was that?" Reo said as he lowered a barrier that he made.

"Vlad, Kronos have betrayed us. He have an army of Hell Beast, Titans, Chimeras, and Hydras surrounding Eden. I can sense his and ten other gods' Godly Ki. It don't seem like the other gods know about his attack against us." Kaiser said.

"That traitorous little. Of all days he wants to attack us, he chooses the day of mine and your daughter's birth. He will surely pay." Reo said with a murderous intent.

"Speaking of which Vlad, Meliona, we probably going to resort to send your daughter and my daughter away for their protection." Kaiser suggested.

"We already know, and we came to terms with it. Plus, we will always watch over them." Anko said confidently, but you could feel the sadness behind her words.

Reo hugged Anko as an attempt to cheer her up.

"Don't cry. We'll be with her always. I will create guardians that resemble us without certain abilities so they blend in with the creation of the gods." He said as he continued to hug her.

"The humans. Are you sure that's a good idea. Remember how they treated us, and the people, Wallachians, betrayed us. They even killed our first daughter, Elena. Not to mention, the Atlanteans were nearly destroyed by the human out of jealousy of their knowledge. If we didn't send them to Neptune, who knows what would happened? Are you sure we should send them there? Why not send them to the Demoria, or Transylvania . The humans are too unpredictable. They might kill Reiko." Anko said concernedly.

"Don't worry, We're sending them through space and time to a time where it's the most peaceful in human history. Plus, If they run into any serious trouble we can always mobilize in a instant." He said.

"Okay, but Sol and I will make the mother guardians for them both. I can't trust you two."

"Okay, but we have to meet up first." Kaiser said.

"Don't worry about that. I'll take of that." Reo said with confidence.

He snapped his fingers, and him, Kaiser, Sol, Anko was instantly teleported into a pocket dimension he created. There, they created the five divine guardians; Byakko, Genbu, Suzaku, Oyru, Seiryu, along with special necklaces that gave to the daughters that show a picture of them all together as a family.

"Okay, Now the five of you are to protect and raise our daughters as one of your own. However, you are not allowed to use your divine powers unless either one of them is in trouble. Also, they should never find out your true forms unless we tell you to show them." Reo said.

"Yes, Our Lord." They said as they bowed.

"Also, you will need human names. I will let you choose that for yourselves."

"We are very thankful for this our honor, Lord Vlad." Byakko said.

" Milord, if you don't mind, I would like to paired with Byakko." Seiryu requested.

"Sure, I don't mind. You will be taking care of Kaiser and Sol's daughter."

"And, your niece. Her name is Asia Dragonia. Please take care of her." Kaiser said.

"Yes, Lord Kaiser." Seiryu said as she took little Asia in her arms.

"Hi there, little Asia. I am your guardian Seir, No, Izumi Toujou." She said happily while playing with Asia little hand.

"Oh, Lady Sol, I promise to take care of her as if she was my own." She said nervously as she remembered that they're mothers who are about to lose their children.

"Don't worry, Meliona made you from my DNA, so it's like leaving with my second daughter with her sister." Sol said happily.

"Thank you milady. We will take good care of her." Byakko said.

"This portal will lead you to the human dimension. This should drop you in a place where the humans call Japan. Luckily, we have some friends who they worship, but don't let them know your there. We don't need Kronos know about this." Reo said.

"Yes, milord." The five guardians said.

"One more thing. I want you to take these, just in case of an emergency." Kaiser said as he metallic orbs formed above his hands.

"They're fortresses. Just imbue it with magic.

"Thank you, Lord Kaiser."

"Seiko, Daichi Take care of Reiko." Reo said worriedly.

"Yes milord, We won't let anything bad happen to her." Seiko said as she walked into the portal with little Reiko.

"What she said." Daichi said as he followed.

"You too, Izumi, Takashi. Don't hesitate to scare the boys awa-

Sol hit Kaiser in the head.

"Don't be a bad influence on them. Just make sure they don't get hurt." Sol said.

"Yes milady." the two of them said as they walked into the portal.

Then, the portal closed.

"Alright, let's go protect Eden from the enemy." Reo said.

"Wait. Before we go, Can I send Sol to Caleaxia? I don't want her getting hurt." Kaiser asked sincerely.

"I don't mind." Reo said as he summoned Caleaxia and the key, that opens a dimensional vortex to Caleaxia, to his hands.

"No, I don't want to go to Caleaxia. I want to fight along with you three. I want to fight with the Lucrada Clan as one of you. Please." Sol said.

"Well, you heard her. This is the answer of the woman you love, so you have to respond the same way." Vlad said.

"That's funny coming from you. Anyway let's go, and don't worry. I'll protect you as apart of the Dragonia and Lucrada Clan, Sol." Kaiser said teasingly.

"No, call me Solaris." Sol said confidently.

"Alright, From now on, you're Solaris D. Lucrada. May your fire brighten the way." Reo said while smiling.

"Thank you, Lord Reo." Solaris said.

Suddenly, Solaris felt a immense power fill her body. Dragon Sage armor formed over her original clothing and a magical ring appeared on her finger. Suddenly, She began to float off the ground.

"What's going on?" She asked while panicking.

"Calm down. You not used to your enhanced power. The ring gives you two of our abilities, flight and dimensional traveling, while helps you control your power."

"Okay, so how do I stop floating?" Solaris asked.

Reo snapped his fingers, and multiple white pillars grew from the ground, surrounding Solaris.

"We're having a quick training session. You versus the three of us."

"Do we have time for this? Eden is in danger of being destroyed."

"Don't worry, Eden is a place for the Jan-gu and the loyal angel race that follow them. Eden is well protected, so we have plenty of time."

Meanwhile, Kronos' army continues it's attacks on Eden. Bombarding the innocent citizens, women and children, repeatedly. Or, they thought that was happening, but the magical attacks that was casted were deflected by a special barrier made by the Royal Angel Guard.

"You have raised arms against the creators. Turn back, and we'll let you go without any harm." The captain of the Royal Angel guard said.

"How dare you lowly angels talk down to us. You're nothing, but the Jan-gu loyal dogs. We should just slaughter all of your kind, and keep the women for toys and pets. However, since I'm a kind god, I'll let those of you who bow and swear loyalty to us, live along with your families." Kronos said.

All the members of RAG laughed except for one in the back, who knelt down.

"Do you think we will betray our masters for a race who is younger than ours." The captain said.

"Sad, I was hoping it wasn't going to become a massacre, but what can you do." Kronos said displeased.

Then, he suddenly rushed the captain and slashed him instantly.

"Tell your king that Longinus can't be destroyed." Kronos said.

"Wow, and here I thought father destroyed Longinus' existence completely. Well, It doesn't matter now. We just have to destroy them here." Satania said as she appeared on the ground holding the captain's body.

"Sister, you're very optimistic. That weapon can hurt our family, but you're right. We have to destroy it here and now." Laracia said.

"You people don't listen. Longinus can't be destroyed." Kronos said.

"Sadly, you're still so young to understand this, but the only things that are indestructible are the Jan-gu and Shinso(Divine vampires). Longinus is the second most fragile thing in this universe. It seems the gods' creations are half- assed." Dragia said as he appeared beside Satania.

"Silence, you lowly reptile before I have you skinned." Kronos said angrily.

"Satania. Laracia. I'll leave the army of lowly beast to you. I want to teach this brat the difference between my kind and his sad excuses of creations." Dragia said as he walked forward giving off an immense magical pressure.

"Okay, but don't go overboard. We still need to ask him questions." Laracia said.

"Don't worry, I don't even need to fully transform. This should very nicely." Dragia thought to himself as his transformed to his hybrid.

His shirt ripped off as he grew three sets of wings. His hands turned into claws, and scales formed on his side, back, shoulders, and face. Then, Dragon Sage Armor formed covering his upper body.

"If I didn't know any better, I would've mistake you for a hornless devil." Kronos sarcastically said.

Dragia opened up his wings, and knelt down. Then, he jumped up into the air causing a strong gust of wind and breaking a portion of the ground.

"Wow! That's some power." Satania said surprised.

"Well of course! He's a Dragon. Father blessed them with amazing strength and defense like he blessed us vampires with immortality, and you demons with strong magical capabilities." Laracia said.

"Yeah, but the members of the Lucrada Clan are more powerful than the rest of their races." Satania said.


A giant boulder hits Laracia head on.

"What the heck wa-

Another boulder hits Satania, but she unscathed and angry.

"Looks like we were being careless." Satania said while they lifting the boulders above their head.

"That's unusual for me, but they should've done something better than throwing pebbles." Laracia said while she slowly walks toward the army as she heals minor wounds and her broken arm. She radiates dark energy as if she was painting the sky black. Her clothing changes into Dragons' Sage armor with a slight change in its hardness.

"Since you're all creation of a low class being like Kronos, I'll forgive your ignorance for standing against my brother. Sadly, I won't forgive you for throwing a boulder at my head." Laracia said angrily.

Satania, shocked by her sisters words, falls over. A couple of beast in the laughs. Suddenly, they cut into pieces.

"I'm sorry, I misspoken. I meant to say that you're forgiven for throwing that pebble at me, and you're all dead for standing against my brother." Laracia said as she smiles.

Satania sighs.

"Yep, she snapped. I'll just sit over here till she done with the army, or before she realizes that big bro coming in a sec." Satania thought to herself as she sits down.

Suddenly, A blade comes down, striking where Satania sits, but she dodges in the last minute. She looks up, and sees ten different gods who allied with Kronos.

"You missed, Set." one of the gods said.

"Demons. Such horrid creatures, but I got to give it her. She fast enough to dodge my bla-

A sudden increased of weight falls upon everybody except for Dragia, Satania, and Laracia.

"That's enough from you traitorous bastards. Leave now. You're outnumbered." Vlad said as he walks from a portal behind Satania.

"I think you can't count. We have an army. There's only one, two, three, four. Four of you. What can you do." One of the younger gods said as he laughed.

Vlad sighed. Then, he transformed into his Transcendent mode.

"Down to your knees." He commanded.

Suddenly, all of the rebel gods fell to the ground on their knees, prostrating themselves in front of Vlad.

"What is this power?" One of the gods asked struggling to move.

"I don't know. I can't move a single inch of my body." Another one said.

"This is his doing. As a superior being, he has control over the ones underneath him. This is why we as gods need to kill him. This kind of power is too dangerous for one race to have." Kronos said as he began to stand up.

"You're wrong. I never gave you reason to fear me nor my people. We are the most peaceful people in the multiverse. We don't look for fights. We just want uni-

Kronos stabs Vlad through the stomach with Longinus.

"Most peaceful. Ironic, the most peaceful race is the most dangerous. You can't fool me." Kronos said as he let go of Longinus and backed away.

Laracia and Satania rushed to his side, but the other ten gods got in their way. Suddenly, multiple portals opened up around Vlad, and walked out of the kings and queens of the others races. They gather around him, and formed a barrier around him. Dragia landed transforming back from his hybrid form, and ripping out Longinus. However, even with Longinus out, Reo still fell unconscious.

"Hey kid, Get up. You okay seems like you're finished with lessons in history I given you." A familiar voice said.

Reo opened his eyes slowly, and saw his grandfather Vlad.

"What happened? Are we back?" Anko said as she gets up rubbing her head.

"Yes, you're back. How was your trip?" Meliona said.

"A painful learning experience." they both said at the same time.

Vlad and Meliona smiled and snickered.

"Oh Yeah, grandpa. Are you okay after being stabbed by Longinus?" Reo asked.

Vlad nodded.

"Longinus was only a means of sealing a Jan-gu and their power away, but like everything else we go through, we quickly adapt to dire situations." Vlad said confidently.

"Yeah." Reo said as if he didn't believe his grandfather's tone.

"So, do you know what to do next, Reo?" Vlad said seriously.

"Of course." Reo said confidently like his grandfather.

"Yeah, you're related alright." Meliona thought to herself.

"We have to stop Kronos, and his followers from taking over right." Anko said.

"Exactly, but that can wait. I was talking about now." Vlad said.

"No." they said.

Vlad shocked.

"Go to Caleaxia and hone all of your abilities and senses." Meliona said.

"Why?" they asked.

"Because you still lack the knowledge, the control, and the power of a transcendent being. Right now as you are you can beat the human race with your power. However, while you was gone, the humans have been busy." Meliona said.

Meanwhile, Sapphire and Laracia leads Lucie, Yuko, Evee, Lacia, Kasai, and Rias to the room where Reo and Anko was sleep. However, they were very cautious of the two of them.

"What's wrong, dear? You're completely safe here." Laracia said to Yuko.

"Nothing." Yuko replied with a cold shoulder.

"Miss Laracia, Why are you trying so hard to talk to Yuko?" Rias asked.

"Because, Lady Rias, she and her sisters are my daughters, and I wasn't there for them when they hunted for centuries, by the church of Kronos. Now I just want to be there for them." Laracia said.

"Why weren't you there for your daughters?" Rias asked.

"Truth be told, we lived in the human world, in a town called Wallachia, with Vlad, Meliona, and his first daughter, Elena. We were the royal family of Wallachia. We ruled over the people with kindness and made them far more advanced than the rest, and they loved us for it. However, that didn't stop them from betraying us." Laracia said as she grew angry.

"What did they do?" Rias asked cautiously.

"They gathered, and burned down the castle, thinking it was going to kill us. But, Vlad, Meliona, and I were at Eden to give birth to Reiko and Asia, so we left Elena in charge of triplets for the night. During this time, the humans raided the castle to follow their religious practice of hunting the things that go against their god such as monsters and false gods. They took Elena, thinking she was the one who gave birth to the triplets, and deemed her a witch. They cut her into pieces, and burned her alive at the cross. Once we returned from Eden, we saw Elena dead, in the ruin of our castle, and my three daughters gone. On that same day, The three of us went on a rampage, and attacked every single body. The people of Walachia was slaughtered by the royal family that loved their like their own." Laracia said.

"What! I thought Jan-gu were immortal?" Rias asked concernedly.

"Elena wasn't Jan-gu, nor Vampire like us. She was pure human. She was just like Jeanne and Leska adopted orphaned human girls who needed help and a family."

"Jeanne and Leska?" Rias asked.

"Lady Sapphire's older sisters. You'll meet them soon." Laracia said.

"Okay." Rias said.

"Wow, Lord Reo and Lady Anko have a wonderful daughter already. But I can't help it, but I'm getting the scent of a Celestial from her." Laracia thought to herself.

After a few minutes of walking down many hallways, their group finally made to the master bedroom. As they walked in, the first thing they seen was two large dogs; one with three heads and a wolf-like volcanic colored fur hellbeast, laying in the corner, with Leska sleeping on the the hellbeast's side like a pillow.

"Who are these people, Sapphire?" Jeanne said yawning as she walked from the side of the bed.

"These people are apart of Reo and Anko Amagiri family. Along with some other people who couldn't withstand Eden's atmosphere, but they all came to see Reo and Anko. Are they up yet?" Sapphire answered.

"No, not yet, but they will be soon." Jeanne said.

"Where are they?" Lucie asked worriedly.

"Calm down Lucie. They're over there." Leska said as she woke up.

"How did yo-

"We been watching over Reo and Anko since they were born. We're like their guardians in that way." Jeanne interrupting Lucie.

Suddenly, they all felt strong pressures from the direction of the bed. Four mysterious figures appeared over Reo and Anko. They all looked towards the bed, and Laracia started to cry, as if she was reunited with someone important to her. There was two men and two women.

"Father, Is that you?" she said softly.

"Dear, who is that woman?" One of the women asked.

"I don't know, but I feel like I know her." He said.

"That's Laracia, but I don't know the others." The other woman said.

"Solaris, they're joking. They know everyone in this room right now." The other man said.

"Come on Kaiser, you're no fun. Lighten up a little." the first man said

"Ira, I think you spent to much time by yourself in Caleaxia." Kaiser said.

"I wasn't by myself. I had my beautiful love and the four horsemen there to keep me company. Plus, you and Solaris was there to keep me company." Ira said happily.

"Grandpa Ira, Why are you loud?" Reo said as he rose up.

"Yeah, Can't you see we were enjoying our sleep." Anko said raising up too.

Everybody stared at them upsettingly, and bewildered.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Reo and Anko asked simultaneously.

"What have you two been doing? I thought you said we wait until we get married. I can't believe you got in front me, Anko." Lucie angrily said as she covered Rias' eyes.

"What are you talking about, Lucie?"

Reo looked down, and saw themselves naked.

"Anko, look down." Reo said while blushing beet red.

She looked down, and saw herself. Instantly, she blushed and covered herself up with the bedspread as she realized what Lucie was talking about. Then, she smiled maliciously.

"Lucie, It was amazing." Anko said teasingly.

Lucie, confused and angry, walked to the bed, and began to seductively crawl towards Anko and Reo on the bed. Suddenly, she gave Anko a passionate kiss on the lips. Anko, surprised, pushes her away. Lucie looked over towards Reo, and did the same thing .

"That's how you tease someone, Anko. If you're going to play the game, you should play it right," Lucie said.

"You knew, yet you did all of that to prove a point." Anko said.

"No, not to prove a point. I love you both equally. That's my fun way of showing you."

"But why did you ki-

"A bonus for me." Lucie telepathically interrupting Reo's question.

"We have to be careful around her." Reo and Anko said fearfully

Everybody laughed.

"Lady Sapphire, one of the humans woke up and

"How dare you drug us? I want to see Reo and An-ko." Kana says as she burst into the room, and sees Reo, Anko, and Lucie in the same bed, with Lucie bent over a shirtless Reo, and Anko covered up.

"You doing this in front of everybody here. Indecency. O fire come to my aid as the spear of total justice, Braquial." Kana chanted, and a spear appeared out of flames.

"How dare you two. I will tur-

Kana yelled as she charged at them, but she was stopped by Jeanne, Leska, and Sapphire.

"I suggest you stop in your pursuit, Human." Jeanne said as she held a katana to Kana's neck.

"It wouldn't be good to ruin a great celebration with bloodshed." Leska said while she pulled string she put around Kana neck causing a little drop of blood to leak out.

"Release your magic, now, and use your words." Sapphire said.

"Okay, everyone calm down." Ira said.

"Who are you to tell us what to do? I'm about to show these three what happens when you start something." Kana said angrily.

Ira sighed.

"Wow, she's rude to say she a Princess of the Gods and humans." The last woman said.

"You right she's rude, but she is his descendant, so I get where she got it from." Ira said.

"Kana, before you make a bigger fool out of yourself. Look up." Evee said.

Kana looked up and saw dozens of daggers, made of light, floating above her head. She released Braquial immediately, and apologized to everyone.

"Now that is over. We need to talk with Reo and Anko." Ira said.

"About what?" Reo asked.

"We're going to train you more on your abilities, and increase your resistance to magic of all kinds." Ira said.

"They said that too ,but I thought we mastered our abilities." Anko said.

"Really? So, can you do this?" Ira said as he raised his arm, and shot a shockwave from his hand.

"Or this?" he said as he pointed his finger, and shot fire mixed with lightning from his finger.

"How about this?" He said as he summoned a blade. Then, he levitated the blade and the blade transformed into multiple flying daggers and flew around erratically at high speeds,difficult for Reo to read its movements. The daggers transformed in two handguns. Then, the handguns transform into a rocket launcher. Then, it transformed again into gauntlets, similar to their gauntlets Reo fought with during his Entrance Exam.

"Okay, We get it. We have so much to learn. Just please stop showing off." Reo begged as he felt inferior for the first time.

"Sorry, I got carried away, but you see where I'm coming from, right." Ira said.

"So, when do we start training?" Lucie asked.

"Sorry, Lucie, but you must have different kind of training. I don't know what kind of effects Caleaxia's atmosphere might have. It different from here. You going to need at least a month here before you can go to Caleaxia, but Solaris agreed to train you to master all of your abilities too." Ira said.

"Really!" Lucie said excitedly.

"Yes, I'm here teach, and progress your transformation further along." Solaris said.

"Huh, Transformation? What do you mean?" Lucie asked.

"Now is not the time for explanations. We all need rest before tomorrow's celebration. You three need to sleep, and we need to get them the royal necklace and rings." Sapphire said.

"What celebration are you talking about?" Kana asked.

"Their wedding and coronation." Sapphire said.

"Really!" Lucie said excitedly.

"Yeah, tomorrow is the day." Reo said.

"What about Kasai? Are you marrying her too?" Lucie said.

Kana shocked.

"That's up to her. I won't force myself on her." Reo said.

"Well, Kasai. What do you want to do?" Anko asked.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." Lucie said.

Kasai stood there and thought to herself

"Do I deserve to be apart of what they have?"

Suddenly, Kasai was slightly touched by three hands. She turned around to see that it was Evee, Lacia, and Rias.

"You shouldn't hesitate at a time like this. If you want it, tell them that." Evee said as they pushed her onto the bed.

"Kasai, I'll ask you personally. Will you marry us?" Reo asked as he made his way towards Kasai.

Kasai started to cry and said "Yes, I love you my master."

"Wow, three wives and soon to be king. Mom would be proud." Evee said sarcastically.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah make your jokes." Reo said.

"I would never. I'm happy for you, bro." Evee said as she walked out.

"Wait, I'll come with you." Lacia said as she and Yuko ran to Evee.

"Hey, wait a minute. I'll lead you to your rooms along giving you a tour of castle." Sapphire said as she left with Evee.

"If it's okay with you, can we have the tour some other time?" Evee asked.

"Sure, we can do it later." Sapphire said disappointedly.

"Hey now, don't be upset. We're just tired from the trip from earth. Plus, we want to leave the four of them alone." Yuko said as she attempted to cheer up Sapphire.

"Wait, you four aren't planning on doing it. You can't." Kana yelled as she realized Yuko's comment.

"Enough, Kana you're nothing but annoying. You're always trying to push your beliefs on us. You just don't get it." Lucie yelled.

"What I don't get, Lucie? Your abnormally obsession for this stupid idea of polygamy you all share. Or, the reason why you are so intent of protecting the earth's most dangerous threat." Kana said.

"They are not a threat. You, your brother, and your father treat them like one because they're far stronger than anyone of you." Lucie said.

"You don't know that. They literally have the power to destroy worlds. Nobody on earth can fight against them. You can't say they're not a threat. If they aren't check, we could be looking at the destruction of everything and everyone we know. They need to be destr- Wait, what am I saying?" Kana said.

"You finally noticed. Eden has two special characteristics. Four if you count the stronger gravity and thicker atmosphere. One of them is called 'True Mind'. It releases the true feelings you hold in your heart, but it only affect weak mind people. The other one is an infinite amount of resources." Ira said.

"I'm surprised that she withstood such powerful magic for so long." the woman said.

"Hey Grandpa Ira, who is that woman?" Reo said.

"Oh, that's right. You didn't see her in Vlad's memories. This is your great grandmother, queen of the Naru-bu, Vel Deria Ceruis." Ira said.

She punched him in the back of the head.

"Don't use my full name. I don't like that name. I told you many times to give me your last name when introducing me." she said.

"Grandma Vel is as scary as Anko and Lucie combined." Reo thought out loud.

"Grandma Vel, hmm. I like the sound of that, Reo." she said.

Everyone in the room, except Kana, laughs.

Reo, embarrassed, snaps his fingers causing everybody to be teleported throughout the castle.

"I never seen you embarrassed before master." Kasai said as she appeared on Reo's shoulder.

"Oh really, you'll be surprised by the stories I got on him in the V-room." Anko said as she appeared out of a portal.

Reo sighed.

"I suspected no less from you two, but I'm a little disappointed by Lucie." Reo said.

"Why?" Lucie said as she appeared from behind Anko.

"Never mind." Reo said.

"So, we're here alone. What should we do now?" Lucie said seductively.

"Sleep." Reo said as he turned over, and pretended to be sleep.

"Okay, we don't need Reo. We can have fun all by ourselves." Lucie said as she made her way to Kasai.

"What are you doing, Lady Lucie?" Kasai said as she let out a cute voice.

"Shhh. You know you don't have to call me Lady Lucie. Lucie will be okay since we're going to get married tomorrow."

"Lucie, what are you doing?" Anko said.

"Don't worry, Anko. I haven't forgotten about you."

"No! Wait! Don't touch the-

"Lucie, what are you doing?" Reo said as he turned around quickly. Then, he saw Lucie, Anko, and Kasai standing there smirking at Reo.

"Dirty trick." Reo said as he turned over.

The girls laughed.