
Lucifer system: Becoming the Devil in an Apocalypse

An apocalypse that happened in 2024 threatened all of humanity, unifying the Earth to be governed by the same laws and oppressive government. Alien captives from the apocalypse were exploited by humans for their knowledge and power to advance buildings as well as technology. It is the year 2044 and humans don't know is that there is a second apocalypse that I have been dreaming about. Afraid of being classed as an alien for having these dreams, I choose silence. The second apocalypse leaves me prisoner in a land where humans can practice magic. However, learning magic is the least of my concerns for if anyone learns what I am, I will die. I have no idea how it happened or what to do about it. All I know is that I can't trust anyone. [Congratulations, you have unlocked the Lucifer System. You will become the devil. Would you like to accept?] [Yes and live as the devil/ No and die] [You have 48 hours to choose or else you will die] *********** Welcome to the best story ever!! Enjoy it. Cover credit: i.pinimg.com on Pinterest. The cover is not mine.

SoulSnatcher · แฟนตาซี
76 Chs

Because of a girl...

Levi looked into the panther's eyes and urged the soul to come to him. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth to let it in. The panther tried to resist but all its efforts were fruitless. Its soul was already departing its body.

The black matter entered Levi's mouth like before. Only this time, he was taking from a creature that was alive. It screamed in turmoil and pain but Levi didn't stop. The soul was too sweet for him to stop.

When all the matter was in Levi's mouth, he stood and watched the beast lay on the ground lifeless. Its eyes were hollow and empty unlike how dead creatures looked. You could tell something unnatural had happened to it.

His hunger for a soul had been quenched. In the place of the guilt he felt last time was satisfaction. As long as he wasn't consuming human souls then he had nothing to worry about.

[Congratulations! You have consumed a soul and automatically leveled up! Would you like to see your stats?]


[User: Levi Jackson]

[Race: Demon ]


[Experience: 600/2000]

[Strength: 8/10]

[Agility: 10/10]

[Stamina: 7/10]

[Energy: 8/10]

[Speed: 10/10]

[Charm: 7/10]


[Confidence: 5/10]

[Regeneration: 10/10]

[Resistance: 10/10]

[Inspect: 7/10]

[Morph: Level 8 fog transformation]

[Dagger expertise: Level 4 ]

[Intangibility: Level 2]

He was disappointed to say the least. He had fought two very dangerous panthers from Mars and not a single new power was added. He got angry and kicked the dead panther over and over again.

[You need to calm down]

Levi knew the system was right. Lately, he had been getting angry over small things and confronting people the old him would have never confronted. He was changing and it was yet to be determined whether that was a good thing or a bad one.

"I am calm. "

[Curve out the panther's canines to trade for a weapon or sell for gold coins! ]

"How much is that worth? "

[The four canines from both creatures is worth thirty gold coins if you don't get ripped off]

"And a weapon? Which weapon is worth all those canines? "

[The canines can make a double edged sword whose cut is equivalent to a bite from the panther itself. One sword is made using two panther canines.]

"Nice. I will like my new toy. One cut and all these beasts will be defeated. "

Levi thought of using two of his canines to buy the poisonous sword and the other two to trade for gold coins. That sounded like a smart trade.

If he used all of teeth to make money, then he would waste it away and defeating the beasts would be hard.

If he used all the canines for swords, then he would have no money to take Cora out sometime.

He spent the next hour curving out the panther's teeth. It was proving to be a hard task that required a lot of energy. When he was finished, he wiped a thick layer of sweat from his face.

"Goddamit, I hate this! "

He traded two of the canines for a sword and then stored the rest in the system storage. He escaped the dungeon before another beast woke up.

Levi was tired and he wanted to sleep for the rest of the day. He was in the hallway leading to his dorm when he spotted Roman leaving his room. He turned back quickly and hid behind a pillar. There were a few more people in the hallway so he wasn't too conspicuous.

He wondered what Roman was doing in his room. He was lucky that he hadn't been there when Roman came looking for him.

"I want that boy's head on a platter. Nobody goes on a date with Cora and lives to tell the tale. Put the word out that I am giving ten gold coins to anyone who beats Levi and does permanent damage to him. " Roman said as he passed by Levi.

He was furious at the twink for thinking he would have Cora and he was going to make him pay for it. If he allowed the twink to disrespect him, others would follow suit and his hold on the students of the school would start to weaken.

Hadn't Levi learnt the lesson after last time?

"Didn't we try to kill him once? I think we should let him be. " One of Roman's friends suggested.

Roman stopped, thinking he heard wrong. He hit his friend on the head and pointed to his head.

"Are you stupid? I let this slide and every single one of the motherfuckers in the school will think they can disrespect me and get away with it. I want that twink dead or maimed. Nothing more nothing less. "

The guys started walking away again but not before Levi heard the last thing he said.

"Send out a word. Cora is not available to anyone now that we are on a break from our relationship. Any guy that thinks otherwise will suffer the consequences. That twink will serve as an example. "

When Levi was sure they were gone, he came out of hiding and rushed to his room. He needed to know what Roman said to his roommate. Luckily for him, Jacob was still in their room.

His roommate was never around. There were times he failed to even show up and slept somewhere else. Levi had never cared until that moment. He found himself curious.

For a guy that had no friends, Jacob was out like a person who had many.

"What did Roman say? " Levi asked.

Jacob laughed and shook his head for effect.

"One would think a guy like you would have no business picking a fight with the strongest magician in the school. But look at you. You're going to die. Do you know that? "

"I didn't ask for your opinion. I want to know what Roman said to you. "

"You're lucky you weren't here. Those guys wanted to fuck you up. " As Jacob spoke he was full of amusement. To him Levi's situation was too funny not to laugh.


"They asked where you were and I said I didn't know. They told me to tell you that you were going to regret what you did. "

Levi was screwed. He sat on his bed with his head in his hands. He could take Roman's minions but what was he to do if the whole school came for him? Roman was putting a bounty on his name.

This was against school rules but Roman was an important student to the school. There was no way the school would take his side over Roman's. Was this how he was going to die?

Not in the hands of those beasts at the dungeon but because of a girl.

"What did you do to make that guy so mad?"

"I like the wrong girl."