
Wedding Bells

Word Count: 1600

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: the tiniest, smallest sprinkle of angst, but mostly just sickening fluff lol

A/N: No spoilers for s5 in this, no worries. But this is officially my story!! Obviously I'm not counting the announcements and authors notes lol, so this is the one type of story I haven't done yet, the wedding day!

Summary: It was the day you'd been planning for months, the day that would change everything. It was like a dream, but the butterflies in your stomach, the way your leg bounced with unending anxiety and excitement reminded you that it was all real. That this day would be perfect, more perfect than you had ever hoped.


Your day had started early, earlier than you had planned, but you woke long before your alarm had begun, long before the sunlight had graced the sky. You were quiet as you slipped out of bed, your fingers softly brushing the hair from your fiancé's face, a small smile pulling at your lips. He shifted a little, but remained soundly asleep. Your feet softly padded across the smooth cold floor as you headed towards the living room. 

The sight of a beautiful white gown hanging from the closet door caught your attention and you paused. You reached a hand out, softly tracing the lace and pearls that decorated the silk material. Today was the day, the day everything changed.

The day you married the devil.

"I do hope you're not getting cold feet darling, I'd be terribly embarrassed to be left at the altar."

The sound of your future husband's voice pulled you from your trance and you turned to face him, a small smile graving your lips.

"You're not supposed to be awake yet." You chided him softly.

He chuckled a bit, slipping out of bed to stand behind you. You leaned into his touch when he embraced you from behind, resting his chin on top of your head.

"I never did sleep well without you by my side." He murmured.

You placed your hands over where his wrapped around your waist. For a silent moment the two of you stood there, staring at the dress before you. The shaky breath Lucifer took in broke the silence and his words made your heart skip a beat.

"This is it isn't it? The day you become mine forever. My Queen. My darling wife." 

Your voice shook just a little as you spoke, the fluttering of the butterflies in your stomach spread goosebumps across your skin.

"Yeah, it is..."

Lucifer kissed your cheek as he released you from his hold.

"Mustn't dawdle darling, we've got a very busy day ahead of us."

You watched him disappear into the closet, and you looked back at your dress, fingers ghosting over the material one last time.

"Right... so much to do..."

You straightened your back, taking a small breath to steady yourself. With a small nod to yourself you walked out of the room, ready for whatever this day had in store for you.


Your morning seemed to drag on, and the longer it did the more your nerves grew, the more you wrung your hands, the more you resisted the urge to bite your nails that Lucifer had spent a fortune on.

Despite you insisting it wasn't necessary, but he'd insisted.

You smiled a little at the memory and bit your lip a little, careful not to smudge the makeup Linda had spent a careful amount of time doing for you. A hand rested on knee and you turned your head to look at Chloe.

"Are you okay? You're bouncing your leg a lot." 

You gave her a smile, one riddled with unspoken anxiety, underlined with excitement. She smiled back, fixing a stray curl in your hair Ella and Maze had spent so long on.

"I'm just nervous." 

"That's normal, I remember when I was marrying Dan, I was a bundle of nerves and stress, you're handling it a lot better than I am." Chloe laughed.

Her laugh put you more at ease, and  you found yourself laughing a long with her.

"I tend to internalize things." You shrugged.

Ella chimed in as well, and you were thankful for your four bridesmaids distraction. 

The ceremony drew nearer and people began to arrive at Lux; you insisted the wedding be there, it was first place Lucifer had ever truly called home and he was so happy when you told him you wanted to be married there.

But now you didn't want to leave the safety of the penthouse. You wanted nothing more than to walk down that aisle, marry the man you knew would give you the world if he could. However, the anxiety of it all was beginning to catch up to you and you found yourself unable to leave the bathroom you'd locked yourself in. Try as they might your bridesmaids could do nothing to convince you out. 

Linda volunteered to be the one to tell the groom of your unfortunate situation and Lucifer didn't look the least bit concerned. He simply looked out of the crowd of people, people you barely knew but had invited out of polite obligation. Your own family had refused to come, they'd never cared much for the devil. 

"I've just got the most splendid idea, you grab Daniel and Amenadiel, and meet me upstairs." Lucifer smiled cryptically.

Linda watched him walk away, standing there confused for a moment.


She went off to find the groomsmen. Dan had only been asked to be one because Lucifer knew you two were on good terms and friends, much to his disdain. Linda did as he asked, gathering everyone up, ushering them to the elevator as discreetly as she could. The crowd didn't seem to notice anything amiss.

When they stepped from the elevator they were surprised to see Lucifer and Maze moving furniture while Chloe and Ella decorated the penthouse with extra decorations left over. 

"What are you doing?" Dan was the first to ask.

"Why we're having a wedding Daniel! Don't just stand there, lend a hand!"

Dan shrugged before moving to help Amenadiel place the rug.

"Doctor be a dear and fetch my bride would you?" Lucifer hummed a little.

Linda stood there a moment, still trying to process everything.

"What about all the guests downstairs?"

"They've got the reception to enjoy, they'll be just fine, although this isn't really about them now it is?"

That was good enough for her and she walked to the bathroom, knocking lightly.

"Y/N, can you come out for a minute."

It was silent for a moment before there was a soft click of the lock. The door opened and Linda smiled.

"Come on, we have a surprise for you."

You could hardly believe your eyes, the penthouse although nothing extraordinary was decorated beautifully, and filled with the only people you truly cared where there. A small laugh escaped and you blinked back tears. Dan offered you his arm, as Linda took her place with the other bridesmaids. Dan led you closer to where Lucifer stood, more handsome than ever in his tux, Amenadiel standing ready to marry the two of you.

Lucifer watched you draw closer, and although he'd seen you in your dress before the sight of you now made his heart stop and he stood up straighter, his eyes refusing to look away from you for even a second, wanting to etch this moment into his memory forever. Amenadiel placed his hand on Lucifer's shoulder, smiling at his brother.

"Luci, you're crying." 

Lucifer cleared his throat, fixing his sleeves. He sputtered a moment, like he was trying to deny it but his expression softened and he found he didn't much care for the tears blurring his vision.

"Well of course I am brother! Just look at her... have you ever seen anyone more beautiful..."

Amenadiel smiled folding his hands in front of him in as Lucifer took your hands in his. Dan took his place beside Lucifer and the devil smiled at you.

"I'm sorry about putting you through all this trouble." You spoke softly.

He squeezed your hands a bit, his smile reassuringly.

"Darling it hardly matters where I marry you, just that I have you forever."

You smiled and Amenadiel cleared his throat.

"Can I continue?" 

Lucifer huffed, waving his brother off dismissively.

"Yes of course, let's hurry this along, I'm eager to begin my honeymoon."

You and the others laughed joyfully relieving the anxiety you'd been feeling. This was Lucifer, your best friend, the man or rather devil, you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You had no reason to worry, and with that thought in mind, a warm content feeling settled over you.

As Amenadiel went through the ceremony Lucifer held your hands a little tighter, his eyes never leaving yours. When Amenadiel finally announced you as husband and wife Lucifer had almost impatiently pulled you into that fateful kiss. Your small group of friends cheered and you had smiled so wide as Lucifer dipped you. 

The moment hadn't been what either of you had originally planned, but it had been perfect nonetheless. And you knew you wouldn't change a thing.


The other guests had been understanding and were more than happy to simply enjoy the reception with the new Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar. So you drank, and you laughed and you danced, and when you danced that slow dance with your husband you couldn't help the tears that escaped, prompting your new husband's worry.

"I'm crying because I'm happy Lucifer." You assured him.

He swayed with you in his arms, and you cupped his face in your hands.

"I married the man I love, surrounded only by the people who mean the most to me. Today was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing."

Lucifer smiled, giving you a soft kiss, before you rested your head on his shoulder as the two of you swayed to the soft melody of the song playing.

"And I will love you forever, my beautiful wife."

You smiled as he held you tighter, joyful tears filling both of your eyes, and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

You'd done it.

You said your vows.

You said I do.

And you had kissed that devil with everything you had, and you'd never been happier, knowing you'd spend the rest of time with the man who loved you the most by your side.