
The Cradle Will Fall

Word Count: 2066

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: angst, mild language

A/N: Request from , Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story!

Summary: It was just a passing fling, it was never suppose to be anything serious but you couldn't stop the feelings consuming you. You ran, slipped out when you thought he wouldn't miss you. But that wasn't to say he left you without a parting gift, the last piece of him you had.


"Are you going out again?" You asked.

Lucifer stared at his phone for a moment before slipping it into his pocket.

"Yes, the Detective called, I shouldn't be to long."

You nodded, giving him a tight smile as he fixed his cuffs.

"We'll go out tomorrow night darling yes? I know I've canceled several times but I will make it up to you soon."

The two of you were in something of a relationship, it was more of a fling, just something that had been fun for a while. It had never been anything serious, it was always destined to end and both of you knew that. You had promised yourself you wouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgment, wouldn't let them end your fun. Yet standing there you couldn't help but realize somehow in all the chaos and wild fun, you had let your heart get caught up in it all.

"Actually Luc, maybe we should just take a break for a while."

You had to force yourself to sound casual, to sound as if your relationship really didn't mean anything more then a fleeting passion. Lucifer paused just before pressing the button on the elevator.

"A break? Like break up?"

He turned to face you, frowning.

"Did I do something to anger you love?"

Your heart ached at the possibility of him blaming himself. You placed a hand on his arm.

"No! Of course not, you're just really busy lately is all, there's no need to stress yourself over a passing thing. Besides we both agreed no attachments right?"

Lucifer smiled a little while your heart cracked just a little more.

"Right, of course."

You forced a smile, biting back the sadness eating at your stomach.

"Go help Chloe, I'm sure she's waiting for you." You laughed.

He didn't seem to notice how empty, and hollow your laugh sounded.

"Thank you darling."

He kissed your cheek, stepping into the elevator.

"Don't be a stranger Lucifer!" You called with a smile.

He chuckled as the doors began to close.

"Never to you love." He winked.

As the doors slid closed your smile dropped, and you let out a shuddering breath. Lucifer couldn't help but stare at the wall, a strange feeling settling in his chest. When he finally arrived at the crime scene he had nearly pushed that conversation from his mind.

"Hey, didn't you and Y/N have a date tonight?" Ella asked.

Chloe and Dan looked at Lucifer who waved a hand dismissively.

"Oh we've ended things."

While he sounded casual about it the others looked at him in shock.

"Oh Lucifer I'm sorry, are you ok?" Chloe asked.

He looked at her confused.

"Why wouldn't I be? It was merely a fling, it was a mutual parting of ways really."

Ella frowned and shook her head. That couldn't have been right, Ella was your best friend you told her everything, even lived with her when you were between places.

"But Y/N wouldn't... that's not right she lo-"

Ella silenced herself, it wasn't her place to tell anyone your secret, even if she didn't understand why you would lie.

"Something to share Ms. Lopez?" Lucifer inquired.

"Uh no... I should get back to work."

Lucifer watched her walk away, and his thoughts shifted back to you, and that dull ache, the kind that settled deep in your chest, returned again.


"Y/N? I got your text, are you here?"

Ella walked into her apartment looking around. You were nestled in a pile of blankets on her couch. She sat beside you, looking worried as you stared at the TV.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"We broke up." You mumbled.

"I mean what happened? I thought you were going to finally tell him."

You glanced at her, eyes red from crying.

"We both agreed feelings El, no attachments, we both knew it was going to end."

"But I thought it was going good?"

You smiled bitterly and sat up, giving a tired shrug.

"It was and then like an idiot I fell in love, and I broke our one rule."

You stood up and Ella watched you sadly as you walked to your room.

"Don't tell him I'm here ok?"

"Of course not, stay as long as you need Y/N."

You laid in your bed staring at the ceiling. The longer you laid there the worse the feeling in stomach grew. At first, you had assumed it was nerves, but as it got worse you realized it wasn't. Before long you were emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet. You sat back, leaning against the bathroom wall with Ella watching worriedly from the doorway. This time your stomach dropped for an entirely different reason.

"Oh fuck."

~4 years later~

"Ok, I'll try to finish up as soon as I can are you sure you can handle Ina?"

Ella bounced the little girl on her hip, smiling when the four-year old giggled at her.

"Yeah, this kid loves me! Piece of cake."

You smiled kissing your daughter's forehead.

"Thank you so much El."

You hurried out the door, and Ella looked back at the little girl in her arms.

"Alright kid, so here's the plan, junk food all day, and we'll play-"

Ella's phone buzzed from the coffee table, and she scrabbled to answer it.

"Dan! Hi!"

She made faces at Ina as she half listened to what was being said. However, when she heard the last part she gave Dan her full attention.