
More Than Friends

Word Count: 1630

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: fluff, angst , mentions of past abuse

A/N: Request from

Summary: Even a blind man could see how hopelessly in love you and Lucifer were. So why was it taking so damn long for the two of you to admit it?


"Is he that artist you like?" Lucifer asked.

You weren't entirely sure why you were spending your day off in a police station with Lucifer. When he called and told you he was bored though, you had dropped everything to cone, and see him. The smile on his face when he saw you walking down the stairs was worth it though.

"No, no, Tom Holland, he's the guy who plays Spider-man."

Lucifer took another look at the photo on your phone and raised an eyebrow. You were sitting on a bench in the precinct beside him. Your legs thrown over his lap as you leaned back against a filing cabinet.

"You mean that movie you dragged me to see a few months ago?"

You rolled your eyes and slid your phone into your jacket pocket. Lucifer stood, causing your legs to slide off him.

"Hey! You loved that movie, and you know it."

"It wasn't horrible." He admitted albeit a bit begrudgingly.

You watched him head in the direction of the vending machines and jumped up to follow him.

"Oh, are we still hanging out tonight?"

Lucifer continued on his path towards the vending machines as the two of you chatted. You were both blissfully unaware of the eyes that watched you both. Lucifer gave you a disbelieving look when you stole the bag of chips from his hands and started walking away.

"I paid for those the very least you could do is share you little minx!" He called after you.

You quickened your pace in an attempt to keep the salty treat for yourself.

"When are they finally going to get together?" Chloe asked as Ella walked up to her desk.

They watched Lucifer attempt to wrestle the bag of chips away from you. Your laughter must have been contagious as Lucifer eventually gave up in favor of laughing as well.

"They'll probably just keep dancing around each other." Dan muttered as he passed.

Ella turned her attention back to you and Lucifer. He had finally managed to get his chips back, but the two of you were standing very closely to each other, sharing the treat.

"Wanna place some money on it?" Ella smirked.


"I think we have an audience."

You looked up at him, following his gaze to where Ella, Dan, and Chloe was attempting to look inconspicuous. You sent them a knowing look, raising your eyebrow as if you were scolding them. They quickly went back to what they were doing as you and Lucifer held back laughter.

"Why do they always look at us like that?"

Lucifer snatched the nearly empty bag from your hands. You stuck your tongue out at him.

"Perhaps they are just noticing the obvious chemistry between us, my dear."

You brushed off his remark, he was probably just teasing you.

"That was cheesy, even for you. Doesn't the devil know how to flirt better than that?"

"Was that a challenge darling? Because I would certainly be willing to show you how well I can flirt." Lucifer smirked.

Your face felt like it was on fire when he leaned closer to you, to whisper in your ear.

"Would you like to find out for yourself love?"

For a moment you were frozen to embarrassed and caught off guard to form a proper sentence. You cleared your throat and took a few steps away from him.

"Stop joking, Lucifer." You forced a small laugh.

You hurried away before he could reply. Lucifer watched you go with a dejected look in his eyes.

"It wasn't a joke, it never is with you." He muttered to himself.

You stared at the ground as you walked, your heart stung as if something had messed with the rhythm. You knew he was flirting with, knew he genuinely cared for you. Yet, you kept him at arms length, wouldn't let him in, it was better that way. Better that he didn't hate you for your past.


Music poured from the speakers and the bass vibrated the floor as you walked into Lux. People laughed and danced as they drunkenly tripped over themselves. You searched the tightly packed club until you found who you were looking for.


The previously mentioned devil spun around to face you. His grin growing as he motioned you over.

"You're late! I was beginning to think you'd forgotten to come!"

"Forget about hanging out with you? Never."

You noticed Maze muttering something about getting a room. Before you could question her however, Lucifer was pulling you in the direction of an empty booth. You stumbled a little, caught off guard.

"Sit tight my dear, I'll get us some drinks." Lucifer said.

You sat back in the booth, looking at him confused.

"We were just at the bar, why didn't you grab drinks while we were up there?"

"The best ones are in the back, and you deserve only the best my dear." Lucifer winked.

You watched him walk away, shaking your head but smiling nevertheless. As you waited for Lucifer to come back you decided to text Ella back, she had been spamming you all day.


You recognized the voice instantly and you felt sick. You looked up from your phone, fighting back a scowl.

"Seth, I didn't know you were here."

You smile was so fake it might as well have been plastic.

"It's the hottest club in LA of course I'm here, better question is why are you? I didn't think they'd let girls like in."

Your false smile turned sour pretty quickly and you stood to your feet. You opened your mouth to respond but another voice cut it.

"Is everything alright here?"

Lucifer sat the glasses and bottle he was holding onto the table and stood beside you. He stood close to you, in a protective manner as he sized up the man in front of you.

"Who's this?" Seth asked.

His voice was bitter, and your anxiety spiked.

"Lucifer Morningstar, and who are you?" Lucifer frowned.

"Morningstar? The guy who owns this place? Are you Y/N's boyfriend or something?"

"No, he's just a friend Seth." You muttered.

"Was I talking to you?" Seth snapped.

You shrunk back a little and Lucifer frowned.

"Seth? That sad little imp you used to date?"

Your mind screamed but your lips remained firmly sealed.

Seth didn't seem to appreciate that comment, and he took a menacing step forward. Lucifer simply looked at him bored.

"She called sad? The only thing she was good at is taking a punch."

You risked a glance at Lucifer to find his expression surprisingly blank.

"Is that so?"

His voice was hollow and devoid of emotion. Your stomach sank, you had never told Lucifer how bad your past relationships had been.

"I'd leave her now while you can, she's not worth having as a friend. She's incompetent at everything, she's always such a screw up." Seth sneered.

Your gaze fell on the floor and you fought back tears as you stepped away from Lucifer. He was bound to hate you after this and you wanted to put as much distance as possible between the two of you. To your surprise you felt a strong but gentle grip on your arm, stopping your retreat. You stared at Lucifer confused, but he wasn't looking at you.

"You're absolutely right, Seth was it? She certainly isn't someone I want as a friend."

Before you could even have a chance to feel heartbroken or angry Lucifer had pulled you into a fierce kiss. Passionate would have been, and understatement. The kiss left you breathless and a little confused. Seth on the other hand was fuming with rage.

"I'd rather have the woman I love all to myself."

Lucifer released you in favor of grabbing Seth by the collar of his shirt. He yanked him off the ground as if he weighed nothing.

"And that was the only thing you were correct about."

The look he was giving your ex was chilling and sent a shiver of fear through your body, and it wasn't even directed at you.

"If you ever show your face here again, if the thought of even attempting to contact Y/N again so much as crosses your mind. I will be sure to personally remove every limb from your body and leave you so disfigured your own mother won't be able to recognize you." Lucifer's voice was dark and murderous.

His face flashed between his human one to his devil one. Seth choked on air, his feet barely touching the ground. He had grown so pale it was a little concerning.

"Do we have an understanding you pathetic little beast." Lucifer growled.

Seth nodded his head so fast it reminded you of a bobble head. Lucifer smiled widely and dropped him onto his ass.

"Wonderful! Enjoy the rest of your night, now run along." Lucifer said cheerfully.

Seth scrambled away as fast as he could and Lucifer turned to look at you. His once vicious look replaced by concern.

"Are you alright love?"

"Did you mean what you said?"

Your voice was so quiet he barely heard you. You lifted your head to look at him, speaking a little louder.

"You weren't lying?"

Lucifer grabbed you and pulled you into a warm embrace.

"I never lie darling, I meant what I said, I love you."

You were quite for a moment, and Lucifer grew nervous that he might have scared you off.

"It's kinda hot you know." You said pulling back to look at him.

He gave you a curious look and you fixed the collar of his shirt.

"My boyfriend is possessive."

"Boyfriend?" Lucifer looked hopeful.

You nodded and the smile he gave you could have lit up the room. You grabbed his shirt, pulling him into another kiss.