
Love You Even When It Hurts Part 2

Word Count: 650

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: pure angst

A/N: Requested from a hell of a lot of people lol honestly though love you guys. Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story! I'll have part 3 for you guys soon!

Summary: Your heart ached and his had shattered. You were gone, and he couldn't find you. Yet the ghost of you lingered and he felt like such a fool.


Lucifer couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. His attention was spilt between helping Chloe with the case and rushing home to you. Something about the way you had said goodbye to him on the phone didn't sit right. It sounded strange, the way the word '' had left your lips.

"Lucifer! Where are you going?" Chloe called after him.

"Sorry Detective, but I have something important to see to. You can finish up here, can't you? Lovely ta!"

When he was finally able to leave he couldn't seem to drive fast enough. All the worst scenarios keep running through his mind but nothing could have prepared him for the reality of it.


He called your name but received no answer. Where could you be?

"I'm sorry about earlier, can we talk about it darling?"

Still nothing. The penthouse was eerily quiet, and the pit in his stomach only grew. He stepped towards the bedroom, and heard glass crunch under his feet. He looked down, frowning. The pictures from the table and even the lamp laid in a mess of glass on the floor. He picked up the broken picture frame, staring at the picture of you smiling with him.


Lucifer hurried to the bedroom, his blood ran cold when he saw almost all of your things gone. Your draws were empty, your suitcases gone, and the necklace he had given you tossed on the bed. Lucifer fumbled with his phone as he pulled it out of his pocket.

"Pick up darling, please pick up."

The phone rung and rung but you didn't answer. He called again, pacing in frustration when it went straight to voicemail. He tried again.

"Answer the phone love. Please talk to me."


You stared at your phone as it rung on the nightstand. You sat on the bed in the motel room, your cheeks stained with tears. The tears had stopped falling a while ago, but the horrible feeling settled in your chest. You reached for the phone, but pulled your hand back at the last minute.

Your subconscious screamed at you, scolded you for even considering checking on him. Apparently you hadn't entirely run out of tears because you felt something wet drip onto your arm. You snatched your phone from the table and blocked his number. Regret ate at you, but you pushed the feeling aside as you made your way to the bathroom. Your hands shook as you turned on the water and your vision blurred from your tears.

You thought.

You couldn't stop the sobs that shook your body as you stood under the hot stream of water from the shower, wishing it would wash away the pain you felt.


"You are unable to contact this number at this time please try-"

Lucifer let out an enraged yell, throwing his phone against the stone wall. He stared at the broken remains of it as he sat on the bed. His eyes landed on your necklace and he grabbed it. He held it in his hand, swallowing thickly.

"I'm a bloody fool." He muttered to himself.


Maze had come when Lucifer called her, just like she always did. She was not expecting it took look like a tornado hit whenever she had stepped out of the elevator. The couch was overturned, the TV shattered, empty, and broken bottles were scattered around the penthouse.

"What the hell..."

Sitting at the center of all the chaos was Lucifer, looking like a wreck. He held a half empty bottle of Jack in one hand, and your necklace in the other. He looked up at Maze, who was shocked to see he had been crying.


She approached him slowly .

"Lucifer, what happened?"

He looked up at her with such a broken expression.

"Find her Mazikeen. ..."