
Double Trouble

Word Count: 1496

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: suggestive situations, this story is not for innocent eyes, there's no sex, because I don't write smut, but use caution.

A/N: request from anonymous

Summary: There's nothing worse then a pair of twin nephilims getting bored, especially when they decided to explore their parents bedroom.


"Mom's going to kill us if she finds us in here."

The young fifteen-year old looked over to her brother. They may not look very much alike, but they were in fact twins. Damien looked almost exactly like his father, were as Danielle looked more like you but with black hair like her father. They both had your eye color rather than Lucifer's own dark brown ones.

"She's not going to know if no one tells her." Damien gave his sister a pointed look.

A dejected sigh left his twin's mouth, and Danny shrugged.

"Fine, but if they ask it was your idea."

Damien smiled victoriously and started walking around. Danny peered into the closet looking for anything of interest.

"I found a box!" Damien announced loudly.

Danny leaned through the door way of the closet, giving her brother a dry look.

"Wow! A whole box!"

Her voice was practically dripping with sarcasm, and Damien flipped her off.

"It was hidden, very far under the bed, you ass, might be something interesting."

Danny raised an eyebrow and walked over to the bed. Damien opened the lid from the black box, and just stared. They both exchanged looks and Danny pulled back in disgust.

"Well I'm scared for life now. Great idea Damien."

Damien slammed the lid back on, looking slightly pale at his unfortunate discovery. His sister, on the other hand,, broke down in laughter.

"You're right this is so interesting. I'll be sure to let mom and dad know you found their precious stash."

Danny started to walk away, but Damien grabbed the back of her shirt, stopping her in her tracks.

"Go get the gloves from the kitchen I have an idea."


You held your heels in your hand, as you leaned against Lucifer. A tired yawn escaped your lips as you waited patiently for the doors to open.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight darling, I know you detest those parties." Lucifer smiled as he took the shoes from your hands.

You shrugged lazily, you were so tired, who knew socializing could be so exhausting. You almost skipped out of the elevator once the doors open, ready to fall into bed and sleep the night away. Lucifer followed after you, and noticed you staring at something on the couch.

"What's wrong love?"

You heard footsteps and rushed to the couch snatching the object from it. Lucifer raised an eyebrow when you put whatever it was behind your back. The twins walked into the room, smiling when they saw their parents.

"How was the party?" Damien asked.

"Wonderful, although I fear your mother may be suffering from exhaustion."

Lucifer gave you a quick glance out of the corner of his eye. You were standing a good bit away from your children, holding something behind your back. You gave the twins a small smile.

"Just a long night is all, speaking of which you two should be in bed."

When the twins didn't put up a fight about that you should have been suspicious. They were almost exactly like Lucifer when it came to personality something you both loved and dreaded. However, when you're Nephilim teenagers went to bed without trying to bargain. You must not have been thinking right being so tired.

"Well now that the little spawns are out of hearing range, what in Dad's name has you acting so oddly my dear?"

Lucifer turned to you with an amused look and you walked over to him, handing him the object in your hand. He stared at it a moment, looking even more amused by the second.

"Oh I see, it seems as though we've left one of our toys out." Lucifer chuckled.

"That's not funny, what if the twins found it?"

That only seemed to make the situation all the more entertaining to him.

"Then I suppose they'd have a few mental scars, might be good for them, I'm told it builds character." He smirked.

You tried and failed to fight back a smile. You shook your head walking in the direction of the bedroom.

"You're awful." You laughed lightly.

Lucifer chuckled, following after you.


Throughout the week you would find various sex toys in various different places around the penthouse. It normally ended with either you or Lucifer scrambling to hide the suggestive toys from your children. They always seemed to walk in just seconds after you found one of the toys.

The first few times you had dismissed it as maybe you and Lucifer being forgetful. But you would always remind yourself that Lucifer never forgot anything, and your suspicion grew. Today however, was slightly worse than usual. Chloe was over, with Ella. The visit had been going great, until you noticed something from the corner of your eye. The purple plastic egg shaped device stood out in stark contrast to the bottles of liquor on the shelves. Honestly you were surprised you didn't notice it sooner.

The word played on repeat in your mind as you began to panic. If anyone else looked over they were sure to notice it as well. You didn't fail to notice how the twins wore sly smiles, whispering to themselves.


You said his name a little louder than necessary, and he looked over at you frowning.

"Would you mind grabbing me a drink?"

He gave you a confused look and you almost prayed that he would understand what you were getting at.

"You're right there, can't you get it yourself?"

Chloe and Ella exchanged looks, you were closer to the bar than Lucifer was.

"I can't reach the top shelf." You lied giving him a tight smile.

You subtly nodded in the direction of where the toy sat. Lucifer frowned again and followed your gaze. When he finally saw what you did his eyes widened.

"Oh of course, not a problem."

You distracted Chloe and Ella while Lucifer quickly snatched up the toy, shoving it in his pocket. He handed you a drink, giving Chloe and Ella a charming smile as if he didn't just hide a sex toy. Damien and Danny were laughing quietly to themselves on the couch but when they saw you looking at them their smiles fell. It was your turn to give them a rather threatening smile, and they looked away sheepishly.


"We'll see you guys tomorrow."

You saw Ella and Chloe to the elevator and kept a smile on your face until the doors slid fully closed. You didn't move for a moment, just stared at the doors. When you finally did turn around your expression was neutral, and you narrowed your eyes at the twins.

"That was fun, but Danny, and I have to be up early tomorrow, so we should probably go to bed." Damien smiled innocently.

They tried to hurry from the room but let out a yelp of surprise when Lucifer grabbed their shoulders.

"Why not stay up for a few more minutes? Your mother and I would to talk." He smiled.

"Well actually we really should-"

Danny tried to make up an excuse, but one chilling look from her father made the words leave her mouth.

"I insist."

Although Lucifer was smiling his eyes had flashed red. That was all it took for the fighting to start.

"It was Damien's idea!"

"You're the one who actually hid them!"

As the two of them argued Lucifer released them in favor of walking over to you. You leaned forward on the bar, watching the twins poor attempts at shifting the blame off of each other. Lucifer took the glass from your hand, taking a sip. He seemed to find the sight funny as well.

"Are you done?" You said loud enough to be heard over the arguing.

The twins fell silent, exchanging nasty looks with each other before nodding.

"So, I'm thinking two weeks?"

You turned your head to look at Lucifer. He thought for a moment.

"Four seems to fit the crime much better, wouldn't you agree darling?" He smiled.

"Four it is!"

"Four weeks? How about three?" Damien tried to negotiate.

"It's a grounding, not a car sale." You laughed.

"Mom that's not-"

"Didn't you say you had to be up early?"

"Dad we-"

Lucifer waved his hand, shooing them away.

"Off you go."

The twins begrudgingly left the room, heading to bed as they glared at each other. Once the two of you were sure your children were in their rooms you both started laughing.

"I can't say it wasn't a bit entertaining." Lucifer chuckled.

"Well it definitely kept things lively around here." You agreed.

You took your drink back from his hand and smiled as you took a sip.

"In the mood to get the box out?"

Lucifer grinned widely and grabbed your wrist, pulling you to him.

"Darling, you've read my mind."