
Day With The Devil Part 4

Word Count: 1320

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x reader

Warnings: none

A/N: Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story!

Summary: Your plans are almost undone when your babysitter had called off last minute. Luckily Maze agreed to watch your daughter. Agreed might be to generous, more like tricked into watching her. Amenadiel shows up. It’s too late to change your plans now, so you leave your nephilim daughter in the care of a demon and an angel. What could possibly go wrong?


You ran around the penthouse, one shoe on your foot the other in your hand. You were going to a benefit with Lucifer and the two of you were already running late. Very late. Lucille watched you, giggling as you hoped on one foot to get your shoe on.

“You’re silly mummy.”

You smiled at her as you fixed your dress. She had started calling you ‘mummy’ because Lucifer called you mum when he was talking to her about you. You thought it was adorable. You knelt down in front you her grabbing her tiny hands.

“Daddy and I have to go, so you be good for Ms. Kelly ok?”

You glanced at clock, actually the babysitter was running late.

“Change of plans darling, the babysitter called she can’t make it.”

Your head snapped up to look at Lucifer in dismay. He had just walked out of the bedroom, fixing his bow tie on his tux.

“What? Why?” You panicked.

“Something about a last minute party to attend.”

You stood up, running a hand through your hair, most likely messing it up slightly.


Lucifer chuckled at your sarcasm and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

“Not to worry, I’ll just have Maze come by.”

You stared at him a moment, waiting for him to tell you he was joking. When he didn’t, and you realized he was serious, your eyebrows shot up.

“Maze? You haven’t even told your brother about Lucy yet.”

You had nothing against Maze, in fact before you left after finding out you were pregnant, you and her had been very close. You doubt she thought very kindly of you after you hurt Lucifer though. When you thought of Maze, you certainly didn’t associate her with children. Death and dismemberment? Yes. Children? No.

“What a wonderful idea! We’ll have them both come!”

He had sent the text before you could stop him. For a moment you debated just changing into your pajamas and staying in, because this likely wasn’t going to end well. You actually turned to go to the bedroom but Lucifer caught your arm.

“Where are you going? We have to leave.”

“Nope, you go, I’ll stay here and listen to Maze and Amenadiel freak out about the fact that you have a daughter.” You said.

“Y/N, darling, you are being a bit dramatic don’t you think?”

The elevator doors slid open, and an angry demon and angel hurried out.

“You have a child!? A half human child? Lucifer how foolish are you?” Amenadiel nearly shouted.

You gave the devil a pointed look that obviously said 'I-told-you-so’ and Lucifer rolled his eyes.

“I would love to get into this  discussion with you, brother, however Y/N and I are running late.”

Lucifer began pulling you towards the elevator, making you stumble slightly.

“Whoa, whoa, I’m not a babysitter.” Maze said.

“For tonight you are, have fun! If anything happens to her I’ll be sure to wipe both of you from existence.”

The doors slid close before anyone else could get a word in. Maze and Amenadiel stood there, unsure of what to do. Lucy on the other hand had taken and interest in Maze’s knife and tugged on her hand. Maze looked down at the little girl, raising an eyebrow.


“I like your knife.”

Maze smiled, and pulled it out for her. Lucille’s eyes lit up, and she stared at it in awe.

“It’s pretty.”

“It was forge in the bowels of hell.” Maze told her, liking this child more.

“Hell? Are you a demon?” Lucy whispered.


Seemingly satisfied with that answer Lucy turned her attention to Amenadiel.

“Daddy said you’re an ass, what does that mean?”

Maze broke down in laughter and Amenadiel frowned.

“I like the little spawn.” She smirked.

“Maze this is serious! She is Lucifer’s child! A nephilim! Do you realize how dangerous she could be?”

Lucy had lost interest in their conversation, like children tended to do. She had made her way to the couch, and climbed onto it, kicking her feet as she stared at the movie on the TV. She was singing along to the Disney movie.

“Oh yeah, she’s a real killer.” Maze scoffed.

“Maze.” Amenadiel snapped.

Maze narrowed her eyes, and crossed her arms. She said nothing as she stared him down until he grew uncomfortable. She turned away from him, smiling at Lucy.

“Hey kid, let me show you how to use a knife.”

You impatiently shifted your weight from one foot to the other as you looked around the ballroom. It was a beautiful benefit, but you were to worried about Lucy to appreciate it.

“Maybe we should just leave early.” You said biting your lip.

Lucifer turned his attention to you, chuckling. He handed you a glass of champagne, which you quickly downed.

“I’m sure she’s fine darling, she’s with an angel and a demon, she couldn’t be safer.” He assured you.

You nodded, but your nerves kept you from enjoying yourself. Your thoughts always trailing back to Lucy. Who, unbeknownst to you, was thoroughly enjoying her night.

“We should check on her though.” You said pulling out your phone.

Lucifer sighed.

Lucy jumped excitedly as she threw a knife, this time hitting the target, unlike her other attempts.

“I did it Maze! Uncle Amen did you see it!”

Amenadiel couldn’t help the smile that tugged on his lips as he saw how happy his niece was. Ever since he had told her he was Lucifer’s brother she wouldn’t call him anything other than 'Uncle Amen’.

“Yes, I saw, very good.”

Lucy grinned widely and turned back to Maze, who was watching her like a proud mother. Then she handed the five-year old another knife.

The elevator couldn’t move fast enough for you. When Lucifer saw how worked up you had gotten, worrying about Lucy, he agreed to dip out of the benefit early. You had already taken off your uncomfortable heels and practicality sprinted from the elevator as soon as the doors opened. The sight before you had you sighing in relief. Lucy sat between Amenadiel and Maze on the couch, so focused on the horror movie playing none of them noticed you. The penthouse was an absolute mess.

“Bloody hell, did a bomb go off in here?” Lucifer muttered.

The three of them turned their from the TV to you. Your daughter ran up to you excitedly and you lifted her into your arms.

“The child wanted to play.” Maze shrugged when Lucifer motioned to the knives embedded in the wall.

You ignored that, choosing to deal with the fact your toddler was throwing knives later. You were just happy that she seemed ok.

“Mummy, daddy! Look what I learned.”

Once she was sure both yours and Lucifer’s attention was on her, her eyes flashed red. You stared at her in shock, Lucifer on the other hand seemed thrilled. He took her from your arms asking her to do it again, grinning widely when she did.

“This is wonderful! I can take her on cases with me!”

You were still processing the fact that your daughter possibly inherited some of her father’s powers, but you still heard that.


Lucifer frowned, giving you a look that reminded you of a kicked puppy.

“Why not?”

Upon seeing your disbelieving look, that turned into a glare, Maze and Amenadiel wisely decided to leave. Maze, however paused to place a hand on your shoulder.

“I will kill for that kid. Anytime you need me to babysit her, I’m there.” She told you.

You went to thank her but turned your attention back to Lucifer when you heard him on the phone with Chloe. He was trying to convince her to let him bring Lucy on the next case. You groaned in frustration.

“Lucifer! She has to at least be in third grade before you take her to a murder scene!”