
A Miscommunication

Word Count: 1325

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: angst, fluff, angsty fluff

A/N: Request from

Summary: Lucifer was absolutely certain he'd done something wrong. Maybe he'd forgotten a date? Or had something he'd done angered you? It was the only explanation for why you were acting so distant. He wasn't sure what it was, just that he had to fix it..............................................................

He'd woken to an empty bed, and an even emptier penthouse. It was clear you had left in a hurry, your clothes from the night before were thrown haphazardly on the floor in the closet. Your side of the closet was torn apart as well, as if you were rushed for finding an outfit. Lucifer ventured back into the bedroom, grabbing his phone from the nightstand. It rang a few times before it was finally answered.

"Lucifer I can't talk right now."

Your voice was clipped, you sounded stressed and annoyed.

"I'm sorry to bother you darling, it's just you normally don't leave in such a hurry."

There was muffled voices on your end, and he heard the frustrated sigh you let out.

"Not now Lucifer."

The line went silent, and he realized after a few tense moments that you had hung up on him. He frowned, placing his phone on the bar as he tapped his fingers against the glass surface. He stared blankly at the alcohol shelf in front of him.

He hadn't even been awake long, surely he couldn't have pissed you off already, right?

Lucifer frowned once more, snatching his phone up as he walked back towards the bedroom. Perhaps he just needed more insight on the matter.


Linda tapped her pen on her notepad, listening to Lucifer's rant. She waited patiently for him to finish his spiel before offering her own input.

"Did she tell you she was mad at you, or give you any indication that's why she's acting how she is?" Linda asked.

"Of course not, but it's obvious isn't it?" Lucifer scoffed.

"No, from what you've told me, I don't think you're handling this the right way-"

Lucifer perked up at that, a smile on his face.

"You're right, perhaps I am going about this all wrong, I should send a gift, do you think she'd appreciate a new car?"

"I didn't-"

Linda stammered a little, sitting up when Lucifer stood to his feet.

"What a brilliant plan!" Lucifer was practically buzzing with excitement.

"Lucifer that's not what I-"

He wasn't listening, musing to himself as he headed for the door.

"No, you're right Doctor, one gift won't do. If I want her to forgive me, I'll have to give her much more than that!"

Linda watched him go, staring at the door as it closed behind him.

"What just happened?"


Your desk was a mess, stacked with papers and files, burying you in a mountain of work you'd never finish. A frustrated sigh escaped your lips and you rested your head in your hands. All you wanted was a few seconds of rest.

"Y/N L/N?"

You sat up quickly, rolling your chair away from hour desk to see who was calling your name.


A man stood just outside your cubicle, holding a very large bouquet of your favorite flowers. You stared at them confused, but didn't fail to miss the way everyone in your office had begun whispering amongst themselves.

"These are for you, please sign here."

The man handed you a pad to sign and although you were very confused you did so. He sat the comically large bouquet on the only empty spot on your desk and walked away. For a moment you simply stared at the monstrosity in front of you, before finally plucking the card from the flowers.

It held no words, nor any indication what the flowers might be for, just the initials L.M.

You didn't have to be a detective to know who sent them. The stares of co-workers began to make you feel uncomfortable and so excused yourself, choosing instead to take off early. The complaints of your manager fell on deaf ears as you gathered your things. Their arguments became void once you informed them you would be working from home for the remainder of the day.

You couldn't seem to leave the building fast enough after that, completely forgetting about your beautiful bouquet in your haste. As you reached the busy streets of LA you breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Now all you had to do was figure out why Lucifer had sent you such and over top gift. A man standing by a very expensive looking car, held a sign with your name on it and you frowned.

Or maybe the better question was, why is he spoiling you?


Lucifer had been impatiently waiting for your arrival home. He'd practically spent the day scheming of ways to either get you to forgive him, or distract you from your anger. He nearly jumped to his feet when he heard the elevator doors open.

You walked out, carrying several shopping bags, which you unceremoniously dropped onto the ground. Your expression was neutral, and you stared him down. Lucifer cleared his throat a little as he slowly approached you.

"Did you get my gifts?"

You slowly sat your phone and new sunglasses on top of the bar.


Your short answer did nothing to ease his nerves and Lucifer frowned.

"Did you not like them darling? I can get you anything you want, just say the word."

You furrowed your eyebrows, shaking your head.

"Alright, what did you do?" You sighed.

Your question seemed to confuse him, and he looked a little lost.

"I'm not sure I understand..."

You motioned to the shopping bags on the floor.

"You bought me flowers, sent a driver to pick me up from work, who then took me shopping. And despite how much I protested and told the manager, that I didn't want or need a whole new wardrobe. They insisted because you had called the store and told them to get me whatever I wanted, and when I didn't want anything, they brought in a stylist."

Lucifer opened his mouth to respond but you held up a hand.

"I drew the line at getting a new car, do you know how hard it was to convince the dealership I didn't want it? Not easy, because apparently you already prepaid. So out with it, what trouble did you get yourself into?"

Lucifer stared at you a moment, gathering his thoughts, as he tried to figure out what to say.

"Well actually, I was hoping you could tell me. I assumed you were angry with me, so yes I may have gone a tad overboard attempting to win your forgiveness but I-"

"Angry with you?"

It was you who looked confused this time and you walked over to him.

"Lucifer, why would I be angry with you? I haven't even gotten a chance to actually see you today until now."

He seemed to mull over your words and you suppressed a smile.

"Yes... well I suppose you're right..."

You giggled at his expression and you took the drink from his hand setting it down on the table. You grabbed his hands.

"Luci, I was upset because work called me in early, they shoved a workload to large for one person onto me, and I was stressed. I'm sorry I snapped and you and then hung up on you, not my best moment, but I'm in no way mad at you."

Lucifer stood up just a little straighter as he pulled his hands from your grasp.

"Well that was an unfortunate miscommunication, wasn't it? Now that everything has been cleared up, why don't we- Hmf!"

You had grabbed his shirt, and pulled him down for a kiss.

"Don't act tough Morningstar, I like your vulnerable side too, I think it's sweet you were worried."

Lucifer grinned down at you, moving his hands to hold your hips.

"I can be even sweeter if you'd like me to be my dear."

You laughed at his remark, but wrapped your arms around his neck nevertheless.

"From venerable to sinful. Now why don't you prove to me just how sweet you can be?" You teased.

He chuckled, drawing you closer to him.

"Darling, I'd love nothing more.'