
A Father's Love

Word Count: 1665

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar  x daughter Reader

Warnings: slight angst, possible trigger, but it's basically just fluff in this one

A/N: Request from , and thank you to who helped me brainstorm!

Summary: Lucifer was not the father type. He didn't even like children, but here you were staring at him with innocent brown eyes, his eyes. He couldn't help it if he was feeling protective.


"Another PTA meeting." Your mother scoffed reading the slip of paper you had brought home school.

You hung your book bag on the hook by the door, before walking to the living room.

"You don't have to go mommy." You muttered.

Your mother rolled her eyes, searching the cabinets for something to drink.

"If I don't those stupid teachers of yours will probably have even more reasons to gossip about me won't they?"

You remained silent, simply staring at the floor as you sat on the couch.

"If you weren't here, I could be going out with my friends, actually my life again."

You didn't cry, to use to her saying that for it to bother you any longer. It was quiet for a moment and then you heard her rummaging around in your room. You slid off the couch, heading in the direction of your room, to watch her throw clothes and various other things that belonged to you, in a black garbage bag.

"Mom? What are you doing?"

She ignored you for the most part, only answering after she had shoved all your clothes into the bag.

"Taking you to see your father, Lucifer, you'll be staying with him for a while."

You frowned, as she pulled you to the car, she had never mentioned your father before today. In fact anytime you asked she brushed you off or told you she couldn't remember. The ride was full of a tense silence, your mother acting even colder than usual and you had no desire to be the first to speak.


"Come on! Hurry up!" Your mother snapped.

She pulled you rather harshly by your arm. You stared up at the tall building in awe before your mother dragged you inside. She took you to the top of the slightly intimidating building, handed you a note, and then she left. She left you standing alone in the home of a man you didn't know, she left without a goodbye. Without telling you why she was abandoning you, leaving you to think you had done something wrong. You weren't sure how long you sat there, alone and confused until the elevator doors opened and a man in a suit came strolling out.

"Hi." You said.

The man froze in his tracks and just stared at you. Watching you as if you were some kind of threat.

"What are you doing here child? Where are your parents?"

You held out the note for him to take, and he grabbed it from you as if you had some sort of disease. You couldn't help but smile at that, thinking it was slightly funny. Lucifer's eyes skimmed across whatever words were written on the page. He reached the end of it and looked between you and the page.

"How old are you?"

"I'm six, my name is Y/N."

He eyed a few words on the note before scoffing.

"No. This is absurd, she can't honestly expect me to watch you while she's out partying? When is your mother coming back child? Perhaps I can find someone more willing to watch you."

You looked towards the black garbage bag that held all your belongings.

"Mommy isn't coming back."

Lucifer fell silent, and cleared his throat.

"I see..."

You turned to look out the window, and Lucifer stood there awkwardly for a moment. You tried very hard not to cry, and Lucifer must have noticed, and started to panic slightly, he had no idea how to deal with a crying child.

"Here child, watch whatever please, I'll be just a moment." He said handing you the remote to the TV.

While you were distracted he slipped out onto the balcony and pulled his phone out. He waited impatiently for the person, he was attempting to call to answer.


"Detective Douche, sorry Daniel, hello, I need a bit of advice."

"From me? Are you sure you weren't trying to call Chloe?" Dan sounded skeptical.

Lucifer leaned back, checking on you for a moment.

"I'd prefer to keep the detective out of this for the time being. You're a fairly competent father-"

"Oh thanks man that's really nice." Dan said sarcastically.

"Focus Daniel, as I was saying you have some experience with children, I need a few tips on how to deal with a child, about your offspring's age."

When Lucifer walked back after talking with Dan for what seemed like hours he didn't see you anywhere.

"Y/N? Where have you gone to?"

He wasn't use to this sudden feeling of panic he had at the thought of losing you.

"This is not the time for games."

You still didn't respond, and he was just about to call Chloe when you walked out of the library carrying a book.

"You have a lot of books Lucifer. Can you read me this one?"

You held up the book, looking at him with shining brown eyes, that reminded him of his own. He instantly felt relieved he hadn't lost you, but he wasn't about to sit down and read you an impossibly long book.

"Do I look like a storyteller, can't you read?"

Your smile fell slightly and Lucifer felt a dull ache in his chest. He sighed and took the book from your hands. You stared at him nervously waiting for him to turn you down again.

"Oh alright, story couldn't hurt."

You smiled widely, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the couch.

"Well, you're an impatient little thing aren't you?"

You only laughed and sat on the couch.

"I must get it from you."

Lucifer chuckled at your sass and sat down beside you. He opened the book and you moved closer to him to look at the pages.

"Mommy never read to me!"

Lucifer frowned looking at you surprised.

"The more I hear about your mother the more dreadful she sounds. Honestly, it's a wonder a woman like her even kept you as long as she did."

You looked down at your lap, biting your lip. Lucifer didn't seem to realize how his words sound to a six-year-old.

"I tried to be a good daughter for mommy, but I guess I got her mad too much." You muttered.