

The crystal of doom. That single name was enough to send the whole earth and heavens in panic. Sophia, Lucifer's mate who is the sole being who could redeem Lucifer of his curse and save the world from destruction embarks on a journey to unleash her powers sealed by her mother before she died. Born from the angel of war , Micheal and the most powerful demon, Julia, she wields immense power and is hellbent on saving her mate and ensure the safety of the world. But what happens after the crystal of doom is broken and the whole world saved but her souls gets scattered? Join me as we explore the journey of the FL who dies in her world, only to reincarnate as the devil's mate. " damn it! by body hurts like hell." she groaned trying to sit up " welcome to hell my queen." a girl who appeared to be in her twenties said offering Sofia a warm smile.

Janet_Muema · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

chapter 13

" How can I?" she said seductively, slowly biting her Lower lip.

Raphael looked at the little seductress on top of him and couldn't help but chuckle.

The speed at which she adjusted her emotions baffled him but he liked her nevertheless,she was the best thing that ever happened in his long desolate life. she brought warmth and light to his dark world.

He was determined to keep her safe from anything. He was already getting accustomed to having her in his life. Her smile kept his heart beating,her little touches maintained his sanity,her lustful gazes kept his darkness in bay, that's just how important she was in his life.

Loosing her will be loosing himself, loosing to his darkness,he didn't want to eventually succumb to darkness,he wanted this little ray of light called Sophia to accompany him forever,but he of all people knew that her fate was determined.

Her destiny was the source of his redemption. He couldn't help but curse when he thought that he will be the cause of her pain in the future.

" concentrate." came the mellow voice from his little kitten.

Sophia could see that he was distracted and was not paying attention to their lovemaking. She wasn't that happy so she pinched his waist that woke him From his daze.

" What are you thinking about?" she questioned but her voice came out like a moan, jesus, what's wrong with me.

" Thinking about how I will bend you over abd ram into you until you cry my name out loud." he replied winking at her to control the mood.

Sophia chuckled softly. She couldn't believe him. He was always thinking about naughty stuff always but she liked it nevertheless. He was her's and she was he's so they could do absolutely everything including nothing.

" Be patient my love,now it's me to take the control." she said in a low seductive voice.

" Anything for my Lady." He replied. He wasn't used to seeing her so active to initiate their intimacy except for peppering little kisses to him from time to time.

Sophia started moving after adjusting to his size,she started slowly fast but her pace increased. She was riding him like there was no tomorrow,her moulds bouncing with each move she made.

Raphael appreciated the view Infront of him. He moved his hands and grabbed her pink moulds and started fondling them. He earned a moan of satsifaction from her lips. Her moans were the sweetest music to his ears. Grabbing her a*s he gave it a tight slap and Sophia jerked from the sudden invasion of pain.

"Raph..." Sophia cried.

" what is it my love?" he asked.

She continued ridding him and felt her climax building up.

Raphael realized that she was already coming and though he wanted to prolong this more,he knew she would be tired soon. He grabbed her slim waist,the one he loved the most and started guiding her, moving to meet her thrusts. The sound of heavy panting and flesh slapping filled the entire room.

Sophia's moans reverberated in the room while she came collapsing on top of Raphael firm chest.

He held her in place and with one deep thrust,he exploded, emptying his seeds deep in his mates womb.

They remained in that position, Sophia on top of him until he heard her soft breath indicating that the little woman was fast asleep.

He gently lied her to the bed and proceeded to take clean towel,wet it and gently wiped her.

Her gently kissed her forehead, carresing her cheeks he swore to protect her forever.

Raphael laid next to her abd scooped the little woman in his hands and they slept off.

Sophia was in deep slumber when she started seeing what seemed like memories of the old Sophia. They were blurry. She concentrated and finally could make up some words.

In the memory,her father,was speaking with the mysterious man who had visited Sophia. They were talking in low voices and it seemed like Sophia was eavesdropping.

" You better think this through,you know what will happen if she is married to Lucifer." The man said.

" Why are you even concerned,angels and demons don't mingle,so why are you concerned about my daughter. The mark has already started forming,it's her destiny,do I have a say in this? do you think I want my daughter go be sacrificed for that outcast?"

" That man is the cause of my family's demise,if he hadn't incited that wretched witch,I would be happy with my child and wife." The man retorted.

"What's the use of holding grudges, that woman was not even your mate,why don't you let go of the hatred,it will only lead to More pain." Advised the grand Duke.

" What do you know? I don't care if she isn't my mate,she was a woman I married and had a family with. I lost both of them thanks to him." The man roared,his eyes turning to a darker shade of red.

" So to achieve your revenge on him, you want to use my daughter?" Sophia's dad asked.

" How can that be considered using her,I will save her from the pain and agony of the future." he replied.

"And by saving you mean poison my daughter to death?" Now Sophia's dad was equally furious.

"It's the only way to avoid her fate and by doing that, that stupid angel will suffer from intense pain. loosing his mate and his only chance of redemption,he will understand how it feels to loose something you treasure." he declared viciously.

Looking at the bitter demon before him,the grand Duke could only sigh and shake his head.

" is it worth it? do you want to sacrifice the whole world peace just to get your revenge. Are you ready to face him after you succeed in your ridiculous ploy?" Sophia heard his father ask.

" I can sacrifice anything just to get back at him." the man refuted.

" You are hopeless. I will not help you in your stupid plans and I won't persuade my daughter go partake in such ridiculous ploy." The grand Duke said and walked away.

" One way or the other,I will surely fulfill my plans." The man shouted but heard ni reply from the retreating back.

Actually,he could understand why the grand duke did not agree to help him. Yes, he wanted to save his daughter from the pain but with his righteous nature, he would never sacrifice the safety of the land just to save his daughter.

But to him, this revenge was what was keeping him moving,the thought of his daughter and wife filled his heart with hatred and resentment.

He knew that hatred was the strongest tool that even ones willpower couldn't defeat so using it, he drove himself to fulfill his mission.

so what if the world fell in to chaos? how was that any of his problem? as long as his beloveds were not there with him,what's the use of a peaceful world? He didn't give a damn about anything,he only wanted to finish this mission and join his family in heaven if he was allowed. He didn't even mind going to hell,as long as he had taken his revenge on that man.

Sophia who was standing on the corner had listened at their conversation.

What man was she destined to be with? And the mark,was it the dragon mark that had started appearing from her shoulder? what was the connection between her destiny, that man and that Mark? she couldn't tell.

She wanted to ask someone but who could tell her? nobody could tell her about it.

She was going to find out more about that. She wanted to turn away when she felt someone tapping her shoulder. She turned only to be met face go face by her father.

" You heard the conversation?" she said but it was more of a statement than a question.

She couldn't look him in the eye and looked down nodding her head.

" No matter what your fate is, you yourself should make the decision and not be forced by someone. The decisions you make will determine how to carry on with life,if to continue fighting for what seems important or back down and surrender." Her father informed and turned to walk away.

Sophia wanted to run after him and ask more details but she decided against it. she'll try getting more information herself.

Sophia woke up later during the day, looking through the drawn curtains,she knew it was evening already. She tried moving only to realize that she was tightly held in place.

Raphael was scooping her in his hands,one hand around her waist while his legs were locked tightly by he's.

A small smile formed on her lips. This is exactly the kind of life she wanted. A man by her arms, everyday, everytime. she snuggled further in his embrace enjoying his warmth.