
Lucas in yugioh

An office worker absolutely bored of life, passing days doing nothing but working the only moments in his life that he actually felt exiting about was when he played Duel Monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh)watch as he gets reincarnated by a godly taking pity on him in the world of duel monsters.

Xx_AlbiC_xX_C · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs


...Lucas was walking home after a hard day of work, he was thinking about how his life sucked.

Arriving home he groaned, remembering about that online yugioh tournament he signed up for, starting his pc up, he checked the tournaments website to find his first opponent, Lucas easily beat him and moved on to the next until he eventually won the tournament, getting his prize and all he was turning of his pc when suddenly he got trapped in an ad or something, it asked strange questions 'would you like to change worlds' thinking it was all a joke he clicked on yes, the next question was 'what would you bring with you' [all memories related to the plot of yugioh and all yugioh card knowledge] he responded and well you know how it goes, he suddenly transported into the body of Lucas from the yugioh world.

He was first assaulted with all the memories of yugioh world Lucas, getting a Basic understanding of his situation that being one of the richest person in the yugioh world and that he was orphan with a huge company, then he was transmigrated 2 months before the first season plot and apart from that it seems that there were a few changes to cannon like how synchro, link and xyz summons already existed well better for him.

knowing about all the millennium bullshit that was about to happen, he had to make the perfect deck, he searched online for all existing cards and most of the ones in his past world were there, looking through all of theme he was torn between 3 deck, the blue eyes deck, the most annoying deck the spyral deck or the Zombie deck, thinking about the pros and cons he eventually went for a zombie deck.

Searching for them he bought them all, this was his deck:

monsters: Despair from the dark ×2, Shiranui spectralsword ×3, Shiranui samurai ×2, Gozuki ×3, Mezuki ×3, Shiranui squire ×2, Shiranui spiritmaster ×3, Shiranui solitaire ×3, Shiranui spectralsword shade ×2, plaguespreader zombie ×2

spells: Zombie world ×1, book of life ×2, swords of revealing light ×2, mystical space typhoon ×3, Ghost meets girl-a Shiranui story ×2, Axe of despair ×3

traps: Shiranui style swallow's slash ×2, Mirror force ×2, Negate attack ×2, call of the haunted ×2

Extra deck: Shiranui samuraisaga ×2, Shiranui shogunsaga ×2, Shiranui sunsaga ×2, Shiranui skillsaga supremacy ×1, Number 22-Zombiestein ×1, Shiranui squiresaga ×1, star eater ×1, blood mefist ×1, crimson blade ×1, dark rebellion xyz dragon ×1, bujinki amateratsu ×1

"hahaha not a bad starting deck is it" Lucas said laughing out, now we wait for duelist kingdom but first I have to get recognized, good thing that the japanese national tournament is right around the corner.

1 month later...

"ugh finally the tournament is starting, lemme see who I'm going up against...hmm Rex Raptor the first game, perfect at least I'll get the duelist kingdom invitation if I beat him hehehe" Lucas murmured in a low but creepy voice.

'Hmm I think it was this dueling stadium, ah there he is Rex Raptor'

"From the left side, last years winner REX RAPTOR, from the right side Lucas Shura, the CEO of Shura corps, now that the introduction is over time to duelllll" the announcer said "Rex raptor is going first as the coin flip says"

"Okay, I summon souleating oviraptor in attack position using its effect I send fantastical dragon phantazmay to the graveyard I set 1 card face down and end my turn, what you gonna about it twerp" Rex said

"okay it my turn I summon Shiranui squire in attack position using its effect I summon Shiranui spectralsword from my deck in attack position, then I synchro summon Shiranui samuraisaga" Lucas said, then on the field the mighty samurai was summoned, lucas placed a spell card down "i activate my spell card mystical space typhoon destroying your face down card, then I activate Ancient rules summoning Doomking balerdroch in attack position, then I activate axe of despair and equip it to my Doomking, I attack souleating oviraptor or whatever it's called with Doomking balerdroch cutting your Lp down to 2000 then I attack with my Samuraisaga effectively winning my duel" Lucas said smirking

"nooooo" wailed Rex "impossible my dinosaurs"

Lucas shrugged an walked out of the arena, getting in his car he drove back to his company