
Lowly Ascent

Within a desolate realm, where discarded worlds were stitched together, a rupture tore open, releasing a small child into this fragmented expanse. Above him, the sky revealed three eerie moons, while an ominous black mass loomed ominously in their wake. Disoriented and engulfed by a putrid stench, the child awakened amidst a swamp, its twisted trees groaning under an oppressive haze. In the distance, the echoing caws of crows intensified the sense of foreboding. To the child's bewilderment, a haunting figure emerged, laboring behind a cart laden with lifeless bodies. Fear and confusion grip the child's heart as he began to grapple with the enigma of his own existence. Who was he, and what dire fate led him to this grim landscape? The grinning figure drew closer, exacerbating the boy's terror. Unbeknownst to him, his journey would unveil a profound transformation—an ascent to become the embodiment of fear itself, or perhaps... a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

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358 Chs

Second Harnessing

It was only a few days before the ceremony. Cain was back in his residence.

Yun'er had felt better when she woke up. Cain took the chance to apologize and lied, telling her he'd agreed to marry. He felt the world glow when Yun'er's face brightened up. It was like her only joy was realized.

Agreeing to marry the princess gave Cain more freedom which allowed him time to accommodate the Thousand Faced Spider.

By now, the preparations for the ceremony were in full swing. Cain didn't know how to feel. The news had spread across the Seven Provinces and many were coming to witness the event. He didn't know how he was going to get out of it.

Even if he had more freedom, Cain was still restricted. Always under watch, it was impossible to leave even if he changed his face.

'After this, the heavenly jade will turn to dust. I'll have no more energy to make it to the growth stage.... let's just do this.'

Cain sat down in a lotus position with the heavenly Jade in hand. He then began the harnessing process on his left arm. Slowly, sigils were inscribed, they glowed white with heaven's energy before dying red.

An hour went by, and the last sigil was carved. Cain looked at his hard work before focusing again.

The heavenly jade in his hand turned to dust and the red sigils became white just like before. He sighed and took out a soul contained in a strange box.

'The Emperor gave me this and the Ying Yang armor as a dowry....'

Wrapping the soul in Spiritual Qi, trapping it. He brought it closer to his arm before a suction force took over. The spider screeched but it was ultimately sealed within Cain's left arm. The sigils shook and glowed before disappearing.

'I can now change my face, and I can create steel-like webs that can be used like traps or weapons.'

Moving his left hand, Cain swiped across his face and then looked into a bronze mirror.

"As of right now, the effects are so-so. I need practice, I can only change my facial structure somewhat, but I still resemble myself. Which means escaping is impossible."

Cain's eyes turned dark, he then gazed at the black and white armor on his bed.

"To protect..."

He walked over and picked up the armor, it was heavy though it was no longer embedded in stone.

Putting it on, Cain sent his qi into it, causing the armor to flicker before disappearing from his person.

'An option to hide. Good.'

Time was running out, and Cain's options had been run dry. His thoughts were erratic and spreading to every idea he could conceptualize.


Leon stood before his master, his excitement was flaring.

"It seems he will lash out lord. This half has such a great attachment to his memories."

The young man on the throne was no longer there, but it didn't matter, he heard Leon's words and responded to his servant.

His voice came from the world itself, it was monotone but powerful, "Indeed, one of the weaknesses I was banking on. His emotions for a dead wife run strong. He will no doubt refuse the marriage because of it, lest his guilt destroy him. Laying in bed with another woman almost did the same.

"It doesn't matter, everything has come to completion, my plan is set, and the dark path is the only way for him now. We'll see if it works, everything will depend on his choice."


Inside the Immoral Sect. 

"Master Master! A messenger has come to deliver the object you requested." Zoe ran with joy jolting through her body. She'd finally get the chance to go on the offensive.

Lady Moon was cultivating, she opened one eye, her face grave.

"Zoe....it will be hard to capture or even charge the boy now. Alas, I have been given the news he is set to marry the favored Princess of the Sun Dynasty. He will be untouchable."

Stopping before her Master, Zoe's movements became rustic, her joy slowly altered to hopelessness, a scowl appearing on her face.


Gazing at her Disciple who was acting akin to a broken record, Grand Elder Moon stood up and smiled.

"Don't worry little Zoe. I will still use the Imperial Treasure to check. If this young man murdered someone, I will warn the Emperor."

The Master and Apprentice headed outside and found the messenger waiting patiently.

"My Lady. I have the 6th Tier Treasure you requested, the Water Mirror." The messenger revealed an intricate blue mirror, the surface of the mirror rippled like water.

Sending the mirror to Lady Moon, the Grand Elder took hold and studied it. Her face turned warm and tender. "Thank you for delivering it. I hope Sister will come visit one of these days."

"I'll make sure to tell my Master. I hope the mirror helps you." The messenger bowed and left.

As they disappeared into the distance, Lady Moon became grim. "Come, Zoe, we must see the true colors of this Disciple." The Master and Apprentice left as well, heading to the scene of the murder.


The scene of the murder was preserved using Immortal Arts. It was a small hut that all Outer Disciples knew well, they all had one.

Blood colored the floor, from the ceiling dripped blood flowing out of hanging guts and organs nailed to the roof. It was a grizzly scene that wasn't for the faint of heart.

The door creaked open, peering inside Zoe went closer to her master as she covered her nose, the smell was pungent and ghastly.

The Grand Elder too scrunched her nose and the Water Mirror came out from her clothes. Streams of water escaped from the surface of the mirror and investigated every inch of the room like a police hound.

A glow came from the mirror and the streams returned.

Zoe looked at Lady Moon, "Master, what does the mirror exactly do?"

Grand Elder Moon patted Zoe's head. "It will show the past, my Disciple. It's a tool related to divination, a water fox was used as the soul. They are known to see things in water, making them incredibly hard to catch."

The mirror returned to Moon's hand, she held the Mirror and waved her hand. The mirror shook before the rippling water created a scene.

It was night. Qin Zemin returned to his house. He has been distraught after losing his prized axe. It took him ages to acquire it, only for it to be taken from him and then broken. Preparing for bed, he took off his clothes, he didn't like wearing anything when sleeping. Too hot for his taste.

Suddenly, the door creaked open. Qin Zemin turned and his face became warped. "It's you! What are you doing here?!"

Stepping through the door. Cain could be seen illuminated by the moonlight, his eyes glowing red and insidious. Seeing him, Zoe gasped, fear crept into her heart. Even her Master felt afraid looking into the boy's eyes, along with a deep sense that she must kill this person by any means possible. This was a natural feeling all people had for the red-eyed youth, it was due to his evil nature. 

Cain cracked a smile, it caused Qin Zemin's spine to shiver. "Why can't I be here? Since when did rules affect me?"

Taking a step forward, Qin Zemin fell back.

Cain laughed, "You are not that lucky, you got the short end of the stick I tell you. I need to make a statement, and you're the only available option. Hate the heavens, not me."

What happened next caused Zoe's blood to run cold, her eyes became watery and she quaked as Qin Zemin's screams came from the mirror. Grand Elder Moon couldn't watch long and looked away.

'This person must be killed. I knew by the state of the murder it was bad, but seeing it...this is against nature.'

Qin Zemin's screams continued for almost an hour, Cain didn't let him die. Every time the outer disciple was close to death a small strand of red exited Cain's finger and healed him. By the end, Cain got bored and killed him by disembowelment. He then strung the remains throughout the house.

Watching it all, Lady Moon was filled with rage. But that flame turned cold as Cain's eyes landed on hers.

"A treasure to see into the past huh? Interesting. It won't change anything though. In the end, you will all die just like this poor fool!"

The Mirror cracked, the water ripples froze and the entire mirror shattered in the Grand Elder's hands.

"This.....this.....how is this possible...."

To shatter a 6th-tier treasure so easily should be impossible. Not to mention the Grand Elder was using it to look into the past!

"Zoe, we must go warn the Emperor immediately. No, we must warn everyone! Come with me to see the sect leader!"

"That won't be necessary Moon."

The Grand Elder turned, disbelief and confusion apparent on her face.

"Sect Leader?"